Edd dec 2012


Yes Mreow Mreow, the talk was general but it quite surprised me that even the way u shake milk bottle is different from what I saw my mum they all did last time when making fm for my nephews and nieces hahhaa and pacifier life span is so short...lol
Yes, my EDD is 17 dec hahaha

So now we have EDD 17,18,19 dec mummies here all in week 27 and getting excited to meet our little ones! hhaha

By the way, when I did the 3D scan, baby's eyes are closed... And at first he was face down, and he turned to show us when we called him.. Lol But he very busy (my gynae says he very bo eng). Hands keep moving up and down - cover face, then put down hands show us his face, then up, then wave..

I wonder if he will b that active when he's delivered! Coz I am super duper active n playful person before pregnancy!! I hope he's more like his daddy "guai guai" and listen to me kind.. :p

Any idea if we really need the following for newborn?
1) sling carrier
2) receiving blanket
3) Muslim cloth
4) swaddle
5) stroller

Hi Momopeachgal, welcome! I have bird nest on alternate days or two days apart..

Hi Cherry Blossom
I am in TMC Sunday 3pm class :)
Ya I agree those classes actually most of the things I already know cos I read alot too.. But it's more like a refresher course but good to attend cos it teaches certain things we don't see in textbooks. :)

I take bird nest once or twice a week.. I brewed myself but frankly there's seems to be no scientific studies that bird best gd haha but just eat lor since normally won't have luxury to eat . :)

I'm also thinking of buying a sling or carrier. Felt safe to carry him with a sling when he is in a sling but dunno what brand to buy. :)

Mreow Mreow

Yes Mreow Mreow, the talk was general but it quite surprised me that even the way u shake milk bottle is different from what I saw my mum they all did last time when making fm for my nephews and nieces hahhaa and pacifier life span is so short...lol
Yes, my EDD is 17 dec hahaha

So now we have EDD 17,18,19 dec mummies here all in week 27 and getting excited to meet our little ones! hhaha

By the way, when I did the 3D scan, baby's eyes are closed... And at first he was face down, and he turned to show us when we called him.. Lol But he very busy (my gynae says he very bo eng). Hands keep moving up and down - cover face, then put down hands show us his face, then up, then wave..

I wonder if he will b that active when he's delivered! Coz I am super duper active n playful person before pregnancy!! I hope he's more like his daddy "guai guai" and listen to me kind.. :p

Any idea if we really need the following for newborn?
1) sling carrier
2) receiving blanket
3) Muslim cloth
4) swaddle
5) stroller

Hi Momopeachgal, welcome! I have bird nest on alternate days or two days apart..

Hi Cherry Blossom
I am in TMC Sunday 3pm class :)

Swirling bottled FM instead of shaking I have already read in books as well...
Yep, guess its more like a refresher course for some mums and an enriching course for some =)
Win-Win Situation...

Haha, I hope baby is more like Hubby too! Not like me, so active..
As it is Doc already pointed out certain facial features in my baby girl that is Definitely from my hubby & not me... haha!!

Man, i wish during my 3D scan, she will move about alot too...
MamaDt, during ur scan wondering when ur baby did those small hand actions, rather than punches & kicks,
could you reallly feel them as u were lying down?
Or is it very subtle type?

Oh, the Stroller Salesman told us that we only need stroller at 2-3months onwards so it isnt really a Must-Buy before Birth..
He said our 1st month will be spent at home, 2-3months we will most probably carry baby so later buy also can..
But anyway me and hubby bought already.....
Now its sitting in StoreRoom waiting for the Owner..
Wahahaha! :D

Just buy 1 Receiving blanket to bring baby home from Hospital. Not a MUST but seems thats what everybody uses Cuz it shields baby's head..
The rest I probably wont buy on my own as some Friends want to give them to us as gifts..
Dont think they are that important though...

Regarding Sling, Ive read differing comments..
(+) convenience, free mummy's hands for other activities
Baby feels secured..
(-)OverUsage might lead to backache & slop-sided shoulders in Mummies.
And if baby lies to sleep in sling for long period, might not be good for their Spine.
Certain carrying methods might cause baby's leg to be slightly bowed as they open legs to wrap around mummy..

Hmm, so i would just get number 2 and either 3/4 for newborn!
Haha!! :)


Hi mummies n MTBs!

Just wanna highlight something here. It's not Muslim cloth. It's MUSLIN cloth. Used as washcloth or napkins for babies. Hope d info helps! :D


New Member
Wow! All you ladies r very active in nourishing yourself! I never take any tcm or herbs for myself.. :(

I am taking my bird best every fortnight, read from the forum here some ladies rave about it and yet some felt that their babies end up with more phlegm n etc. so I balance it up a little; not never take at all. And... I took those pre-cooked/bottled type. Not cooking myself. :( no one to do that at my place.

Haha!! @Mreow Mreow, you are very funny! "hot n steamy" eh?! Hurry get some action before we turn into the last stage and get too busy with baby. I gotta speak to my hubby about it, haha! For massage, I think I am okay to "DIY" but hor... Now cannot see properly alrdy! All I see is my tummy! Lol!


New Member
Haha! Oh ya! Also!
No classes for me too! And I haven prepare anything for baby arrival too. I think I am too relax! :x

Baby just turn 25weeks 4d ytd when we went for our check up; 857g. I saw his fat chubby cheeks when we did the 3D! So cute!

And to all the mommies who have active babies! I feel you! My little terror kicks me all the time ESP at night, he is on a routine! Kick till 2am then start all over from 530-630am. I think he is training me for his night feed. Haha.


Hi Mummies!

Mreow Mreow, during the scan, when he does the small actions, some are quite subtle like the just cover face up down of the hands, some I can feel like the "waving" one where he pushes it real fast and he was kicking at the same time so i felt the push. i am still skinny leh.. although tummy did get sharper and bigger the rest of my body is like skinny bones.. i am thinking of ways to gain back my pre-preggy weight..

Thanks for your advise on the strollers and stuff.. lol i also scared sling will hurt the spine of the baby... so don't know if i should get that..

Cherry Blossom, the coconut i read from some forum, they said week 33 can eat once a week... but not sure leh.. think for the talk and course, what she is teaching is all stated in the textbooks.. lol but i am just thinking that it is ma fan coz i can't find a good CL this time and my mummy will be helping to take care of the confinement and you know during their times, they don't really learn all these techniques but still able to brought us up so i also cannot tell her too much on how to do this correctly blah blah blah.. scared later she stress..

Momopeachgal, the birdnest I had is must cook one.. my mummy is boiling it for me.. heehee talking about alarm clock, yah, mine also start kicking slightly before his daddy's alarm clock rings.. and then i will wake up already.. wondering if it is because we are subconciously awake or is really coz baby really can sense the timing. lol..anyway, i can't really have a good sleep every night lol.. and after singing lullaby, i still have to tell baby what is night time like everyday, hoping that he will be able to sleep thru the night when he is delivered hohohoho.. :p
Hicupping is like rhythmic punches... I read the textbooks that TMC gave for those who signed up for the TMC FBI card and also reading online and a home antenatal class and childbirth book which i bought in Kinokuniya.

Mreow Mreow

Mreow Mreow: Hihi :) OOh okok.. I didn't book for any prenatal classes due to busy time schedules.. Ok I am glad that its ok not to attend hee.. So do you have any idea usually these classes teaches what kind of things? I am first time mummy keke =) So you need not work? and the way ur hubby thinks is the same as how my hubby thinks too lol..
and ok!! I shall take birdnest once a week then.. Its very expensive lol =)

MamaDT: Hi MamaDT! So you buy the birdnest in bottle kind or u buy the bird nest and cook yourself? and I read the 3D Scan that you did.. Your baby is so cute! :)
What kind of textbooks did you all borrowed? Any recommendations?

Cherry Blossom: Hi! I heard that if drink bird nest the baby come out the skin will be very smooth hehe dono if its true or not :) and same here.. Normally I wont have the luxury to eat hee.. I thinking of buying a baby carrier instead of sling, i scared i never tie the sling properly :)

and i see you girls talking about the 3D scan.. Is the scan the one that is of different color one?

what is Muslim Cloth?

Hi momopeachgal! :)

Hmm, classes teach pregnancy nutrition, some exercises, taking care of baby, BreastFeeding..
All of which U can get in a book from the Library!! :d
Don't worry!!

Ur hubby and mine very Practical.. Haha.
Mine is eldest & has raised 6 siblings. Maybe that's where his mentality is from. Haha!

Oh, for me no choice at ALLLL....
I have to QUIT my job the minute I know I'm pregnant... :(


New Member
Oh! So those rhythmic "kicking" are actually the baby hiccuping! And I was wondering what is baby doing inside; why are is he "kicking/punching" in steady beats!


Hi all

Talking abt 'hiccuping' I felt my baby kicked n pushed on both sides of my tummy at d same time this morning. Hahahaa dunno wat she was doing. Perhaps stretching n since d room inside for her is getting smaller dats why i can feel it so hard. Very cute. :)
By d way I also didn't go for antenatal classes n juz depend on books, d internet n also advices from my mom, sis in law n gynae. Bought d book 'what to expect when you're expecting' n it's very helpful wif a lot of info.
Wanna ask too. When u mummies sleep at night how do u all turn from one side to d other side since tummy is getting bigger? My hubby always tell me to turn gently cuz scared might affect baby. Hee hee is there a way to turn gently now dat it's d third trimester?



Hi momopeachgal

I bought d book from work cuz I work in a bookshop. Hee hee I think its easy to find as its one of d best books on pregnancy in d market. There's a series of it called 'what do you expect'. There's even an app for d series in iTunes. :) check it out!
Hmmm flipping...yeah I do dat too but now much more gently hahaha do u feel ur baby kick or push on d side u r lying on like for eg. If u r lying on ur left baby will kick or push on d left side of ur tummy n vice versa?
To sit up n turn somehow a bit tedious I think. Hahaha might not be able to get back to sleep if I were to sit up n turn. Think I'll juz flip or turn over ever so gently. Hee hee thx for d info!


Hahaha i have another 10 weeks or so more to go as my EDD is 6 dec! Every time baby kick or push or move I feel very excited. Can't wait to see n hold our little princess! Hee hee yes get d book! It's very gd for first time mummies! Ok u try d method tonite n let me noe of d outcome. :)

Mreow Mreow

Oh MomopeachGal,
I have to quit cause I'm a cabin crew... :'(
Wish i can continue working but My uniform is simply juz NOT cut out for Expansion at all...
And also Cause Company dont allow...
Oh wells... :(

wow lisasaifi, u have 10weeks left?!
Yup, ur EDD is earlier than most of us.. so fast that u are in your 3rd tri already.
I still have 5days to beginning of 3rd tri...
Cant wait... :)
Your baby is coming soon!!
So happy for you :D

And omg!
ive been turning in bed like as if im not pregnant.....
my hubby thinks ive been moving about like a Non-preggy as well & worries if i should be more slow/careful...
And I still sleep on my back as well!
Hmm, maybe once 3rd Tri start,
i will be less energetic..


Oh MomopeachGal,
I have to quit cause I'm a cabin crew... :'(
Wish i can continue working but My uniform is simply juz NOT cut out for Expansion at all...
And also Cause Company dont allow...
Oh wells... :(

wow lisasaifi, u have 10weeks left?!
Yup, ur EDD is earlier than most of us.. so fast that u are in your 3rd tri already.
I still have 5days to beginning of 3rd tri...
Cant wait... :)
Your baby is coming soon!!
So happy for you :D

And omg!
ive been turning in bed like as if im not pregnant.....
my hubby thinks ive been moving about like a Non-preggy as well & worries if i should be more slow/careful...
And I still sleep on my back as well!
Hmm, maybe once 3rd Tri start,
i will be less energetic..
Hi Mreow Mreow

Oh u were a cabin crew? Wif SIA? Guess wat! I work at d airport. Hahaha u're a first time mom too ya? :)

Yeah i'm hitting d 30th week tdy n yes d tiredness is becoming worst! Dun forget heartburns n indigestion too. 10 weeks mite juz fly by without me knowing it n I'm getting a bit anxious but very excited also! Hahaha
it's my first baby too n my dream comes true cuz we gonna have a princess. ;)

Lolz my hubby said d same thing to me too d other day. He said when I turn in my sleep it's as if I'm not pregnant at all. Told him dat it's kinda subconscious so can't really help it. Haha but nowadays I'm starting to turn more gently. To do dat have to open my eyes n return back to sleep. Sometimes had difficulty going back to sleep.


Mreow Mreow

Wow! All you ladies r very active in nourishing yourself! I never take any tcm or herbs for myself.. :(

I am taking my bird best every fortnight, read from the forum here some ladies rave about it and yet some felt that their babies end up with more phlegm n etc. so I balance it up a little; not never take at all. And... I took those pre-cooked/bottled type. Not cooking myself. :( no one to do that at my place.

Haha!! @Mreow Mreow, you are very funny! "hot n steamy" eh?! Hurry get some action before we turn into the last stage and get too busy with baby. I gotta speak to my hubby about it, haha! For massage, I think I am okay to "DIY" but hor... Now cannot see properly alrdy! All I see is my tummy! Lol!


I will not DIY, feels wierd to me & ive not done it before..
Haha! :p
Also, my Nails are super Long and lil Sharp..
Nails grow like Crazy ever since Preggy.
Good change from my 'never been able to grow' nails!! :)

Last tri still can get HOT n SteaMyy!! :D
Its fun to get hot n steamy.. haha

Mreow Mreow

Hi Mreow Mreow

Oh u were a cabin crew? Wif SIA? Guess wat! I work at d airport. Hahaha u're a first time mom too ya? :)

Yeah i'm hitting d 30th week tdy n yes d tiredness is becoming worst! Dun forget heartburns n indigestion too. 10 weeks mite juz fly by without me knowing it n I'm getting a bit anxious but very excited also! Hahaha
it's my first baby too n my dream comes true cuz we gonna have a princess. ;)

Lolz my hubby said d same thing to me too d other day. He said when I turn in my sleep it's as if I'm not pregnant at all. Told him dat it's kinda subconscious so can't really help it. Haha but nowadays I'm starting to turn more gently. To do dat have to open my eyes n return back to sleep. Sometimes had difficulty going back to sleep.


U dont feel uncomfortable turning in your sleep right?
Then should be ok right?
Doubt your baby girl will feel anything.. :)
Yes, im first time mummy and We are both expecting gals..
My edd 18dec, 12 days after u! :)

yes, i also feel her kicking/punching both sides of my tummy at the same time..
Like she's drumming!!
Feet and Hands moving concurrently.. :)
And yes, I feel her kicking on the side that im lying as well!
babies kick more on left when we lie left as our organs are able to be compressed properly on the left, hence leaving more space for baby to kick!

Yup, I was flying with Our NAtional Carrier..
U work at airport?? Nice!! :)
Then all the more u will know that My uniform cant expand!
I cant even zip it up now! Wahahah :)
I miss the smell of Airport, check in gates & aerobridges... ahhahah
I think I have not experience hiccup yet.. Or maybe I dunno. Cos my kicks are not in rhythnm.. Sometimes after a kick it wait a few seconds to one min for another kick.. Sometimes it's continuous .. :)

Actuslly bird best very easy to boil de.. I just soak one piece in water to soften.. Then put in slow cooker with water and Rock sugar and slow cook about 1 hour. I dunno is it the longer the better but 1 hour is enough I learnt. Some people double boil that is to prevent water from evaporating but I just use slow cooker cos it won't cause the soup to evaporate. :)


Hahahaha Mreow Mreow...yep I noe very well how ur uniform is like...every day see those cabin crews :) u can still visit d airport like for shopping or meals...many Singaporeans visit airport like every weekend! Haha
Well when I turn I feel ok...normal...yeah baby shld be unaffected since she can still kick n push whenever I turn :D I've read dat babies are well protected by d amniotic fluid n sac...so they are cushioned well except if there is a strong or violent impact...dat is dangerous!
So where are u going to deliver? I'm delivering at NUH. D service there is quite gd n very friendly nurses. :)

Mreow Mreow

Hahahaha Mreow Mreow...yep I noe very well how ur uniform is like...every day see those cabin crews :) u can still visit d airport like for shopping or meals...many Singaporeans visit airport like every weekend! Haha
Well when I turn I feel ok...normal...yeah baby shld be unaffected since she can still kick n push whenever I turn :D I've read dat babies are well protected by d amniotic fluid n sac...so they are cushioned well except if there is a strong or violent impact...dat is dangerous!
So where are u going to deliver? I'm delivering at NUH. D service there is quite gd n very friendly nurses. :)

Haha, im delivering at KKH. Service there also good with polite service staff :)
Ure gonna be at NUH? Yeah, glad to hear that they are nice too!! :D

Haha, though I miss airport,
I NEVER went back on my OffDay unless Absolutely Necessary...
And even Now I wont go!!
Thinking back to my Flying days, I used to be so Amused why Sporeans like to go Airport to Relax & also be a little Peeved at the huge crowd... :p
Guess According to my 'Ground Working' Friends, The Airport gives them a Different 'Feel'...
The place is like WORK to me, I can never Never relate to it as a Makan/Jalan Jalan place!!
Its an Occupational Hazard!!
Just Like when I go for Holidays or check into Hotel rooms, i cant ever Let my Hair down 100% & enjoyy.
Cuz its so close to Work...
Hmm, wonder if u get what I mean...
haha, like there's not SO much excitement for me as compared to ppl who arent in my Line... :(
Not good not Good...

Yep, babies are super well protected by the Water Bag..
Dont worry about your flipping!
Even Hanky Pankying with Hubby is Good for Baby..
They Like Movement.. Provides a Rocking Motion. Thats why Babies are Less active in Day when Mummies are up and about.
They are rocked to sleep.
The min We lay still, they will wake... :)

Cherry Blossom, Yes, i Do the double boil thing with Bird Nest Cuz I dont have slow cooker!
But it takes forever for me... Like 2h?
Actually I think Slow Cooker is a Good investment...
Think I might Purchase 1 soon!! :D