Edd dec 2012

Mreow mreow,

Haha I get what you mean.. Occupational hazard. Like I work in toa payoh I never want to go toa payoh during weekends! But to others, your job is still wonderful.. Get to travel around. :)

Slow cooker is really a good investment. I use that to boil bird nest and the cordyceps soup. Used it almost every week. Next time will also need it to cook porridge for your baby!


Morning all!

Mreow Mreow: yeah I noe wat u mean...occupational hazard...Lolz dat I think is d softer way to put it hahaha even me I dun go airport if I'm not working unless if really need to go like sending off friends or relatives...n i dun even step into other bookshops since I'm working in one...going into bookshops is not as exciting as before even though I love my job hahaha ironic isn't it? Dats occupational hazard I guess :) yep I'm delivering at Nuh even though it's in d west n I'm living in AMK...I guess it's d comfortability n d way I'm treated during every check up dat made up my mind to deliver there...distance doesn't matter as its easy to get there from AMK :D

momopeachgal: yep I think mine is one of d earliest EDD here...hahaha so u tried flipping? Last nite I'm turning more gently n my hubby said its better than before...it was scary to see me turn in my sleep before lolz I can't sleep on my back anymore too...d longest is like 3 mins n I will have to turn either left or right to be comfy again...will feel a little breathless since baby is bigger n heavier now
Monopeachgal, double boil means u put the bird best in a small ceramic bowl with water and some rock sugar for taste, then the bowl u put in a big pot of water and let the bird nest cook while the pot of water boil. Must put the ceramic bowl on a stand inside the pot. Hehe hope understand how I describe. Oh buying the piece form it's measured in 'liang'. So say about 12 -15 pieces is about $300+. each time cook one piece. Depends on how much u consume for those bottle form cos I felt can eat more per piece each time. If buy bottle de u don't really eat as much bird nest bah unless your consumption is more so it's about the same.

By the way my friend also recommend white fungus which is also gd for nourishment and much cheaper. Maybe when my bird nest finish will buy that. Anyone heard about eating white fungus??

Mreow Mreow

lizasaifi: yes I tried the sit up and turn then lie down. v ma fan la hahaa.. I prefer flipping now hehehe.. yaps i cant slp on my back either ler.. actually when i sit down i also feel uncomfy.. dono y.. r u excited that ur EDD is coming? :D:D

and mummies out there.. Lets say your EDD is 18th Dec, when will you girls start to go on maternity leave?

Hmm, momopeachgal, I feel comfy sleeping in my back le!!
I dont experience much discomfort yet. Only when I climb the stairs, I do feel a little out of breath.
Other than that, I still move about Like non-preggy.
Im turning 28weeks so Maybe I'm not too far along in pregnancy yet to feel all the discomforts?
I love back sleeping.
Read that cannot do so but I don't feel any discomfort at all.
Dunno whether can continue or not. Haha...
We are indeed 1 income lesser, but no choice I guess...
Hubby doesn't want me to tK any Part-time job during these 9months also... :(

Yes, Cherry Blossom, white fungus is good.
I do take it occasionally in soups :)
And yes, my job is good. I do enjoy my job.
That's why I miss flying... Enjoy the lifestyle.. :)

Momopeachgal, read that Bird Nest is Piece form is much better.
Bottled form has more preservatives & usually has lesser qty of birdnest!! :)
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New Member
Hey ladies!
Sorry, I don't follow the thread very closely, my memories is very bad now! Haha... I also flip and move about like I am not pregnant; my colleagues n friends are always panicky for me. Haha.
Even though its is said that sleeping on the side seems to provide more relief for mommies, I still feel that sleeping on my back is comfy leh. As in, if I sleep on the side I need a cushion to support the tummy or else I feel it "sagging" down and gives me more discomfort. :( so imagine every night if I flip, I gotta move the duvet, shift the bolster, bring along the small pillow. Haha! WHAT A CHORE! So sometime I get so sleepy n tired I sleep on my back!
But my back is very bad and was once rush to the hospital bcoz the pain is too unbearable; so doctor advise me to always sleep on the side to lessen the pressure on my spine.

Anyway, I wanna share these with all of u! :D
The husband went and order this from G-market thru a friend. It's this uber BIG U-shaped pillow that can support our body all through-out. Hubs though it should be good for my back and help me sleep better. :D It just came today, tried it out, it is really quite comfortable. But not enough support for the "sagging" tummy when sleeping on the side. But on the overall bcoz you can adjust how closely it hug you. It really take some relief off the back and provide additional support around the hip area to relief some tummy weigh. Haha!

But... I think it's quite costly. $100odd? :(
But I tell myself never mind. Next time can keep baby inside when I let baby sleep on bed with me. So investment. Haha.


New Member
This is how the pillow look like. :D
Be warned though its really huge! The hubs got a shock and keep laughing and saying that he must sleep on he floor with that on the bed!


Mreow Mreow

Hey ladies!
Sorry, I don't follow the thread very closely, my memories is very bad now! Haha... I also flip and move about like I am not pregnant; my colleagues n friends are always panicky for me. Haha.
Even though its is said that sleeping on the side seems to provide more relief for mommies, I still feel that sleeping on my back is comfy leh. As in, if I sleep on the side I need a cushion to support the tummy or else I feel it "sagging" down and gives me more discomfort. :( so imagine every night if I flip, I gotta move the duvet, shift the bolster, bring along the small pillow. Haha! WHAT A CHORE! So sometime I get so sleepy n tired I sleep on my back!
But my back is very bad and was once rush to the hospital bcoz the pain is too unbearable; so doctor advise me to always sleep on the side to lessen the pressure on my spine.

Anyway, I wanna share these with all of u! :D
The husband went and order this from G-market thru a friend. It's this uber BIG U-shaped pillow that can support our body all through-out. Hubs though it should be good for my back and help me sleep better. :D It just came today, tried it out, it is really quite comfortable. But not enough support for the "sagging" tummy when sleeping on the side. But on the overall bcoz you can adjust how closely it hug you. It really take some relief off the back and provide additional support around the hip area to relief some tummy weigh. Haha!

But... I think it's quite costly. $100odd? :(
But I tell myself never mind. Next time can keep baby inside when I let baby sleep on bed with me. So investment. Haha.

Hmm... Since ur back hurts after sleeping on your back, u should try not to...
Luckily ur hubby bought the pillow for u!! :)

For me I still continue sleeping on back cuz I don't have Any pain at all...
Actually everybody says my tummy very small..
If im not wearing tight fit Shirt, most can't tell I'm preggy too.
Maybe that's why I don't feel the pressure of the uterus?
Dunno man.
Gonna ask gynae if I continue sleeping like that...


Hi momopeachgal

How's it going? Hahaha excited is juz one of the feelings I'm having now dat EDD is getting nearer by d day! Lolz lots of other feelings too but of coz mostly is happy n wonderful feelings. I'm lucky to have a supportive husband n mom. N I have a cousin who's close to me who can give me lots of advice on being an ftm cuz she already has 2 kids n she's younger than me. Hahaha
I've started to buy things n clothes for my princess. Wun be buying too many clothes as I noe a friend is giving me some hand me downs from her girl n also ltr during baby shower surely some ppl will give clothes as gifts. Baby grow very fast so mite overgrow clothes n then become wasted if cannot fit them.
As for maternity leave I've already discussed wif my HR n store IC as to when I would like to start my leave as I would like to clear my balance leave of d yr before I start my maternity. So hopefully baby will cooperate by coming on time. Heehhehe will have to talk to her to be a gd gal n cooperate wif mummy. Hahaha

Mreow Mreow

Hi momopeachgal

How's it going? Hahaha excited is juz one of the feelings I'm having now dat EDD is getting nearer by d day! Lolz lots of other feelings too but of coz mostly is happy n wonderful feelings. I'm lucky to have a supportive husband n mom. N I have a cousin who's close to me who can give me lots of advice on being an ftm cuz she already has 2 kids n she's younger than me. Hahaha
I've started to buy things n clothes for my princess. Wun be buying too many clothes as I noe a friend is giving me some hand me downs from her girl n also ltr during baby shower surely some ppl will give clothes as gifts. Baby grow very fast so mite overgrow clothes n then become wasted if cannot fit them.
As for maternity leave I've already discussed wif my HR n store IC as to when I would like to start my leave as I would like to clear my balance leave of d yr before I start my maternity. So hopefully baby will cooperate by coming on time. Heehhehe will have to talk to her to be a gd gal n cooperate wif mummy. Hahaha

Ur Baby shower is before birth of ur Princess?
Wanted to do that also but decided to combine it instead with 1month Celebration.
Having baby shower before Baby's birth is western tradition ya? :)


Hi momopeachgal

How's it going? Hahaha excited is juz one of the feelings I'm having now dat EDD is getting nearer by d day! Lolz lots of other feelings too but of coz mostly is happy n wonderful feelings. I'm lucky to have a supportive husband n mom. N I have a cousin who's close to me who can give me lots of advice on being an ftm cuz she already has 2 kids n she's younger than me. Hahaha
I've started to buy things n clothes for my princess. Wun be buying too many clothes as I noe a friend is giving me some hand me downs from her girl n also ltr during baby shower surely some ppl will give clothes as gifts. Baby grow very fast so mite overgrow clothes n then become wasted if cannot fit them.
As for maternity leave I've already discussed wif my HR n store IC as to when I would like to start my leave as I would like to clear my balance leave of d yr before I start my maternity. So hopefully baby will cooperate by coming on time. Heehhehe will have to talk to her to be a gd gal n cooperate wif mummy. Hahaha

Ur Baby shower is before birth of ur Princess?
Wanted to do that also but decided to combine it instead with 1month Celebration.
Having baby shower before Baby's birth is western tradition ya? :)
Nope will have it together wif baby's 1 mth too...for us Malay/Muslims we have 1 mth celebration when we have thanksgiving prayers...by then I think many friends n relatives wld surely give gifts n presents rite :D hope to have it end of yr for my princess if she cooperates hehee
Yeah baby shower is western tradition...not for us Asians hehehe

Mreow Mreow

Nope will have it together wif baby's 1 mth too...for us Malay/Muslims we have 1 mth celebration when we have thanksgiving prayers...by then I think many friends n relatives wld surely give gifts n presents rite :D hope to have it end of yr for my princess if she cooperates hehee
Yeah baby shower is western tradition...not for us Asians hehehe

Yaya true...
It's ur culture to engage Massage ladies right?
Chinese have been following Malay's traditions! :)
Have u decided on 1 yet? :)


Nope will have it together wif baby's 1 mth too...for us Malay/Muslims we have 1 mth celebration when we have thanksgiving prayers...by then I think many friends n relatives wld surely give gifts n presents rite :D hope to have it end of yr for my princess if she cooperates hehee
Yeah baby shower is western tradition...not for us Asians hehehe

Yaya true...
It's ur culture to engage Massage ladies right?
Chinese have been following Malay's traditions! :)
Have u decided on 1 yet? :)
Yeah I have but haven't call her yet...recommended by my cousin who juz gave birth :D her price is quite worth it since she provides everything...even do massage on baby...so quite gd I guess :)
I think now more Chinese mummies engage Malay massage ladies for their post natal treatment...saw in d other threads some users exchanged contact numbers of Malay massage ladies...dats great! :D
Wat abt u? U gonna engage Malay massage lady for ur post natal treatment?

Mreow Mreow

Yeah I have but haven't call her yet...recommended by my cousin who juz gave birth :D her price is quite worth it since she provides everything...even do massage on baby...so quite gd I guess :)
I think now more Chinese mummies engage Malay massage ladies for their post natal treatment...saw in d other threads some users exchanged contact numbers of Malay massage ladies...dats great! :D
Wat abt u? U gonna engage Malay massage lady for ur post natal treatment?

I am definitely engaging one but I have no idea who to engage. Haha. :D
Yep, alot of promoting gg on in many threads.
Not sure how to tell if they r reliable. Haha.


Hahaha Mreow Mreow yeah dats why I asked my cousin to recommend me. More reliable. If u want I can pm u d massage lady contact no n u call her n ask. When is ur EDD ya?


Mine is 18dec.

Any idea wad the lady does?
WhAt kind of wrap and do we have to wear the wrap/binder as well?
Oh yeah...urs is after mine...I remember now
She will give u a whole body massage...n if u ok wif jamu or traditional Indonesian herbs, she will prepare for u to consume...yes u will have to wear d wrap/binder n I must tell u dat it's very very tight from wat my cousin told me...but it's gd n beneficial to get ur pre-pregnancy body back :D as for baby she will bathe baby in this flower bath so dat baby can be cured or prevented from getting jaundice n also a massage for d little one...u can choose between 5, 7 or 10 days package I think...I mite choose 7 days...let me noe if u want d contact k


Hi Ladies!

Wow just over the weekend, our posts here have increased! :)

I also just flip my body but each time i flip, i am quite concious coz my hubby always say i am turned to the other side too fast.. but seriously, i think i still dunno what is a "lighter" way to flip.. hahaha i will lift up abit of my body before fully turn over to the other side.. feel heavy turning.. think i need to gain more energy to carry the weight.

I'm also looking for more choices on post natal massage lady. My cousin has introduced one to me and she said it is very good coz she used her service but i have a little doubts.. $787 for 7 sessions (including transport already), without using jamu, use non-fragrance oil. i don't mind the charges, but when i talk to her, she sounded very arrogant and it seems like she doesn't have a website to see and i am not sure if she will give me a receipt when I place deposit. She also said that i shd book in advance 3-6mths from EDD, so i feel even more sian coz I don't know how to get black and white that i will be engaging her service.

Karenoon: I've bought a boomerang nursing bolster too, which can be used for prenatal mummies to hug and sleep sideways.. quite comfy but when u are going to turn the other side, it's heavy and troublesome so i just put it one side, the other side, i will place a medium sized pillow for me to hug then i don't have to carry that big bolster to the other side.. :) cost $126. brand: Theraline. I will use a small baby pillow to put under my tummy as well and it feels more comfortable than without it.. haha how's yours? is it good to use and less troublesome than mine? :)

Mreow Mreow: u mean now national carrier doesn't allow u to take unpaid leave for your pregnancy and maternity? very wasted to quit leh... my cousin took unpaid leave for 2 years during her pregnancy, national carrier allows leh.. now she is happily flying around again. Wow u still can sleep on your back! so envy.. i think mine likes me to sleep on my left... when i sleep on right, he keeps kicking/punching me non-stop on left and right tummy and sometimes feel wriggling in the middle of the tummy.. but when i sleep left, the action is milder for a while, before he kicks again.. hahha

Lizasaifi: Your EDD is so soon! how are u feeling now? have u gotten all essential things prepared? do update us on your birth story when the time comes ^^

Momopeachgal: I also feel out of breath when i climb up the stairs. In fact, i feel my heels quite painful even when i walk around in my house just after awhile.. at night, get my hubby to massage my feet for me when i feel that it's very red and sore.. i feel sian that i can't do much exercise now.. my hubby said my feet feels sore coz it's not strong enough to carry the weight.
Also, my ideal maternity leave will be on the delivery day.. hahha that has always been my ideal maternity leave ever since i understand the meaning of maternity leave.. omg i sound so old. :p
but right now, i am already taking unpaid leave and rest all the way till next year before going back to work coz my office environment is quite hazardous and I had spottings recently, so gotta rest more at home..
some of my friends took 2 weeks in advance of EDD. Think when the time is nearer, can also seek advice from gynae on when might be the possible actual EDD before deciding how many weeks in advance u wanna take. :)


Lol Momopeachgal, my first trim was a terrible morning sickness all the way till a month ago, my puling is slightly better only... I have used up the leaves already lol :)

My sore is not very very swollen kind... It is yah just red n sore at the heels portion... Especially right heel.. Yah the veins are very obvious hor... I see Liao very scared..haha


Yah damn long.... Was almost close to dehydrated at start of trim 2, got onto drip and stuff.. :( i've lost lotsa weight and simply gone skinny... but I feel good I can finally eat more now and gain back some weight... Although sometime feel like puking again recently.... I hope the indigestion doesn't come back to haunt me badly! :/
I am now on unpaid leave all the way, so HR says my maternity will start 4 weeks before EDD.. According to MOM. Lol so no choice, just say ok... Haha at least I don't have to go back to the dangerous office environment...