EDD in December 2009


Gynae also said not to worry cos is still within normal range but she will have me undergoing diabetic test when i am around 7 mths.

Cony how many weeks are you? Hope you find out the gender soon....Now i have to start thinking a name for my boy which i am still very clueless...I am getting more blur after pregnant, hehe....:shyxxx:
Hi, sufeit, I'm almost 20 week, but will go for detailed scan only in a week
:( So much time to wait...
I very hope, that diabetic test is just "in case" and your baby is completely health! Very often doctors are overcautious and advise additional tests just to be sure on 100% that everything is going on well.
I's interesting have you already bought much for your baby? I haven't got anything yet...


Hi, sufeit, I'm almost 20 week, but will go for detailed scan only in a week
:( So much time to wait...
I very hope, that diabetic test is just "in case" and your baby is completely health! Very often doctors are overcautious and advise additional tests just to be sure on 100% that everything is going on well.
I's interesting have you already bought much for your baby? I have not't got anything yet...
hehe a week will pass very fast, so do update us on your good news...most important baby is healthy :001_302:. Actually i haven't buy anything yet for baby, but my parents has gotten dozens of clothes, mittens, booties & hat for baby already. Thinking to drop by the Taka baby fair in Aug to see any good bargain for bulky items like baby stroller, rocker, play pen etc. Now starting to feel my tummy is really heavy esp after my meal, i cannot imagine when i reach 3rd trimester, i won't be able to walk long to shop...:shyxxx:.
My baby EDD is 22 Dec 2009... Anyone know your baby gender ??
At Thomson Medical Center..

My wife EDD is frm 17 - 21st dec 09, Scarli drag a bit and become 22nd too.. I hope that on 22nd dec as that's the date i 1st date her mummy or even 24th dec oso can.... the day i official pak tou with her mummy. Dr Ang frm TWC said 80-90% girl but to be very sure is during my wife's detail scan on august. My wife also going to TMC as strongly recommended. So anyone fall in the range of 17 - 21st dec EDD and going to deliver at TMC,pls do add me or PM me. Thanks


hehe a week will pass very fast, so do update us on your good news...most important baby is healthy :001_302:. Actually i have not't buy anything yet for baby, but my parents has gotten dozens of clothes, mittens, booties & hat for baby already. Thinking to drop by the Taka baby fair in Aug to see any good bargain for bulky items like baby stroller, rocker, play pen etc. Now starting to feel my tummy is really heavy esp after my meal, i cannot imagine when i reach 3rd trimester, i won't be able to walk long to shop...:shyxxx:.
Yes, I'll update next week :) Do you hve the first baby? My baby is the first one and even don't know exactly what to buy... What kind of clothes, towels, nappies... Will think about it when take maternity leave :)

I have a question to everybody: how many pills do you take in a day?
I used to take only one pill, but after last visit to gynae, she advised me to take seven more pills in a day. Now I'm afraid it's too much... :( What do you think? Don't want to harm my baby!


cony why 7 pills? That's quite alot. O_O

I am taking 2 kinda pills, 1 is vitamin, another is fish oil. Just once every morning.

I am going for my detail scan in 2 weeks. Grr... one big load off after the FTS, now comes another challenge - the 20 weeks detail scan >_<


Yes, I'll update next week :) Do you hve the first baby? My baby is the first one and even dont't know exactly what to buy... What kind of clothes, towels, nappies... Will think about it when take maternity leave :)

I have a question to everybody: how many pills do you take in a day?
I used to take only one pill, but after last visit to gynae, she advised me to take seven more pills in a day. Now I'm afraid it's too much... :( What do you think? dont't want to harm my baby!
hehe, this is my first baby....I also don't know what to buy exactly, so my mum has been shopping on my behalf :001_302:. Maybe if you happen to see nice clothes or sales, you can start to buy a little from now on otherwise in 3rd trimester we may not have enerygy to walk long lol. You can take a look at other thread, some mummies has compiled list of things to buy for newborn.
Now i can start to feel my stomach getting heavier each day....

I took 6 pills each day, 3 for BP, 1 fish oil, 1 iron & 1 calcium. What are the pills your gynae want you to take? If it's supplements, then should be fine ya. You can express your concern to your gynae if you are worry the impact of the medicines to your baby.....


sufeit, congratulation, first baby is so exciting :wong19: - absolutely new feelings, new expectations... )) Yes, I've found the full list of things for new born, but anyway what kind of, for example, bottles or nappies are better I should decide myself based on mummies intuition :) Do you feel baby's pushing every day? I suppose that I start feeling them, but still not sure that this is baby's pushing...

As for pills, yes, there are supplements - vitamin(1), асidum folicum(1), Fe(2), Potassium Iodide(1), Magne B6(3). Even 8 in a day :( I told my gynae that it's too much, but she said that it's necessary to support my organism if even I don't have any complaints! I'm thinking to consult with another doctor to be sure that it's not too much...

Shiseru, please update us with the results of 20 weeks detail scan)) With you to find out baby's gender and share with us :)
cony, is it possible to ask your doctor if there's any pill that combine those supplements?? cos currently i'm taking 3 types, they're obimin(multi vitamin), calcium tablets and fish oil. i think that obimin is good as it contains all the vitamins, not only my gynae gave me but my gp also gave me that when i first found out about the pregnancy.
hehe, this is my first baby....I also dont't know what to buy exactly, so my mum has been shopping on my behalf :001_302:. Maybe if you happen to see nice clothes or sales, you can start to buy a little from now on otherwise in 3rd trimester we may not have enerygy to walk long lol. You can take a look at other thread, some mummies has compiled list of things to buy for newborn.
Now i can start to feel my stomach getting heavier each day....

i know how you feel, even though i've started shopping i feel so lost whenever i visited the baby store, don't know which stuff to get yet. have you found out the gender of baby?? cos it's easier to shop once you find out.

and is everyone's tummy have obvious bulge already?? mine got abit, but nowadays i find it harder to bend down to pick up stuff or when applying lotions to my legs.. my family and in laws also start got stroke my belly they say it's abvious already..


sufeit, congratulation, first baby is so exciting :wong19: - absolutely new feelings, new expectations... )) Yes, I've found the full list of things for new born, but anyway what kind of, for example, bottles or nappies are better I should decide myself based on mummies intuition :) Do you feel baby's pushing every day? I suppose that I start feeling them, but still not sure that this is baby's pushing...

As for pills, yes, there are supplements - vitamin(1), асidum folicum(1), Fe(2), Potassium Iodide(1), Magne B6(3). Even 8 in a day :( I told my gynae that it's too much, but she said that it's necessary to support my organism if even I dont't have any complaints! I'm thinking to consult with another doctor to be sure that it's not too much...

Shiseru, please update us with the results of 20 weeks detail scan)) With you to find out baby's gender and share with us :)
Yes agreed with you, feeling my tummy getting bigger each day is a wonderful feeling...it's like entering a new world....cannot imagine how my life will change after baby is born, really looking fwd to his arrival :001_302:..

Day by day passed u will feel your baby's move stronger, but sometimes i feel more moves than some other days...err don't know whether this is normal or not....Since it's supplements, for the sake of your well being & baby, you should take....but like HoneyLicious mentioned, if the obimin can replace a few of the pills, you can consider ya....But make sure to consult your gynae.


i know how you feel, even though i've started shopping i feel so lost whenever i visited the baby store, dont't know which stuff to get yet. have you found out the gender of baby?? cos it's easier to shop once you find out.

and is everyone's tummy have obvious bulge already?? mine got abit, but nowadays i find it harder to bend down to pick up stuff or when applying lotions to my legs.. my family and in laws also start got stroke my belly they say it's abvious already..[/quote]

Although i am currently 5 mths, but i feel my tummy looked like 6 mths lol...before last week my tummy still not very visible, but suddenly increase in size a lot...even my mum saw me also said last week my stomach still very small, wow suddenly now very big....think due to the sudden increase in weight of the tummy, my leg has been cramping for the past few days :shyxxx:.

Just found out from last week detailed scanning, i am expecting a baby boy, hehe... Yup seemed like a lot of things need to buy, but then at a loss don't know what to buy, quantity & brand too.


Hi hi! Glad that everyone is doing fine.

Read about the tummy bulging part, can't help but to reply, mine is big! ppl said normally 1st child tummy won't be so big. But I dont't know why mine is opposite. When I go shop for maternity wear, the sales person would ask me if I am carrying twins (which I am not), or ask me is it due soon !? Weird thing is I dont't find myself eating more than before pregnant! Anyway, I am doing the detail scanning this week, so should be able to find out if my baby is, err... overweight.....:embarrassed:

Summer01, i guess everyone's body is different. true that most 1st pregnancies tummy tends to be smaller, well maybe that applies to majority, you might be the minority ones. be proud of your big tummy. my tummy has swell quite abit but not that big, i get mix comments, some say can see some say i don't look like 5mth preggy even though gynae said my baby big at 400gr now.