Edd dec 2012



Her rash is slowly getting better as its not as red as before le. Currently using Huggies NB (as written clinical prove prevents nappy rash).. think will stick to this brand first ba..

As for burping, i usually let her sit upright on my lap, both hands support her back n neck with her mouth open.. n move her in circular motion. This method is tot by nurse n infant care teacher saying to let them burp faster n it really works.. instead of patting their back upwards coz we duno how big is our strength to bb.

Wearing hat for botak bb.. is advice from my MIL.. mm just do what she say lor.. older pple has different experience bah.. but only scared wear hat too long got heat rash nia..

Oh no... Im using the light bean husk leh. No wonder not heavy enough.. the 500g green bean put into a pillow bag will do le right?

Mreow mreow
noted. Will be more careful :(

thanks. Ill go see see.. will stick to this cream for few more days. :)


Yupz, my mom sew the beans in the pillow case. Cos my stupid husband have the bad habit of coughing suddenly and frighten the bb so I have to use the bean bag for all my babies lol


Lol.. haha my hubby does that too.. sudden cough beside her.. she jumped up from sleep n start crying.. poor thing. Guess i need to sew a heavy one for her... :x


Mreow yeah like ecila said babies have priority at polyclinics. Will be very fast wif appointments. Yep it's done in a room but it's connected to other rooms which are used for immunisations too. So d nurses will be going in and out. Can be quite distracting when d nurse attending to us is explaining things. Like dat day I brought Nurin for her jab there was this foreign couple wif their son in d other room. D nurse attending to them was finding it hard to explain to them abt something and so d nurse who was attending to me n Nurin had to go over n explain. It caused me n Nurin having to wait more than 15 mins for her to come back n explain to me d upcoming vaccinations. Haizzz Nurin even managed to finish her feed while waiting. Hahaha

tcmy, I'm 33 turning 34...1st child a princess born at 34 weeks...now 11 weeks old, corrected age 5 weeks :)

Mreow Mreow

U all gonna shave ur Baby's hair?

My Hubby wants to, even though we Both prefer babies with hair.

Those mummies who did shave, how was d experience? :)

My fren even cut her gal's eyelashes.
Came out very thick, black, long n curly after that...

Mreow Mreow

Liza, I'm at the polyclinic now!

I dun wanna hold Danika which she gets Jab so my Hubby is doing it! :p

The other times when drawing blood for jaundice he pushed it to me.
Said he can't bear to see.

Wahaha. Now it's his turn :p


Momo.. i brought the cream ytd.. n her rashy seems gotten much better . Not as red le. Now waiting for the skin part to recover.. :)

Mreow mreow, i've shaved my girl hair botak now.. my mil n some old folks say that after u shaved bb hair, it will grow back faster.. plus abit of olive oil rub gently on e hair part after every bath, help fast grow of hair n hair colour will b very nice de black next time.. my bb hair grow quite fast from what i see this few days.

Hehe, im 22 this year n baby clara is 1month 4days old today. :)


Ecila.. young but there tons to learn.. kinda pathic n discouraged due to lack of experience.. happy that im here with so many experience mummies. Thanks everyone :) :)


Mreow how's Danika after her jab? Hope she's alright. Hahaha at least u can excuse urself wif ur hubby ard. I couldn't since hubby had to work. Hopefully next mth he can come along hehehe
I took Nurin to her check up wif her doctor tdy. She's doing great n going back there for check up again only in April. :D

tcmy, most of us here are FTMs or First Time Mommies. Not so experienced also. Hehehe so we are all learning from each others' experiences n we also exchange views n reviews on baby products. :) hope u will find ii helpful ya


Yea :) sharing advice can learn different kinds of things too..

I'll be bringing Clara for e hep b jab next monday, hope she will b fine ba.. as for the previous jab (e jab taken in hospital) .. is it normal to see the injection area pop up?(pic below) nvr see such popped up before..


Mreow Mreow

Liza, danika is fine! Thanks.
She only wailed for 4secs then went back to slp!
The nurses said that she is very brave, compared to many babies...
Was Nurin cranky throughout the day after her jab?

My gal's arm had something like that too.
But wasn't as big.
After her warm bath yesterday, the pus oozed out a little and now it's dried up.

Danika is now 4.455kg!
She gain 1.39kg since birth 5weeks ago.
Sometimes carry her for 10mins can feel the ache in my arms!!!


Mreow mreow.. so shld i wait till the pus ooze out itself or need burst it to let it dry up.. but i scared she pain..

Who else bb has this problem ? Care to share?


Mreow! Wow! Danika really brave! Hehehe glad she's fine. She had gained quite a lot too ya. Nurin was 3.710kg tdy. Dunno abt tmrw. Hahaha she's getting chubbier n rounder.
Yeah Nurin was a lil cranky after d jab. But after her 2pm feed she slept soundly till evening until my mom joked dat maybe d nurse had jabbed her wif tranquilliser instead of hep b. Hahahaha she slept so soundly n made d slightest movement a couple of times only! Lolz

tcmy, my baby Nurin also has it too but not dat big. Juz small n haven't burst yet. From wat d nurse told me at d hospital dat time after they jab Nurin we can juz leave it to burst by itself n let it dry. Juz bathe baby as usual. :)


Momo, one month from the injection taken at hospital is the date bb can have next vaccination. U can go polyclinic because it free for compulsory vaccination, if you need additional protection maybe can try ask around other clinic.. Some clinic can use CDA/ parent medisave also.


Once after i posted, it burst that night. Lol.

Mummies, have u all come across wrong timing when changing of diaper n ur bb just pee or poo at u? Haha.. im feeling super sui for this week .. almost every time of changing tio me T.T have to re-clean everything again .. pathic me.. :(

Mreow Mreow

Tcmy, I always kenna that. Alot of times.

At one diaper change, poo came out at 5 different intervals!
After that, 1 pee.....
Yours got as bad as mine? :)

I really pray my Hubby kenna that.
He only kenna once! :p

98555004, her name is Kak Ayu!
Hmm, can u speak Malay?
If not, possible to get a malay speaking fren to help?
Her English is quite poor...
She charged me $60 per session.
Binder $30.