Edd feb 2014

because beginning of this month I was admitted to hospital for threatened premature delivery.
i was strapped onto the ctg machine & my contractions were quite frequent. lucky I wasn't dilated.
so Dr gave me medicine to relax my womb so that I can continue with my pregnancy. baby was only 1.2kg then.
I see, u must be very careful, we only left few more weeks to go!!! Let's all wish that our cutie buns stay in the oven till they are fully baked n raised :)


Anyone going to deliver at Thomson?
my Edd is 14feb..hope it will be earlier cox I can't wait to see her haha
I am delivering at Thomson too.
I'm telling baby dont come out before 10th Feb cos no CL to take care of her. Additional surcharge of $300 by PEM for CNY period.


New Member
Hi everyone!

first time in mummy forum. Guessed I joined at a very stage. :/

currently at 32 weeks. Have gained 21 kg. baby weight 1.5kg at week 29, will be seeing gynae Tom.

Pregnancy was smooth, no morning sickness nor anything. Juz that I frequent toilet a lot. No cravings yet I gained a lot. :/

Baby is a boy :) delivering at mount A. EDD: 6 feb 2014

Looking thru the threads, guessed I gained a lot more than anyone. A bit worried I won't be able to slim down after :(
21kg is a lot..

At my previous checkup, total gain 8kg at 28 weeks
im going for checkup today..will update status..hope baby is growing well :)


New Member
21kg is a lot..

At my previous checkup, total gain 8kg at 28 weeks
im going for checkup today..will update status..hope baby is growing well :)

Yah... I guess I'm the only one that gained this much...
Hopefully baby is absorbing the nutrients.... Or else I will have a hard time losing it all off.
Weird thing is I nov consume a lot of food.
Will update baby's approximate weight after visiting the gynae later in the morning...

8kg... Wah...u muz be one of those slim mummy then.... So envious :)
Yah... I guess I'm the only one that gained this much...
Hopefully baby is absorbing the nutrients.... Or else I will have a hard time losing it all off.
Weird thing is I nov consume a lot of food.
Will update baby's approximate weight after visiting the gynae later in the morning...

8kg... Wah...u muz be one of those slim mummy then.... So envious :)

dont worry it may be just water :) as long as gynae never say anything I think shd be fine :)


Hi all, my EDD is 13 feb gonna deliver at Mt.A! Baby is currently 30weeks and he is already 2.1kg. I hope baby wont b too big by the time I deliver. Anyone ard that time and gg to Mt.A too?
your babies are big hor...
my baby was 1.6kg at 31 weeks & 2 days. worry she's a little small... should I eat more durian to boost her weight? haha
my weight gain was 12kg.
My gal weighs 1.5kg when I went for checkup yesterday.at 32 weeks :)

gynae said weight is normal so I guess it's alright..hope she gains more :)


Active Member
hi mummies, its been a long time since i last log in... how is everyone? hope all feb mums are doing well.. baking well! my little one is on the lighter side also.. but gynae say its okie... normal... =)
I suffer from hives since 3rd mth hence been having whole body itch since. Tummy, Breast, legs, arms, fingers, toes, almost everywhere
My itchiness during early stage is those bumpy ones ... which I believe is hives. Den stopped. Recently start to itch agn but no bumps ... but at the rate I scratching ... tink will hv marks ... =/

Curly Star:847844 said:
I suffer from hives since 3rd mth hence been having whole body itch since. Tummy, Breast, legs, arms, fingers, toes, almost everywhere


Having itchiness mostly at the evening times. Went for warm shower and applied a thick layer of coco butter then it feels better. Bad thing is coco butter make me feel warm in this hot and humid Singapore.
Having itchiness mostly at the evening times. Went for warm shower and applied a thick layer of coco butter then it feels better. Bad thing is coco butter make me feel warm in this hot and humid Singapore.
Can try calamine lotion, I always feel better after applying this
My gynae visit on Monday, so looking forward :bbiggrin:
Last visit at week 29, I gained total 7kg n bb was ard 1.4kg. This visit at week32, bb shd hit ard 2kg? I think I may hv gained another 1-2kg these 3 weeks due to the festive feasting hee