
New Member
pinkdot : thanks.. i will ask ard..

shumum : yeah, i know that's very far, but if price is good, i dont mind the travelling and there's reason for me to shop in city too hehehe.. i will enquire them .. thanks!

i'm wearing otafuku! ;) very comfy for me, anti slip too.
can get those at OG.
last time i want to buy crocs but nothing fits for me... :( coz my feet is a bit wide...

princessjas, hope u're feeling better!

btw, i think if it's a boy it's easier to detect, coz can really see that something is protruding down there :)

take care everyone.. :)
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Hi fellow mummies!

hasnt been online for quite some times. busy with lots of personal stuffs. my 1st appointment with kk is on this coming 22nd. im quite excited! now im 13 weeks. when to gp twice to take folic acid. :) morning sickness settle down already. but my cravings for cold drinks is very very strong! but i try to stick with juices without ice. and i keep enjoying fried food or macdonald's breakfast!! is it alright to have such things? my mum scolds me for not having rice. she say must eat rice so baby can grow. so im quite worried. i do eat rice. but not always. i heard from my mum i can't take spicy stuffs, durians or mango. as long as those heaty stuffs i must avoid. but sometimes i will crave to eat nasi bryani. ahh. dunno how. ytd hubby just secretly gave me eat 3 small pieces of durian. the feeling so shiok! hahaha


Well-Known Member
Hi fellow mummies!

hasnt been online for quite some times. busy with lots of personal stuffs. my 1st appointment with kk is on this coming 22nd. im quite excited! now im 13 weeks. when to gp twice to take folic acid. :) morning sickness settle down already. but my cravings for cold drinks is very very strong! but i try to stick with juices without ice. and i keep enjoying fried food or macdonald's breakfast!! is it alright to have such things? my mum scolds me for not having rice. she say must eat rice so baby can grow. so im quite worried. i do eat rice. but not always. i heard from my mum i can't take spicy stuffs, durians or mango. as long as those heaty stuffs i must avoid. but sometimes i will crave to eat nasi bryani. ahh. dont know how. ytd hubby just secretly gave me eat 3 small pieces of durian. the feeling so shiok! hahaha
everything in moderation can liao.. don't worry about food restriction.


New Member
Hi fellow mummies!

hasnt been online for quite some times. busy with lots of personal stuffs. my 1st appointment with kk is on this coming 22nd. im quite excited! now im 13 weeks. when to gp twice to take folic acid. :) morning sickness settle down already. but my cravings for cold drinks is very very strong! but i try to stick with juices without ice. and i keep enjoying fried food or macdonald's breakfast!! is it alright to have such things? my mum scolds me for not having rice. she say must eat rice so baby can grow. so im quite worried. i do eat rice. but not always. i heard from my mum i can't take spicy stuffs, durians or mango. as long as those heaty stuffs i must avoid. but sometimes i will crave to eat nasi bryani. ahh. dont know how. ytd hubby just secretly gave me eat 3 small pieces of durian. the feeling so shiok! hahaha
i also cannot eat rice. but recently change a bit. morning and afternoon if i eat rice still ok but at night if i take rice i will vomit. don't know is it because at night digestive system slow down. then will trigger vomitting.

durian wise i am still not sure. first trimester my in laws purchased some durian. i run away in super fast speed. now i haven tried. not sure if i can take it.


Well-Known Member
I cannot stand rice too! I think it's too starchy then it makes me wanna vomit it out. Right now I take bee hoon cause I find it lighter. I also eat a lot of fast food because I find that I can digest it without vomiting out, which I feel is more important. At least the nutrients get absorbed into my body, rather than I try to eat normal food and it doesn't right?

I also keep wanting to drink cold drinks and the weather is not helping me to avoid them either.

Wow wonder if I can find out my babies' gender at 12 weeks hahahaha.
because my hubby has discoid eczema. so my mum and mum in law always ask me watch my diet not to eat "heaty" food. worry that my baby has eczema too. but sometimes can't control myself also cannot blame me mah. haha. yaya. fast food i can eat 1 whole meal without vomiting! and sometimes i take bee tai mak. rice really no appetite for it. and i always drink cold water. zzz. must cut down on everything already. mum keep nag nag nag. haha.

yea! pinkdiamonds. hope i go 1st appointment can check gender already. cos by then i'll be around 15 weeks? hehe. hopefully!


Well-Known Member
because my hubby has discoid eczema. so my mum and mum in law always ask me watch my diet not to eat "heaty" food. worry that my baby has eczema too. but sometimes can't control myself also cannot blame me mah. haha. yaya. fast food i can eat 1 whole meal without vomiting! and sometimes i take bee tai mak. rice really no appetite for it. and i always drink cold water. zzz. must cut down on everything already. mum keep nag nag nag. haha.

yea! pinkdiamonds. hope i go 1st appointment can check gender already. cos by then i'll be around 15 weeks? hehe. hopefully!
sorry.. why is your 1st appt so late?! by 15 weeks, you would have missed out on the down syndrome test.. and a required blood test.

do you have prenatal supplements like folic acid and all? at least you can keep food down.. =)


Well-Known Member
because my hubby has discoid eczema. so my mum and mum in law always ask me watch my diet not to eat "heaty" food. worry that my baby has eczema too. but sometimes can't control myself also cannot blame me mah. haha. yaya. fast food i can eat 1 whole meal without vomiting! and sometimes i take bee tai mak. rice really no appetite for it. and i always drink cold water. zzz. must cut down on everything already. mum keep nag nag nag. haha.

yea! pinkdiamonds. hope i go 1st appointment can check gender already. cos by then i'll be around 15 weeks? hehe. hopefully!
I have eczema and my hubby has dry skin condition so my girl has eczema too. I do believe it's more of hereditary. She has an egg allergy so her eczema will flare up whenever she is exposed to egg.

I think most important thing now is to eat and actually keep the food inside. No point for you to try to eat healthy, but end up your vomit all the good food out right? Weight gain is more important. When your appetite is better, it's not too late to eat all the healthier food.

I think you should schedule your gynae appointment early as there are tests which can be taken in week 12. Otherwise the next time to take the test will be at week 20, but I'm not too sure. Better to call the clinic and check with them. :tlaugh:


New Member
we tried to ask when doing the DS scan on the 13th week on the gender. they never say. only say will know on the 20th week.

nowadays keep eating japanese food like udon and rice. don't know is it because jap rice smell nicer and all along i love jap food. sushi i am ok. no vomit. *touchwood. :tlaugh:

i have been drinking milk powder recently.

DH make for me at 10pm. so far so good. i finish half a tin of it.
sorry.. why is your 1st appt so late?! by 15 weeks, you would have missed out on the down syndrome test.. and a required blood test.

do you have prenatal supplements like folic acid and all? at least you can keep food down.. =)

yah. i've been taking folic acid since i knew i was pregnant. i went to gp and polyclinic ley. but they gave me this date. then my family says its fine. no need so early check up. o.o so i dunno how. may i know whats the down syndrome test about? i'm 21 this year. its a must to take?
I have eczema and my hubby has dry skin condition so my girl has eczema too. I do believe it's more of hereditary. She has an egg allergy so her eczema will flare up whenever she is exposed to egg.

I think most important thing now is to eat and actually keep the food inside. No point for you to try to eat healthy, but end up your vomit all the good food out right? Weight gain is more important. When your appetite is better, it's not too late to eat all the healthier food.

I think you should schedule your gynae appointment early as there are tests which can be taken in week 12. Otherwise the next time to take the test will be at week 20, but I'm not too sure. Better to call the clinic and check with them. :tlaugh:

does your girl eczema is serious? im very worried that my baby has eczema then i dunno what to do le. yah. i just eat what i like what i feel like. but sometimes still watch abit of diet.


Well-Known Member
yah. i've been taking folic acid since i knew i was pregnant. i went to gp and polyclinic ley. but they gave me this date. then my family says its fine. no need so early check up. o.o so i dont know how. may i know whats the down syndrome test about? i'm 21 this year. its a must to take?
its not a must i guess.. but during my first pregnancy, i was 20 and i still did it for a piece of mind.

if you're going to KKH, this will be done separately at TPS, no subsidies will be given coz after all its an extra test.
its not a must i guess.. but during my first pregnancy, i was 20 and i still did it for a piece of mind.

if you're going to Kandang Kerbau Hospital, this will be done separately at TPS, no subsidies will be given coz after all its an extra test.

thanks ! oh. nvm. when my appt reaches then i ask the gynae bah. i oso dunno much. dont want stress myself. worry this worry that.


Well-Known Member
does your girl eczema is serious? im very worried that my baby has eczema then i dont know what to do . yah. i just eat what i like what i feel like. but sometimes still watch abit of diet.
It became quite serious because we didn't know it was eczema. It started on her face so we thought it was milk rash and everyone said it's because I didn't clean my breast properly everytime I breastfeed her.

We finally brought her to the polyclinic and was given a referral to the National Skin Centre. By that time it was so bad we had to swaddle her up so that she wouldn't rub or scratch the eczema. With the cream by the doctor it's much much better.

Later on we found out her eczema was the result of an allergy so I had to avoid taking egg when I was breastfeeding her. Now that she's older, she's slowly outgrowing it and her eczema is less serious.

Not to worry so much. Since you guys have eczema I'm quite sure you'll be able to identify if it happens and get doctor's help.

It can be outgrown when your baby gets older.

But of course hopefully your baby will avoid it! :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
hello everyone~ today went for my NT scan and blood test.. didn't opt to do the OSCAR but my risk was well within the good range.

once again, my due date has moved forward.. its on the 21st Oct now. LOL! at least the gynae decided to make it fixed at 21st and no more changes.


New Member
Hi all.. m new here...my due is estimated ard 23 Oct.. and this is my 13-14 wk.. just went for the down syndrome test and diabetes test... and just rcd call from doc saying my sugar level is high.. felt rather stressed.. i m scheduled to meet a dietitian next week and will have to start using some monitoring system which i suppose needs pricking..

Anyone has any knowledge abt gestational diabetes....


Well-Known Member
Hi Magteo! Congrats on your pregnancy! I have no knowledge of gestational diabetes, but I'm sure there are available threads on this topic. Do keep us updated about what's going on!


:bbrolleyes:hey everybody!

Been awhile...kekeke... hope everyone is feeling much much better! :Dancing_wub:

Recently, i had a weird dream...hahaha...perhaps due to anxiety and inexperience.... dreamt that the baby came out earlier than expected and nothing is ready and bought. Hahaha....nothing for him to wear, forgot to feed him, then realise i don't know how to breast feed. Hahahaha...woke up in horror and went shopping immediately. Haha. din't get anything but kinda know what baby uses. haha...the range is a so wide! OMG, the prices too. Hahaha... so any one has any idea what is te most essential for our new born, at least for the 1st to 6th mth.

This sat, 24th, mu hubby and I are going for the 'Anmum' organised pregnacy and parenting talk in Suntec at 12pm. anyone of u guys going?


Well-Known Member

me feeling better. MS still comes and goes but not on daily basis. have slightly more energy now, but cannot really "fly" yet. hahaha. the other day while having a nap I dreamt that I gave birth to twin boys! Hoping for a girl + boy twin but will only find out in about 4 weeks. it's such a long wait.

recently went for my NT test & blood test. NT test went well. If clinic doesn't call me earlier to go down then I assume my blood test is okay too.

I feel like I also need to buy a lot of things, but it seems like I have most of what we need. It's endless. everytime u go shopping u keep wanting to buy more things!
hi mummies! just went to kk for my 1st check up ytd. doctor didnt say much. took urine test, ultra sound and blood test. now my arm bruise. nurse couldnt find my veins. haha. they didnt say much. saw my baby. so cute. haha. its around 15.5weeks. so my EDD has bring forward to 9th october. ^^ around my birthday too. haha. i didnt took up the down syndrome test cos doctor told me its only 50%-60% accurant and its not necessary for me. so decided to skip it.
total bill after subsidise is $100.70. should be for this time round only cos of so many test. my folic acid given by my gp is finishing already and ytd saw my baby thru ultrasound too happy until forget ask doctor for more. am i suppose to continue taking it or can stop after i finish it?