Edd feb 2014

Everyone baby weighs heavier than mine.. I'm worried but then Gynae said its normal

I also scared baby will pop early..I'm praying not cos I still got many work to settle and handover. No time!!!

going to 34 weeks this week. Next checkup is next Friday 35 weeks
hi all mummies, joined the thread so late. I'm currently 33 gg to my 34th week. seeing Dr choo from gleneagles.
my baby is also having his head position down and is 2.3kg at 31+weeks.
recently my pelvic area near to pubic bone area seems to be in pain, dr say should be due to the heavy weight of the belly and was told to get belly support belt. used it but wasn't v helpful.
wonder if any of you experience this pain too?
Is it labour sign? Got to prepare for it
Dun worry. I'd be more worried if bb too big .... emergency c-sect is the last thing I wan ...

deariejojo:848812 said:
Everyone baby weighs heavier than mine.. I'm worried but then Gynae said its normal

I also scared baby will pop early..I'm praying not cos I still got many work to settle and handover. No time!!!

going to 34 weeks this week. Next checkup is next Friday 35 weeks
I hope it's not labour sign. Dr did not say it's labour sign. and she mentioned baby's not engaged yet. :(
i haven pack hospital bag too.. gotta start doing it...

i also heard from my colleagues that contractions are v frequent menses cramps n will not go away no matter how u try to relieve the pain.
do you experience the pelvic pain especially when you need to get up after lying down? or while walking?
I've that kind of pelvic pain.
like aching feeling....I'm assuming cos the weight.
do you experience the pelvic pain especially when you need to get up after lying down? or while walking?
I've that kind of pelvic pain.
like aching feeling....I'm assuming cos the weight.
yes the pain usually got much worse after a long day either sitting down too long or walk a lot... lying down then getting up is aching too.
dr also say is the weight but then the support belt is also not helping much.
That day during my visit, my gynae told me from now on we must not walk more than 30mins each time, no squatting, no sitting on the floor n no stairs. Cos all these will escalate early labour. I was v worried cos I hv fibroid n Preggy w fibroid is more prone to preterm labour.

And she mentioned if the pain is v consistent n didn't go off after u lied dons to rest then u will need to rush down to hospital immediately. Always look out for these 3 impt signs:- consistent pain/ water bag burst/ bleeding
wah no stairs?
i just climbed up a flight of escalator.

i just started on my washing of all my baby's stuff.... infant clothing, cloth diapers, mittens, booties, caps etc...
my own nursing tops, confinement pj, nursing bras etc...
need to wash all these first then can pack hospital bag..


Hi ladies
My original edd was march but moved to 28feb. Anyway on contractions, I've also started to feel contractions with Menses cramps this week for past 5 days. No bleeding or anything. Saw the gynae yestdy n was prescribed meds to relax the uterine to prevent early labor... Baby head has alrdy gone down as well.
If I take warm shower, the cramps seem to go away.
Can't help it that I hv to climb stairs n sit on the floor as I have a 21 mth toddler. Lol!
Hope everyone's doing fine!
hmm seems like most mummies' edd were brought forward? my gynae did not change my edd at all... maybe I should ask about it when I go later on..