Edd dec 2012


Hi mummies! Tdy is rest day at hm n tmrw I will have my postnatal check up. Hahaha so fast 2 weeks already!

Luckystar: oh I thought so abt babies r u since they are under toys r us. Maybe wait until they have sale then can go look see. Hehehe yeah having my own baby in my arms is really different from having another person's baby. I felt so in awe of her n felt so proud n amazed dat this lil one was inside my womb for d past 8 mths following me everywhere I went. Now dat she's in my arms maternal instinct juz kicked in. Kept kissing her forehead as she slept yesterday. Hehehe u will get to hold ur baby in ur arms soon too mummy :)

momopeachgal: thank u! Hee hee yesterday was quite an eventful day. A lot of firsts! Got to change her diapers too n she poo poo so much! Lolz she's now weighing 1.538kg n milk intake been increased to 24ml. Yaaay! Abt getting discharged not sure yet cuz she has to gain more weight n improve her sucking n swallowing n breathing. One thing gd she's practicing on d bottle now. But hope she wun get nipple confusion when she learns to latch on ltr.

MamaDT: not sure when she can start to latch on. Maybe soon since now she's practicing feeding on bottle. :) she managed to drink like half d bottle yesterday n fell asleep n d rest was fed to her thru d tube. Yep I'm glad too babe dat her progress is going on well. Even d doc has only gd things to say abt her. Hahaha

Mummies, d pain between d legs n also d cramping of ur fingers are common. Dun worry so much abt them as I had went thru all those before I delivered. N now after delivered all gone! Hehehe juz hang in there alright n keep in mind to look forward to see ur babies...once u see ur babies all those pains n hangups will be all worth it! :D


Hihi everyone!
Went for my scan yesterday...was feeling abit down after the check cos my bb girl has not been putting on much weight. At 34 weeks, she's just 1.8kg and as usual...my gynae seems happy with her weight cos I'm consider petite he said my baby's size is 'custom-made' according to her mummy's womb. She's still head down and laying on her right side and i can always feel her kicks on my left belly. Couldn't capture her face yesterday cos she's not very cooperative during the scan but can see some movements from her.

I reckon i'll be giving birth to a small size ( a less than 3kg) baby. I told my mum and she said it's ok lah, baby not too big can deliver faster by normal birth...hahaa! My main concern is that she will not be an underweight baby...that's all.

Btw, my gynae oso nv ask me to do any vaginal swab test lei. Will be gg back for my next scan in 2weeks' time then will be once every week.

MamaDT, I'll be gg to the parenthood fair tomorrow and cordlife will be there too. Regarding the price package i'll check with any of the staffs there again tomorrow. I'll show them the price list i got previously to see what they say and then update u ok? :)


Hi mummies!

Liza: oh yah I can feel the maternal instinct u are talking about! I think all mummies here can feel! Lol I can't wait to hug and kiss my baby haha
Ok but right now I just have to hang in there and bear with all pains... :)

IvyB: don't b too sad about the weight... My gynae thinks I am gg to have small bb too when deliver... Abt 2.8kg :) it's a good size for petite mummies like us yah.... ^^
About cord life... Ok ok update me tml yah :) hope it's cheaper like what I've mentioned heehee ^^ Thanks!!!!!


lovepixie: hi! i shall ask my gynae cxan he show me the movement and don charge me if i don print lols i never see my baby facial expression before ^^

lizasaifi: wow congratulations mummy! u finally can carry ur princess in ur arms le! can imagine the happy feeling u r having yesterday =) so when will she be discharged? How much is she weighing already? oh i go ur FB see ur girl photos!

ling.er: ooh, okieee so the pain between legs is normal.. I feeling that pain everyday. during the day and always at night when i flip and stand up to go toilet. like my legs r falling apart like that.

MamaDT: oooo u experiencing water retention liao ah? my right foot is always more swollen than my left foot. actually i am swollen from head to toes lol

Sze Sze: I have the same pain as u. is very hard for me to sleep now already. when i flip, my pelvic bone pain.. when i stand up to go toilet, its painful oso.. and wow.. u have 1 more month to go. jiayou! ^^

Luckystar: good that ur new maid is coming tomorrow.. at least u need not do so many things and tire urself :) hehe i m experiencing water retention as well.. legs like pig leg. and when i walk my ankles r very strained. and my ankle bones r all very pain when i touch them.. like injured like tt.. then no strength to walk a lot.. I tink if u r experiencing BH, the whole tummy is tight.. if some parts is soft, means its not? tts how i determine whether i m expereincing BH or not
Hi MamaDT,

I feel the strain on my joints of my hands.. i think what elders call 'fong sap' (cantonese) or 'hong sip' (hokkien). i heard from 'old ppl' that drink too much coconut water can be like that. Worse will be 'nui kut' or soft bones when old. this week i didnt drink any coconut water...

Hi Mummies,
about compression stockings my panel doctor told me to wear to prevent varicose veins... i cant find the size for me due to my legs already swollen .. M-L size too small for me.. but managed to find scholl sleeping slimming compression socks.. biggest size is L.. ngam ngam can squeeze in :p i have fat legs...


Hi MamaDT,

I feel the strain on my joints of my hands.. i think what elders call 'fong sap' (cantonese) or 'hong sip' (hokkien). i heard from 'old ppl' that drink too much coconut water can be like that. Worse will be 'nui kut' or soft bones when old. this week i didnt drink any coconut water...

Hi Mummies,
about compression stockings my panel doctor told me to wear to prevent varicose veins... i cant find the size for me due to my legs already swollen .. M-L size too small for me.. but managed to find scholl sleeping slimming compression socks.. biggest size is L.. ngam ngam can squeeze in :p i have fat legs...
Oh...Thanks for this information! :)
I understand hokkien yah.. haha i havent had any coconut since the last glass last week :(
can plain water be the cause? or iced milo? or two cups of teh-o in a week? actually it is not just my hands.. my knees as well (only when i sleep for knees)

Do varicose veins occurs to all preggies or some only?

Sze sze

Momopeachgal, lovepixie... I think I read from the cooking book says that red bean soup can prevent water retention, want to check further and give a try?
So far I drank 2 or 3 times during my second n third trimester, currently I dun really have water retention, my leg n hand still consider normal size, except the fact that my foot got slightly expanded, which I think still not so bad, no pain while walking, I still can wear the shoe bought before preggie (although abit tight & uncomfortable but does not cause pain)...
But I din check further if the red bean soup is really helps, since I don't really have serious water retention problem

Sze sze

Oh no... I falling sick... Bad cough, sore throat, just seen doc... Doc said I got no fever, but I feel I will be getting fever soon, since I starts to feel my leg got no energy and very cold....

Mreow Mreow

Hi mummies!!
Hope u all had a gooooot Thursday! :)

Do u all rmb becuz My GF bought me a Travel System, end up I had to sell the Stroller i first bought for myself?
I managed to sell it successfully to a couple from this forum!!
Omg, so happpppy!! :D

like all the mummies here, im very happy for u too..
Am very happy to hear that u had alot of 'firsts' with your gal...
From all your posts, I can imagine the joy how happy you must have felt... :D

IvyB & MamaDT,
dont fret about your baby size.. You are both petite and if ur gynae says you shouldnt worry then all's well!! :)

Maybe u can try the compression stockings..
besides Varicose veins, it'd help reduce water retention too.. U can also continue to use it after pregnancy!! :)

Tmr im gg JB shopping!
WEEE!! :)

Dear Mummies, im reallly sorry to hear that u all have the discomforts of pregnancy.. :(
Dont worry, after afew more weeks, will be ok!!! :)
So far Im very thankful that I havent got any problems..
I really really wish all of u can be like me and enjoy these last few weeks too.... :(
I understand how painful/troublesome those symptoms can be..
Hmm, im gg to read up more on how to improve or lessen negative pregnancy symptoms & share!!


Hi Sze Sze thanks for the tips on red bean soup. I guess I will try.
Confinement also can drink red bean soup cos considered warm. Maybe I shall buy 1kg

Hi Mreow Mreow,
Shopping is what the mummies do to fill the time waiting baby to come out. I just went Jusco sao all the stuff as got Jusco members day hahaha. All skin care stuff. Made me feel guilty I didn't buy for hubby or baby :(


Hi Luckystar.
How does ur BH u were experiencing feels like? The tightening of muscles or sudden movements in the womb?
Hi lovepixie
It feels something like tightening and stretching of some areas in the womb . Quite a weird feeling I must say. Not sure what it is , it is pretty localized , painless and lasts a few min.
Hi luckystar,I'm trying to fit in some last min shopping before I get too tired to move ard !As for your Braxton Hicks, at least it's painless .. Also uterus is expanding . Must be happy to feel a bit of pain, at least we know our baby is growing :)I think my baby's kicks are more painful than my BH ..


Im a petie mummy too. but my gyane mention to me that my princess is quite big... majoirty will be 3kg ++ .. was intent to bring newborn clohes to hospital for discharge day... But now have to bring extra 0-3 month want in-case later really cannot fit in..
Hear that M.A just finish renovate.. Any feed back on that ?? Nicer ?

Mreow Mreow

Good morning mummies!! :D

On the way to JB now.

Dun think I can get everything there but will try to finish my shopping list! :D

Mummies, u all bought nursing Bra already?
I haven't got them yet.
Dunno how to choose fitting man...

To get slightly bigger or our size now...

*blur blur
Hi ling.er and momopeachgal,
Mount A's new reception area is completed, and it looks a lot nicer than their previous makeshift one. But some other areas of the hospital are still undergoing reno. Not so sure abt the car park tho. Seems like they wanna tear down one of the older blocks at the hospital. I'll see if there's any new progress when I go there for my antenatal class 2moro :)

Am also delivering there, edd on 28 Dec :D
Hi momopeachgirl, thank you !

Mreow Mreow, I read somewhere that it's better to get nursing tops sometime after birth as now our body is expanding, it might not be accurate .. You can get a fitting at any maternity shop, they will give u professional proper sizing ! Doesn't mean u have to buy after that ..


Hi Mummies!!

Mreow Mreow: I bought two pieces online with slightly bigger size by mini bit coz after u bf, ur breast becomes bigger :) I bought few pieces of nursing dress too... Don't buy too many now yah :) enjoy ur trip!

Sze Sze: thanks for your advise on red bean soup. Actually I had red bean soup on the same day before my right foot got swollen leh.... But doubt it is caused by red bean soup... Lol maybe I Stand too long (more than half hour and leg already pain pain) while entertaining my nephew to see fishes... Haha I love Chinese desserts! So I will still eat red bean soup de! Have been craving it again haha :p
Take care of yourself yah... Drink more water sleep more!

Honeyfiedcherry: welcome here! nice Boxing Day for u and ur hubby! Heeeheee is it boy or gal? so are u prepared with all your Nursery essentials? :)

Pink2purple: welcome here! Are u expecting a prince or princess? :)

Mummies: I really feel damn pai seh but I keep having all sorts of symptoms siah...... I felt giddy in the middle of the night last night... This morning I felt lower left eyelid pain but not swollen... Haiz
MamaDT: Thanks! Mine is a princess :)

Momopeachgal: Ooo...my very first scan I got the EDD of 18/12 also! But then it switched to 24/12...and now the latest is 28/12 LOL. My baby's also on the smaller side, at week 31 she was 1.5kg. Hopefully she'll be bigger when I go for my scan next week at week 34, but in the meantime, i heard durians help to make them grow bigger :p