EDD April 2013..cont

I will be starting this week... once a week shld be enuf right, I hear some pregnant ladies drink every other week.. do we need to eat the flesh?

Nestled amidst the quiet and serene nature in the north-eastern part of Singapore, Aixin Mummies is the only one-stop wellness and confinement center in Singapore to provide stay-in confinement services for mummies. Our nannies are specially selected and undergo intensive training to ensure that we provide our mummies and babies the best care during the confinement month.

We also provide antenatal classes for mummies; pre/post natal & aqua yoga; herbal bath and massages; guidance and massages for breast-feeding mummies after birth; slimming massages and tummy binding after birth etc.



I will be starting this week... once a week shld be enuf right, I hear some pregnant ladies drink every other week.. do we need to eat the flesh?
Autumnfall, some ppl say dun nd eat the flesh some ppl say can eat, so tink its very individual. They say eat flesh is heaty is to neutralize the Liang of the juice. I posted this question in FB The New Age Parent page bout how much shd we consume, tink no exact quantity. Alot mummies come up w diff answers, So tink it's up to u. Tink I'll jus stick to once a week n increase to twice a week Lata.
I think these days anywhere between 2k to 2.5k is the norm... actually oso not much la, they work 28days and 24/7 lol maybe like $3/hr lol... any idea how much to give for opening and closing angbao?
Iceydragon, you are so good at avoiding high sugar in blood conten! Wah... I am ashamed, am quite the glutton and have just finished a high tea buffet full of carbo, savory and sweet stuff! I was thinking, heck it, I'll just indulge for now and control after that. :p....

plus I don't drink much water, especially when I'm outside shopping hahah...

Sherlee, have taken just coconut drink just once... I was advised to just take up to twice, when nearing labour time...

glad all my shopping for baby stuff is done, except for stroller and breast pump. Those I think can get later when really need...


Hahaaaaa lynngoh... m a glut too... I eat n eat dun care so much cos already look so big n bulky. So eat 1st n talk lata. N I drink very little water too. Not so much of a water drinker.

Btw my friend have Avent Single electric breast pump to let go. She bot it but end up no milk n no patience to try bf hence she is selling it. Brand new box opened but unused. Wanted to pass to me but too bad I bot mine already. Let me know if any of u ladies r interested.

I jus left Cheong Choon fm buying all the necessity. Almost done w my shopping except 4 bb cot. Will wait n c where got gd bargain. Prices at Cheong Choon is very reasonable n aunty winnie is very helpful. Bot some Pigeon bb wipes at expo oni to find out tat CC is cheaper..... sob sob.... will buy bb stuff fm CC next time. Dun nd to source elsewhere.
Hehe actually I like CC no just cuz of the price but becuz hubby and I are both first time parents.. I remembered we walked in and went like, 'what do we need to buy?' At that point we only bought cot and stroller and winnie helped us sooooo much... she even showed us photos of her granddaughter and how her daughter manages her... lol in e end we bought all that she recommended and now we r all done with buying lol...

Anyone went to baby fair? Heard there's a huggies 3 for $10 value pack, my mil went n bought for us...
My cl quoted me 2.2k n I confirmed her before I was 3mths.

since I already got early contractions, hubby ask me delay drink green coconut. Better wait till after week 37 then drink. Ya flesh don't eat, drink can Liao, hearsay is make baby cleaner n less bloody when deliver.

i finish buying everything today. So happy. Hehe now just waiting n waiting....

and I already got indigestion problems n heartburn so I can't eat much since 2 weeks ago.. N sad thing, I got swollen feet since this morning Liao even though I cut down on sweet n salty food. No choice I guess.


Hi all! Have been super busy at work so haven't been able to log in...it's great to be hearing updates from everyone! Gets me motivated to get my hospital bag packed too!

Saw my gynae yday when I turned 34 weeks. He said baby is about 2.2 kg and looks like will come in late Mar or early April...means prob week 38 onwards. No signs of baby coming soon so it means I still have abt 1 month to enjoy my quiet moments with hubby...I've started drinking coconut water yday and drank again today until I read from you guys that once a week is sufficient (oops!).

As for confinement lady, mine cost abt $2.3k incl of a surcharge of $200 coz I appointed a particular CL from the agency (PEM). Requested for a pro-breastfeeding CL so hopefully won't have to deal with the issues autumnfall mentioned abt BF vs FM. Found out also that agency's price is quite competitive to freelance CL (was once quoted 2.8k by a freelance CL!) so can consider getting from PEM. Not happy with CL also can change for free. Only drawback is the CL earns much lesser than freelance - not sure if that will affect her motivation to work hard for u.

For BF PJ, agree that wet market with stalls selling PJ n bras might be useful places to look. I got mine at abt $38 for 3 pcs (2 cheapo silk type n 1 cotton) at People's Park Level 3 (near CC). But have to say that designs are very limited that's why I only managed to find 3 quite ok ones.

On another note, did my maternity shoot today and it was real fun! Brings back memories of my wedding shoot which was done 5 yrs back! Can't wait to see the pics!

Thanks for the CC recommendation, autumnfall! It sounds like a great place to check out! :)
How much do u give for the angbaos?

I oso heard that jus start drinking from week 36, once weekly or something...

I oso got heartburn, everytime I lie down I feel like tt e food I jus ate gushing out and im panting... irregular heartbeat and uncomfortable chest, is tt heartburn? Haiz im waiting and waiting too...
No prob pigletbao...

Wah seems like so many of u gonna pop early! So envious!! My baby was arnd 2.3kg at 33 weeks last week too, do hope he can be out early.. cant wait to meet him!!! Its so excited, seemed like ytd I found out abt him and now he's coming to become a major part of my life hehe...

Although e pregnancy was a difficult one, it sure was memorable and exciting... 9 mths is such a short time yet such a long wait.


Yeah... I think 2-2.5 is reasonable.
Pigletbao recommended PEM and then I found out my friend used them too and so I felt comfortable using them.

As for Ang bao, I heard the beginning just 20-40 is fine but the leaving part varies from 60-100, depending on how happy you are with their service.

Went to Cheong Choon today and so happy with my Shower cum changing station as it was priced only at 149! Got some nuk milk bottles too and am happy with the price. Thanks for the recommendation on this place.

Did you guys buy a sterilizer?
My fren gave me hers, its pigeon sterilizer... I think if u wana breastfeed dont need sterillizer first, can buy after birth... better to latch on fully for one mth before pumping...


Hahaaaaa lynngoh... m a glut too... I eat n eat dun care so much cos already look so big n bulky. So eat 1st n talk lata. N I drink very little water too. Not so much of a water drinker.

Btw my friend have Avent Single electric breast pump to let go. She bot it but end up no milk n no patience to try bf hence she is selling it. Brand new box opened but unused. Wanted to pass to me but too bad I bot mine already. Let me know if any of u ladies r interested.

I jus left Cheong Choon fm buying all the necessity. Almost done w my shopping except 4 bb cot. Will wait n c where got gd bargain. Prices at Cheong Choon is very reasonable n aunty winnie is very helpful. Bot some Pigeon bb wipes at expo oni to find out tat CC is cheaper..... sob sob.... will buy bb stuff fm CC next time. Dun nd to source elsewhere.
I was there yesterday too !! Are you the one speaking with the auntie in Cantonese ? N yes their stuff cheaper! Many thanks to autumnfall for posting about Cheong choon.

Btw, dear all MTBs, just to share,I signed up membership at Tom & Stefanie's yesterday. It's lifetime at $10 only. Can get 10% off all regular-priced items. I feel it's quite worth it cos their collection quite big. Baby toiletries, clothes, BF supplies, toys etc etc, practically everything that we will need. Regular priced items already at quite reasonable rates. Can go when feel lazy to travel to Cheong choon. :p


Any MTBs been to the baby fair this weekend? Any good bargains to look out for ? Am still thinking whether to go.. Trip to Cheong choon already exhausted me out now that tummy is so big n weather is so hot!! Hopefully by the time we give birth, weather will cool down a little.

And, are you all getting formula milk in advance ? Not sure to get one small tin in case no milk supply...


Anyone has trustworthy confinement ladies to intro? Which agencies shld I go to? Haiz very vexed... this cl I contacted asked me to give my baby formula cuz she says baby not enuf milk will tend to be hungrier and harder for them to slp. Haiz I worried she might not be supportive of breastfeeding so I rejected her service.. now im very vexed...
Sorry to hear about this. I wished I knew of trustworthy ones to intro you!! For my case, my mum got a distant relative to help out. Then I'll be giving her 2k as she's not really experienced, only did confinement for her own daughter before.. Like what a fellow MTB said, a lot of CL actually finish up the nutritious stuff then serve mummy diluted ones. :(
You able to ask your mum or MIL to help you out ? Or perhaps try to talk to that CL again ? I believe if you insist on full BF, she also can't reject. But do have your mum or MIL visit often or stay over if possible.. Can help to "supervise" the CL while you are resting. Good luck autumn fall !!!
Hello yasumi, actually my mum volunteered to help me out, think she doesnt like the idea of having a confinement lady but haiz my mother insists I stay over at her hse and we have a dog there, my dog is very spoilt and pampered, worried that the dog might attack my baby...

There's a 3 for $10 huggies promotion, I didnt go but mil bought 9 packets for us..one packet has 24 pieces... not sure if baby is gonna use it all becuz they are all newborn sizes....


Went to Cheong choon too, liked the prices and the Aunty but it was definitely small and crowded! But with so much savings, I can't complain! :)

Not getting formula milk yet.. Probably wait a day or two after delivery to see how the little one takes to breast feeding. :)