Edd dec 2012


Hi Liza,
May I ask what is tanggas, tungku and pilis? I tried to engage a Malay Masseuse. I think tungku is the heated pack. Pilis is the put forehead one but I'm not clear what purpose?
Hi lovepixie!

Hmmm I'm not sure wat is tanggas. Tungku is something like a steam bath to help in contracting ur womb n to break down all d blood clots in there so dat ur inside will be clean. Yep pilis is to put on d forehead. I asked my mom abt it n she said its to prevent us new mummies from getting headaches from too much wind. :D hope dat helps yeah.


Wow! D thread is moving so fast since yesterday! Hahaha gd morning all!

momopeachgal: dun worry abt ur bm...it will kick in after u deliver...perhaps d day after or 2 days ltr...if it doesn't kick in ask ur gynae abt this pill called Maxalon...it's to help increase ur bm supply...I mentioned abt it before somewhere in this thread hehehe it helped me a lot after taking it twice 2 days after i delivered :)

Mreow Mreow: wat??? $170 juz for d jamu??? Nvr heard such things before. Usually d jamu is included in d package price. Hmmm n $60 per day for an hr? I dunno...it seems like very expensive to me babe...maybe she's very gd...dats why she charged high n her jamu is very effective...dats why charged expensive...abt jamu effecting breastfeeding...it mite...I have yet to ask d ML whom I'm gonna engaged...will find out abt it n let u noe babe...

Sze sze: hope ur placenta will move up as baby grows bigger so u can go for natural delivery...ask baby to push it up n bribe ur baby hehehe it kinda worked for my cousin who was told abt her placenta being too low during her 2nd tri...by her 37th week going to 38th her placenta had moved up n she managed to give birth naturally :D

Luckystar: u went to Babies r us already? How is it? I wanna go but must wait till confinement over. Hahaha


New Member
Hi mummies. Lately ive been experiencing supa dupa tightness around my tummy and as i walk my vjj have that "tingling" sensation someting like i can feel the bby's hair.

When that happens i have to stop wtv im doing n sit. Even when im lying down on my bed, i will sometimes experienced it. It can be quite uncomfortable n painful. :(


Hello Mummies!!!

I spent quite awhile reading from page 37 to 38 of our posts here (coz was busy entertaining my nephew and aunty as well) finally finished reading

I didn't go for 3D scan... It's the normal 2D scan black and white one.... Heehee 3D scan (colour) I only did once when bb was week29/30 I think....but I know y gynae upgraded her ultrasound scan machine haha so maybe it's coz of that then I can see? It's isn't very obvious coz my hubby still cannot make up the eyes is where hahaa then I have to slowly take the 2D pic and point out the eyes, nose and mouth for him each time :)
Eyes in 2D scan - u will notice a little difference in the tone of black / grey when baby opens his eyes. So if u notice the color tone different from usual, ask doc if bb's eyes are open yah then u will realize the diff next time ^^
Mouth open in 2D scan - usually we only can see lips right... So whn bb open his mouth wide wideeeeeeee, u can really see the diff (one black hole slowly opening bigger in between lips) lol this is the only thing my hubby can tell from the scan :)
But the action of baby was really obvious from the scanning spot yah :) heeehee
Oh and I asked my gynae to show me what his hands and legs were doing else she usually only show me his face and measure his weight and checking head circumference and stomach circumference. :) so Momopeachgal, maybe u can ask ur gynae to show u ur bb's hands and legs next time ^^

Parenthood fair is in expo :)

Pardon me.... I forgot what I have read ahaha I shall end here first then re-read again and write more! Lol see ya!
Hi mummies !

Luckystar: I've been having lots of discharge that time so gynae did a test for me which needs to send to lab for testing and informed I have yeast infection. He then gave me something to insert once s week and discharge reduced a lot. :) felt so much better. Previously always wet and itchy there. Maybe u wanna check with your gynae. :)

Actually Have been reading all your posts but just switched to galaxy s3 so not very familiar With the settings leh.. hee... seems like I cannot post quick reply?

Anyone android user here can advise?


ok read..

Momopeachgal: Decal sticker.. i bought mine in www.qoo10.com.sg ^^ Nice stickers.. alot of designs for u to choose from and cheap and quality is good. Delivery takes about 1 week though coz it delivers from Korea.
Without supplements, just consultation and scan is $130++ each time. With supplements or tests, it can go to $300++ lol.. and i usually spend alot in the clinic.(about $230 - $330) coz i am a curious person and concerns alot when it is a little pain or when i see my discharge too cheesy or when i felt pain here and there and will do some tests (usually is the vaginal swab test)
My EDD is 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Dec 2012. According to bb’s weight yesterday, still on time hahah

Mizzyeika: better call clinic and ask them to seek advise yah. I only felt sometime that there's a little pain at the bladder there suddenly when i am walking and then i will stand there for a while. Then i will start thinking what is that pain and usually come out with a conclusion that it is the pressure from bb's head pushing it as the pain goes away quite fast and didn't come back.

Lucky Star: I did vaginal swab test a few times - basically is not only to check yeast infection, it also checks if there is other micro-organism in your discharge/ yeast that may affect early delivery and also to check if you are GBS or GDS positive.If it is just yeast infection, it is ok as yeast is quite common in preggy women and it doesnt affect early delivery. It is those micro-organism that may affect. You can find more info on GBS or GDS test in other thread in this forum :)
From what u mentioned on ur v thingy, i think better to consult your gynae in your next appointment yah and see if need to take a test or any cream to apply to calm the itch.

Mreow Mreow: nonono, ru yi you can be applied on baby.. it's just my choice that i don't want to apply on it daily unless seriously neccessary. :) Baby Oil can be applied on the umbilical stump to seal the wind - i heard that from my aunty who has taken care of her grandchildren since birth. :)
Yah actually our babies’ weight about the same heeehee

Ling.er: Why u walk so much.. heehee u wanna tahan till 12 dec right.. don’t walk too much.. or at least take a rest whenever u walk for 30mins. Rest more ya..
Haha nowadays I have sleeping problem.. feel that tummy heavier so when turn also very difficult to turn like need to use a lot of strength to turn and must be gentle! Lol… but I aint gentle at all coz I am already so sleepy/tired, turning is so difficult.. then my hubby saw me turn, he will scold me and asked why I turn so hard. L

Lovepixie: it’s not early to have BH at week 36 leh.. BH is a good exercise for us mummies to understand contractions. If it is painful, u better check if there is any intervals and if the pain comes back. If it gets even more painful with intervals, then u know u have to go laborward and let the nurses there check if u are really having contraction, check heartbeat via CTG and they will call doc and inform doc on your condition then get back to u if u shd go home or stay to monitor.


Thanks Liza for explaining the terms. The massage lady charges only $40 each time and $5 for transportation fee.

Hi MamaDT,
Hmm then I better standby n ask husband not to go oversea trip liao. And ask my mom to standby too.


Hi momopeachgirl ,
Mine is not chargeable if I don't print it. Gynae only charge me one time when I took home the printed copy. The rest since baby put hand on forehead I didn't request a printout. Anyway only less than a month I'm going to see the real deal then only take pics gao gao. Haha

I am feeling the pain between the legs liao at 36 weeks

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, I went to check the number for donating cord blood, which you gave in previous msg, it doesnt have Gleneagle one... anyway, I got it from their official website already... Thanks :)

Thanks everyone for the pray and encouragement, hope I can do natural deliver... Will keep psycho my little gal to do the job... Haha...

I din go for the 3D scan, but gynae always shows us which is the head, hand, leg... During my last checkup, I can see my little girl mouth, left eye clearly.... Her mouth keep mumbling, wondering if she trying to talk, drink or eat... Very interesting... That was the first time I see movement on her face.... Heehee
Last edited:


Hi mummies! I'm so happy tdy! Spent half d day wif princess n guess wat? I got to change her diapers n also hold her in my arms, at last!! :D After dat juz didn't want to leave her side but had to since it was already getting late. I held her until she fell asleep. Wld have held her longer if d doctor had not come to check on her. Gonna hold her in my arms again when I go again on Friday. Hee hee

lovepixie: it's alrite...no problem mummy! :) hmmm is dat $40 juz for d massage or includes other things too? Dats quite cheap. D ML I'm gonna engage charged $77 per session n dat includes d jamu n binder. :)


Momopeachgal- same area as you.. Walk super pain then when getting off bed also pain.. Gyane give me pill to eat

MamaDT - no
Choice cos I walk to bus stop .. Anyway
Now on mc 1 week Lolz ..


Oh by d way, for those mummies who had added me in FB u can see pics of my lil princess as I've create an album for her pics. Hee hee


Hi Liza, My fren who had engaged the ML said she got the jamu. But since I already bought binder n the rest of the set I better use mine haha.


Oh my right foot seems to b swollen... Hmmm

Ling.er: I think I felt ur pain just when I got up from my seat and walking to kitchen... First time having this part pain while walking from sitting. But I just went checkup yesterday, my bb not yet engaged. Anyway, rest yah don't walk too much. :)

Sze sze

I had the pain feeling at the pelvic bone between the leg, but only left side is pain, no pain at right side... I always feel the pain when I stand up after sitting... After a while, it is fine...

Now I start to have hard time to position myself for a good sleep... Usually I can only fall sleep with a sitting position, very uncomfortable if I lie down from the start...

Momopeachgal, I check with gynae about the pap smear test, he told me that he normally do the check after deliver, one of postnatal exercise... I din have any other test so far, except the normal check up... This sat will be my check up, I guess I will be seeing the gynae every week after this....
Orh... It iIs like counting down, just turn week 36... Still have 35 days to go based on my edd on 12 dec... Or even lesser days...


MamaDT : I never had any swab test taken ; will ask my gynae on my next visit . I have had this itching almost throughout the pregnancy , he always gives me hydrocortisone cream, it helps to calm the itch, but never cures it. I'll ask him again . My GDS test was negative , but not yet tested for GBS, I guess that is done after week 35. Will ask him . Thanks for the info , it is valuable indeed .

Liza , I went to babiesRUs but didn't buy anything , everything us very Ex. I would rather buy from the expo sales.
It must be so wonderful to hold your baby in your arms !!! I can't wait for mine now :)

MamaDT , my right and left foot are both swollen, no thre us no difference between my feet and elephants feet ! Gaahhh !!!
Sometimes I feel that my feet have lost sensation , and sometimes I feel like some nerve gets pulled in my legs ,happens in my hands too at times !!

Momopeachgal , me too have been feeling the pain between my legs !! I feel like there is a hard
Steel plate between my legs.

I think I'm experiencing BH as well, and it has become quite frequent. Hope it is nothing to worry about, I am only in week 33. Sometime I am not sure whether it us BH or just my baby stretching and turning !! So confused !!

On the plus side, my new maid joins tomorrow , I am so happy and excited!! I had one hell of a harrowing week this last week juggling work and home and taking care if my dog !!


Hi Luckystar.
How does ur BH u were experiencing feels like? The tightening of muscles or sudden movements in the womb?


dry shampoo spray for confinement use

I have a new bottle of dry shampoo brand Klorane bought Fr guardian pharmacy which is nt used and will give another used bottle (left half or more) to the mummy..selling at $12 for two bottles..usual price is $14 for one..let me know if anyone wants...


Hi Mummies

Liza: I have seen the pics! So when can bb latch-on? So glad that everything is progressing well! :)

Luckystar & Momopeachgal: i think so... drink water and lift up leg, walk less, rest also still gana swollen foot :barghh:

All Mummies:
Oh yah talking about hands.. now all my fingers feel quite hard to clench.. as in can clench fist but will feel some pain while slowly closing my hands, especially when sleeping... sometime wanna hug my pillow ah, then wahhhh the pain woke me up.
do you all have the same feeling? no matter how i look at my hands, they dont look swollen yet leh... hmmm