EDD April 2014


Im anticipating for baby market in april.. but if we happen to go into labour on those days, then no need go liao :(

Insurance ah.. Maybe get AIA. Same as my son.. not very sure about all these things leh..


New Member
Hi, ladies! First time mum here. Just wanted to ask if anyone of you will be buying a breastpump? If so, buying before or after giving birth and manual or electric? Opinions /advice are welcome. TIA! :)


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm due early April 2014 too. I'm reading the thread about baby clothes. May I ask about the name and location of this shop?


I think no name for the shop and I can't find exact address. But this is what I googled.

"there is this shop in bugis oppo guan yin temple, they sell cheap bb clothes in bulk, min 6 pieces per design... no signboard for this shop, it is tucked behind the public toilet."

"If you stand in front of the temple's main entrance (back facing the temple), you'll see a building with lots of shops selling dry goods/ chinese medicine on the ground floor. The shop is the left-most corner unit on the ground floor."


New Member
That's very helpful! Will go check it out :)

Hv yet to buy anything so I think I should start looking around..haha


New Member
Thank you for the clear directions. So they sell min 6 pc per design. Can mix colours at least? I will go this weekend. :)


New Member
Hi all!

I'm joining the group too! Been getting faint positive on test strip since 2nd August for 3 days and finally tested on ClearBlue Digital on the 4th day and got a "pregnant" with "2-3".. I tested few days earlier, last menses was on 5th July.. =P

Went to the gynae last Saturday and thankfully the scan can be done via abdominal and not vaginal scan.. For early pregnancy, usually its toooo small and they have to do via vaginal.. Mine is super small, waterbag is only 0.6cm, estimated 4 weeks and 5 days last Saturday.. EDD will be 12 April 2014.. For those going to the gynae soon, do remember to DRINK MORE WATER before the scan, it makes the scan more visible..

Gonna head back to the gynae again next Friday to see if we can see the baby's heart beat. Actually hubs and I are heading overseas end of the month, gynae recommend us not to go but we shall see if baby is more stable next week!

Congrats all!
Hi, I have the same EDD as you. 12 April. :)
Hi, ladies! First time mum here. Just wanted to ask if anyone of you will be buying a breastpump? If so, buying before or after giving birth and manual or electric? Opinions /advice are welcome. TIA! :)
Hi there! I bought Medela PISA. We had a discussion on this before. You might want to scroll back and read through what the other mummies had recommended too. Cheers!


New Member
i'm now contemplating if i should hire a confinement lady. Everyone is saying i should but i just don't feel very comfortable..hah! I intend to get my mum & in law to help out in the day and i'll take care at night.

You ladies? Who is helping you to look after ur newborn?


viclou:845751 said:
i'm now contemplating if i should hire a confinement lady. Everyone is saying i should but i just don't feel very comfortable..hah! I intend to get my mum & in law to help out in the day and i'll take care at night.

You ladies? Who is helping you to look after ur newborn?
If your family is willing to help then why not? Can cut cost too! My grand mother will be helping me out. :D
i'm now contemplating if i should hire a confinement lady. Everyone is saying i should but i just don't feel very comfortable..hah! I intend to get my mum & in law to help out in the day and i'll take care at night.

You ladies? Who is helping you to look after ur newborn?

Totally feel you with a stranger in the house. It's like being INVADED! haha! When my first was born, my grandma comes over to help me out in the day. The nights are always baby and I. The bond will be there and besides, nobody says it's easy being a mom! Lastly, it really can cut cost and also brings me and my grandma closer!


New Member
OMG...i feel so much better now knowing its OK to not hire confinement lady...haha!its my 1st born so i guess everyone around me is a bit more paranoid :p


Hi all mummy to be, where did you all buy nice and affordable elastic bottom? I think my clothes are not enough to last until April