EDD April 2014

Not fancying durians at the moment, but im loving avocado juice!! Not sure if it will grow bigger leh.. I dont want perineal tear again. T.T
Vailey, yours was perineal tear? Your gynae didn't perform episiotomy on you prior to baby coming out? Perineal tearing is not nice.................


perkyperky:844436 said:
Not fancying durians at the moment, but im loving avocado juice!! Not sure if it will grow bigger leh.. I dont want perineal tear again. T.T
Vailey, yours was perineal tear? Your gynae didn't perform episiotomy on you prior to baby coming out? Perineal tearing is not nice.................
Doc didnt came in time.. he came when my baby is half out! the stitches was awfully pain. Even more painful than contractions!!!!


Took my weight at clinic.. gained another 2 kg! Looking forward to the growth 2 scan at the end of this month.. :p

Just went to a shop near guan yin temple to get baby's pyjamas. So excited ♡.♡
Slow and steady weight gain! Isn't it good?

Oh that shop! I have been there! It's really cheap and good!!! I always go there to buy my baby's pyjamas!


perkyperky:844469 said:
Slow and steady weight gain! Isn't it good?

Oh that shop! I have been there! It's really cheap and good!!! I always go there to buy my baby's pyjamas!
Hahaha how many piece did you get for your nb?
I bought like 8 sets of pyjamas for her back then. Now no need to buy anymore, cos my tummy baby can wear her jiejie's clothes! Hahaha!


perkyperky:844482 said:
I will be getting ergo the next time I see it at fairs :p
Is ergo good? Mine is Manduca and Beco.
My friend using ergo told me that it's good. But actually Im contemplating between ergo and manduca.. bcause theres a difference in price for ergo original and organic. And manduca's carrier are all made from organic cotton.. but I like ergo's design more~~~ *headache*

How your manduca doing?


Took my weight at clinic.. gained another 2 kg! Looking forward to the growth 2 scan at the end of this month.. :p

Just went to a shop near guan yin temple to get baby's pyjamas. So excited ♡.♡
hi may I know where exactly? How much per set? How many sets we should prepare.... Sorry ask so many questions haha


Hahhaha that's fast. They sell in bulks so 6pc for $12 for tops and pants. Mittens and bootie 4 set for $10.


I kinda forgotten how many sets I had for my 1st.. tentatively I now have 6 short sleeve tops, 6 long pants, and 4 long sleeve pyjamas set.


Check the opening hours / day before you go ya. A few time I deliberately bypass there when im out.. it's was closed. :( lucky me today.
My friend using ergo told me that it's good. But actually Im contemplating between ergo and manduca.. bcause theres a difference in price for ergo original and organic. And manduca's carrier are all made from organic cotton.. but I like ergo's design more~~~ *headache*

How your manduca doing?
My Manduca is ok, still working well. But I heard reviews saying comparing Beco and Manduca, Beco is better. Another brand pognae is also not bad, according to my mummy friends. But I wouldn't want to spend on carriers anymore. Already bought 2.

What other upcoming baby fairs are there? Anyone thinking of buying insurance for the little one in our tummies?