EDD April 2014

Morning ladies! It's a wet morning (again)...

Ya, same here! I felt tight and heavy too but it's only when I'm about to get to bed. Especially tough finding a comfy position to sleep. I don't remember having this during my first pregnancy too. I only experienced carpal tunnel back then but it only lasted for 2 days. I'm hoping this time, it won't come back to me.

Anyone started sleeping on their left most times?


Morning ladies! It's a wet morning (again)...

Ya, same here! I felt tight and heavy too but it's only when I'm about to get to bed. Especially tough finding a comfy position to sleep. I don't remember having this during my first pregnancy too. I only experienced carpal tunnel back then but it only lasted for 2 days. I'm hoping this time, it won't come back to me.

Anyone started sleeping on their left most times?
Gynae says it doesn't matters left or right, just don't advise to lie on the back


I used to sleep on my sides.. But now that I'm always experiencing lower back and hip pain, couldn't help but to flip to my back for some relief. I realized that baby tends to kick alot when i'm lying flat.
Gynae says it doesn't matters left or right, just don't advise to lie on the back
Yup! My gynae didn't specifically mention that I must sleep on the right or left too. Just creating a topic so we can get this forum moving... Thank God it IS moving now...

But I read online that sleeping on the left will bring the blood to our babies easier. So I tend to keep that in mind and sleep on my left most of the times. LOL!:shyxxx:


2nd time mummies, any advice where to get for baby cot or stroller? I thought of going baby kingdom to settle these two big items. Any brands to recommend?

Is there a need for sterilizer and warmer ? And is unimom breast pump really good? I'm in Korea now , maybe I should check out the price.


I bought my son's capella pram at baby hypermart. Also located at kaki bukit. But I doubt I'll get the same brand agn cuz it spoilt after 3 years of usage.

Unimom have some good reviews online you can google them.

Sterilizer, I bought pigeon rapid steam sterilizer. Pretty good. .stay away from the pigeon 3in1 sterilizer cuz its really crappy. Regretted getting it last time!!

Warmer, its included in the 3in1 sterilizer.. its super useless.. my mug of hot water can warm the milk faster than the warmer.


Didn't buy any cot for my 1st.. we co-sleeped. Therefore im not really sure. Ive seen a few standard ones at IKEA, considering to get. But will look around first!!
I got my daughter's stroller from Motherswork at Great World City. I love that brand! It's still in very good condition now. I'll just need to get the connecting thing (the one for my daughter to step on). But 1 bad thing, is that it is heavy. Though heavy, I don't have to worry about the stroller toppling over when i hang heavy things on it cos it's very sturdy.

I also didn't buy any baby cot, just co-sleep cos it was really easier for me to just latch baby while I lie on my sides to nurse her at night.

I bought Avent steriliser and warmer (comes in a package bought at one of the Taka fairs). I think sterilizers are really useful. I still use it now. As for warmer, agree that sometimes a mug of hot water warms faster than the warmer, but this is only true for me if I off the warmer switch and needs to turn on to warm it. Sometimes the warmer overheats my breast milk! And there goes all the nutrients inside! :(
Do mummies here prefer pram or carrier, or both? My boy's pram spoilt already.. Not sure what to get next!

I prefer both pram and carrier too. Carrier is easier when she's younger (less than 6 months). Below 6 months, I will always use carrier most times. My daughter falls asleep faster and easier upon hearing my heartbeat (maybe). In strollers, she cannot really fall asleep unless she's super tired.

Which carriers do you all have in mind? Or have already gotten?
Just curious.

What's everyone's weight here before pregnant and what's your weight now?
I only gained about 2kg since my last visit to the gynae.

Pre-preg weight: 42kg
Current weight: 47kg
Pre-preg 42kg. Only put on 3kg at week 20

We're about the same here! Have you been eating a lot? I don't eat as much as my first pregnancy. My first, I always have durian feasts. Now I don't yearn for it so much. Anyone indulging in durians/avocado? It's been said that babies will grow bigger if we eat/drink that.


perkyperky:844405 said:
Do 7mummies here prefer pram or carrier, or both? My boy's pram spoilt already.. Not sure what to get next!

I prefer both pram and carrier too. Carrier is easier when she's younger (less than 6 months). Below 6 months, I will always use carrier most times. My daughter falls asleep faster and easier upon hearing my heartbeat (maybe). In strollers, she cannot really fall asleep unless she's super tired.

Which carriers do you all have in mind? Or have already gotten?
I will be getting ergo the next time I see it at fairs :p


perkyperky:844410 said:
Just curious.

What's everyone's weight here before pregnant and what's your weight now?
I only gained about 2kg since my last visit to the gynae.

Pre-preg weight: 42kg
Current weight: 47kg
Pre-preg: 41kg
Current: 42kg

Going down to kkh for appt soon, hope I wont get a shock when I take my weight later. Hahahaha


perkyperky:844418 said:
Pre-preg 42kg. Only put on 3kg at week 20

We're about the same here! Have you been eating a lot? I don't eat as much as my first pregnancy. My first, I always have durian feasts. Now I don't yearn for it so much. Anyone indulging in durians/avocado? It's been said that babies will grow bigger if we eat/drink that.
Not fancying durians at the moment, but im loving avocado juice!! Not sure if it will grow bigger leh.. I dont want perineal tear again. T.T