EDD June 2012 Mummies


im also anxious to know baby's gender but doctor says its still early..

been eating lots compared to last few weeks.. and now, i wun vomit even when i eat at night! so happy. initially, when i eat at night, or even drink milo, i would vomit. but now, no.. lol...

having another problem now: insomia!


im also anxious to know baby's gender but doctor says its still early..

been eating lots compared to last few weeks.. and now, i wun vomit even when i eat at night! so happy. initially, when i eat at night, or even drink milo, i would vomit. but now, no.. lol...

having another problem now: insomia!
I also cant take milo..once take feel like vomitting..and i also have interrupted sleep, always wake up at night to pee and also bad dreams sometimes..day time still feel tired easily..i thought 2nd trimester i would regain more strength and wont get tired easily..sigh


New Member
I'm having insomnia too! Always wake up at weird morning hours and keep peeing non-stop! I need to wake up 3-4 times at night to pee, cant hold my bladder, so irritating!


Getting tired will be all the way till 3rd tri... Not like MS maybe will end in 2nd tri... I also keep having bad dreams at night while slping...
Oh is it? I thought only the 1st tri and the last one..im going taiwan for a holiday in feb, scared will be too tired to shop and sightseeing..sigh


Oh is it? I thought only the 1st tri and the last one..im going taiwan for a holiday in feb, scared will be too tired to shop and sightseeing..sigh
Nope, for all my pregnancy, i feel tired all the way, when working i can even fall asleep haha... Lucky no boss see...


New Member
I've been having bad dreams too...very violent ones..think I watched too much TV lol. I feel the most tired right after LUNCH! Need to force myself to keep awake!


not yet the kicking..

but my shorts are getting tight. lol. have to get new ones soon.. dunno how to buy new year clothes now...


not yet the kicking..

but my shorts are getting tight. lol. have to get new ones soon.. dunno how to buy new year clothes now...
Same too, don feel like buying maternity wear as this will be my last... Feel waste of money if i buy... Tummy not too big also, wear maternity wear also looks funny...


Same too, don feel like buying maternity wear as this will be my last... Feel waste of money if i buy... Tummy not too big also, wear maternity wear also looks funny...
But 3rd trimester onwards , tummy sure very big right? Hope i dun swell too much..i dont like to wear maternity wear too