Edd dec 2012

Sze sze

Momo, I cooked simple food which my mil helped me done the preparation the night before~
so I guess I will have to prepare all the food the night before, and simply steam everything & cook rice the next day, dunno workable or not... haha...
Also standby oatmeal & milo & bread in case I got no time to cook during lunch...

Just brought Kate to see doc for hep B injection, she is 3.69kg... So still manageable with one hand carrying... But soon I got no energy to carry already...

I got bathed Kate 1 time only... Just do it ~ anyway for first time, I just try my best to follow how my mil did, dun worry too much, baby won't be very dirty afterall...

Mreow Mreow

Hello mummies!! :)

Where did u bring Ur babies for jab?
At polyclinic or Paediatrician?
It's about time I've to bring my baby for jab!!
DId ur babies cry at the jab? :)

Waa, so fast 30days has passed for me.
My confinement is finally over.

Any mummies done Baby 1month celeb yet?
Hmm, nv hear anybody mention..

When I look at my gal now,
Sometimes I juz feel so amazed that we can create a Human being...
Thinking back of the time when I can't wait to pop to see her, and now she's actually infront of me,
Feels special & hard to describe my emotion.

Remember The extra weight we all used to carry around,
Now our babies are finally infront of us!! :D

Really wonder what motherhood will bring us all In the Future...

Mreow Mreow

SzeSze, choking Is quite common!
It happens to my baby as well.

Think it's cuz our letdown reflex is too fast so milk flow too fast.
Baby will suddenly choke, Kenna the Gag reflex.

I won't burp her but try to unlatch for awhile.
Do u use ur free hand to support ur boob while feeding?
Or juz let boob dangle? :D

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, I brought my Kate to pte clinic - the paediatrician who see her during delivery, not only for vaccination injection but also follow up for jaundice...
Now is suppose to have 2nd dose of hep B, and the subsequence one would be 5 in dunno 1 or 2 injection which is due 3 mths later...

When Kate kena choked, I will let her rest a while, and see if she interested to continue or not...
normally she choked bcos sleepy and never swallow the milk...

Momo, I bathed Kate in our bathroom, we bought baby bathtub and place on the floor, and I have to squat down, with a help of small stool to sit if too tire...

Kate sleep both sideway, she will make the turn to otherwise by herself; but will put a towel or bloster at her back to support and make her face to left side if she sleep too much on the right side;
during night time, I place her on bed next to me, so depends on which side I sleep, she will tends to turn to that side... Haha
sometime I change side during middle of the night, she will kick kick and slowly move upwards until her little head reach my armpit, and she happily stop and continue sleep.... :)

Since u can latch already, try to latch and increase the milk supply?

Mreow Mreow

Momo, I lay my baby flat!
But when she was coughing & had difficulty breathing, I laid her on her left.
She slept better after that. :)
Lying on side is fine but we always have to monitor, incase baby turn over on their own & suffocate.
My gal will startle too, with her 2hands up,
Then usually she'll go bk to sleep on her own. Haha :)

Yes, my gal swallows fast too.
And she makes alot of noise while drinking.
Got aah, hmm, gulp and others.
I find the noises very entertaining. Haha!! :D

I bath Danika in my bathroom too.
We bought a baby bath tub with stand so don't have to bend so much..

Do ur babies enjoy bath time? :)
Mine does!!
And she knows that after every bath she gets milk to drink. Cuz I did that since day 1. Haha.


Hi mummies

My period came with little cramps like pre pregnancy but not that painful only discomfort.

My baby sleeps on d side but that's not what I'm worried abt. If I lay her down she will turn 90 degrees anticlockwise. I dunno how she did it but I've seen her struggle till like that. MIL said baby is training her muscles n legs n hands.

Sze sze

Momo, yes, she sleeps beside me, my poor husb left with a very small space to sleep... :)
told him to sleep in other room, he refused and rather squeeze in with us.... Hahaha

I really miss the old day when pregnant, Kate still inside my stomach... Hahaha... I still sleep well, eat well except kena kick by her occasionally; now I am having sleepless night, so tired!!

Mummies, did you all take alot of photos of your bb?
i did!! Kate got many many kind of face expression...
sometime she smiles when I bfeed her...
She dislike ppl make noise esp she drinking~
she will scream or make noise if my husb or anyone talking to me when I bfeed her...


Hello mummies

Do u all came across when ur bb get shock during sleep with both hands up n cry? Is this normal to happen?

My girl is one month old now.. n often have this problem, even when u stare blankly at the ceiling or even feeding. This worries me.


Thanks momo. Maybe i really worry too much.. coz she cry till face red red..

Well, do ur baby keep wanting milk within one hour or so? Im giving FM currently, kinda stop Bfeeding due too low supply to satisfied her.. nowadays she seems to want more (like every hour), FM only feeds every 2.5 - 3hours.. or is it she only want something in her mouth?


Hello mummies! I brought my princess for her hep b 2nd dose at d polyclinic tdy. She cried juz a little while n stopped when I cuddle her n put pacifier in her mouth. Hehehe next mth she will get d 6 in 1 n according to d nurse dat will cause fever. Haizzz next mth I'm going back to work already. Hopefully she will be fine as my mom will be looking after her alone at hm when me n hubby work.

momo, hmmmm dunno why like dat for ur Glenn to be leaking milk at d sides. Nurin leaks a little bit only now n sometimes none at all. Worried also sometimes if she's getting enuff milk.

Sze sze, wow! There are ppl who so brave go thru pregnancy again less than a yr after csect? Must be very very careful then. I know I can't. Hahahaha cuz I'm d 'aggressive' kind. Hehehe

Hi tcmy! Dun worry. D shock incidences baby gets is normal. It's called d Moro reflex. It's a natural instinct in babies to react like dat. I read dat it happens cuz sometimes baby will feel like as if he or she is falling though I dunno why they feel like dat. Hahahah n sometimes when they hear a slight noise or sound they will get startled but dat means dat their hearing is gd. So dun worry ok? :) it will disappear as baby grows.
As for ur baby wanting more milk it cld be cuz of growth spurts. Same like my baby. It happened recently. She was crying angrily only abt 2 hrs after her last feed. I'm giving fm too cuz my BM had depleted. FYI my baby was born 6 weeks early at 34 weeks. :) but she's thriving like a normal full term baby. Hahaha have u tried giving her pacifier? Sometimes she might juz want comfort sucking. It's normal for babies too. :)


Personally feel that it's no good for baby to get shock often. Try using bean bag to put weight on bb chest and hand.. Or wrap bb hand like how hospital did. Can learn thru you tube also. Bb belly button can pop out if cry too badly or get fits (what my nanny said). Bb raise their jan to catch us... When bb cry, we have to be firm and talk to them louder than their cries to stop them crying and assure them that u r around.


Momo, lisa, ecila..

Im feeding her FM according to the instruction on the can. Currently she seems satisfied when i raise her 90ml to 100-110ml. But sometimes she will still break up her meals into parts (first 40ml den the rest in an hour time).. if shes not satisfied she will cry angrily.. she often fall aslp during her meals.. need to wake her by turning the bottle. Yes, i did burp her.. every halfway of feeding (as what doc says), den continue feeding..

I usually feed first den change diaper as most of the time she poo/pee between feeds -.- does it matter to change before or after?

I do give her a pacifier.. sometimes she will take for pleasure of sucking den after awhile she will just spit it out or she will use her tongue to push it out. Pacifier wont stay long in her mouth.

As for the shocking, i had the bean bag to cover her chest n hands. But still no use, she will free her hands from the bag.. and of coz wrapping her up like hospital, she struggle to get her hands out.. if she fails,she will pek chek n cry. How sia? :(

What worrys me now is.. her nappy rash n she start coughing. No idea whats the cause the cough. See le heart pain.

all ur confinement end le right? Have u bring ur prince n princess for haircut? She botak already :) need always wear hat to prevent wind go in.



Haha.. indeed most bb are the same.. usually after every feeding, i'll wait awhile before changing her diaper. Was told to wash the private part with water every change of diaper.

Mmm, as for the nappy cream.. where do u brought it from? My currently cream is the pink colour droplene cream. Bb's rash SLIGHTLY better nia.. to see her in pain n cry till like that.. aww T.T


I wrap my bb from chest down with his hand free, I wrap his chest down reason being having tight wrap at tummy prevent tummy wind. ESP after I applied yu e oil. Bb will fart. Then I put the bean bag across chest with one hand below bean bag... (Hope this work for your bb, thank god my three bb has the same habit)

As for nappy rash. I use desitin creamy ( blue) its was once prescribed by GP when my #2 have bad rash and since then I apply to all my bb whenever I see butt pinkish.

My bb usually stop at 40ml and he will fall asleep ( my mom say... Cos milk with air make them feel full) I will burp him once and then use the bottle nipple to tap his lip, he will continue to suck the next 60ml. This time, he usually Dont burp, I will place him down on mattress, re-wrap the towel from chest down and quickly carry up to burp. ( when we move bb in diff position, the air will move along therefore easily to burp - my own logic lol)

100ml usually last him 3 hrs but if he is awake for some time, after his sister disturb him or play with him, he will cry for milk at. 2.5 hr ( when awake use more energy so faster hungry - my logic again hahahah)


Please note that my #2 jump in pain when I first apply desitin at her real bad rash...( in front of the GP) doc say its normal, after two application, rash went off! If ur bb rash really that bad... Better see doc...


I don't use wet tissue at home unless I'm outside. I use cotton wool with boiled cool water to clean when bb poo... Tot by confinement nanny during my #1 confinement.

U might want to change diaper brand. Maybe not suitable. My bb cannot use pampers or dryers.. Only mamypoko work for them.

I don't think it matter when u change diaper... But not too long after feed and not yet burp cos the air move along the movement therefore milk reflux out. Have to be fast and quickly carry upright and burp. Try using palm to rub bb back in circular motion then pat again... It works for mine.

Wind will go in head meh... I never wear hat for all my bb after botak.

Mreow Mreow

Mummies. At home, do u all wear breastpads all the time?
Or juz wear bra without anything?
It's been agessss for me, or rather ever since Baby's birth, that I have not worn my Bra on it's own without a Pad or breast shield that collects milk.

Momo, if possible I will always try to change diaper before feed! Juz like u.
Cuz lifting up Baby's legs after a meal will increase the chances of them spitting up milk :)

Babe, u try latching glenn again.
cracked nipples are mainly due to wrong latch...
Let his mouth open super big, u use ur hand to form a C, pinch juz above ur Areola and aim ur nipple to the roof of Glenn's mouth...
Make sure more of the bottom Areola is in Baby's mouth.

After feed, express BM & apply to nipples. After the BM dries, applying nipple cream.
Possible u let nipple air for some time?
Do u haf breast shield to prevent nipple having direct contact with Bra?
That is a real lifesaver for crack or sore nipples!!

Tcmy, after every poo or pee, we will use cotton & water to wash Baby's bottom.
Hmm, ur baby could be gg thru a growth spurt like wad Liza said...
My gal used to want milk every 1.5h last week... Shes Tryin to up my supply.
So I juz kept Bfeeding her.
Now I feel lk my supply went up a bit & now she is alr back to her regular feeding of 2-3H...

Oh ya, try not to put beanbag over both of Baby's hands.
It increases risk of SIDs. Sudden infant death.
When baby goes into shock, they'll raise both hands & the beanbag might fly over to their face & cause suffocation.
Put on chest-tummy can already..

I'm using sudocrem from mothercare.
It was sworn by 1 of my gf.
Till now my baby doesn't have any rash!! :)

Liza, Tmr my gal is gg for the jab at poly!!
Is it done privately in a room?
Also, we don't have privilege anymore right? Since baby is above 1month alr...
How long did u wait?
omg, glad to hear that Nurin settle done after u sayang her.
I'm so scared danika won't stop crying unless I offer her my boob for comfort sucking.


Ya... To prevent SID use 500 GM green bean instead of the light bean sprout husk...

Mreow, infant have priority at polyclinic. Vaccination is by senior nurses in room, maybe one or two babies in a room sometimes open door...