EDD June 2012 Mummies


Hi Nopy,
Is a scan to check your baby for possibility of down syndrome. U can choose between NT scan or Oscar scan actually. NT scan is much cheaper actually. Also depends on your gynae recommendation. Mine just ask me to go for NT and got the result immediately :)
Ic.. I already did the test.. Didn't know there was another name for it.. I went got scan n also the blood test..
It was held at kk..


I gain 3.2kg till now...
I dont think I'm normal then.. I just grow less then a kg till now.. First check up was 8/12 40.6kg.. Yesterday check up say is 40.9kg.. But doctor didn't mention anything about it.. I'm scare now.. But my friend say my tummy is big..


I dont think I'm normal then.. I just grow less then a kg till now.. First check up was 8/12 40.6kg.. Yesterday check up say is 40.9kg.. But doctor didn't mention anything about it.. I'm scare now.. But my friend say my tummy is big..[/
I think it depends on individual. Got gain a bit is good already. Doctor say cannot gain too much, not healthy. Now i scared i gain too much too quickly :p


My weight and my size of tummy doesn't seems match.. Lol..

Btw, any ideal 2012 what will be the popular baby name? Like one of the year boys end with "den" = kayden etc..

So stressing to get the name.. Heex..


I dont think I'm normal then.. I just grow less then a kg till now.. First check up was 8/12 40.6kg.. Yesterday check up say is 40.9kg.. But doctor didn't mention anything about it.. I'm scare now.. But my friend say my tummy is big..[/
I think it depends on individual. Got gain a bit is good already. Doctor say cannot gain too much, not healthy. Now i scared i gain too much too quickly :p
How many weeks already? How much did u gain? Will it because of bone..


New Member
I gained like 6kg, should watch my diet otherwise if I get too big, delivery be more difficult and even harder to lose the extra weight. Btw, during my 12 weeks scan, gynae mention that it may be a girl but during 16 weeks scan, it turned out to be a boy lol. Cant buy those pretty dresses and headbands that I've been eyeing for so long.


I gained like 6kg, should watch my diet otherwise if I get too big, delivery be more difficult and even harder to lose the extra weight. Btw, during my 12 weeks scan, gynae mention that it may be a girl but during 16 weeks scan, it turned out to be a boy lol. Cant buy those pretty dresses and headbands that I've been eyeing for so long.
Ya doc say mine could be a boy but btr not be so happy 1st till my next scan to cfm ..so anxiously waiting to cfm!



My EDD is on the 5th June. This is my 1st pregnancy and we are so excited about it! :)

However, i am getting so stress up and worried about eating the wrong food.

E.g. i had a hot fudge sundae from McDonald the other day, only to realise that soft serve ice cream is on the 'high-risk' list (potential of listeria if the ice cream machine is not cleaned properly). It freaked me out for days.

And i had duck at a restaurant and the lighting was dim. After the 1st piece then i realised the meat was a little pinkish, which means it's undercooked?? I went to the toilet immediately and throw everything up.

From that day on, every meat that i ate, i think they are all undercooked, and it's causing me a huge amount of stress.

Anybody facing the same problem as me?


Btw...i am experiencing abdominal pains these few days. I googled online and it may be due to "round ligaments pain". Anybody have the same type of pain?


Active Member

My EDD is on the 5th June. This is my 1st pregnancy and we are so excited about it! :)

However, i am getting so stress up and worried about eating the wrong food.

E.g. i had a hot fudge sundae from McDonald the other day, only to realise that soft serve ice cream is on the 'high-risk' list (potential of listeria if the ice cream machine is not cleaned properly). It freaked me out for days.

And i had duck at a restaurant and the lighting was dim. After the 1st piece then i realised the meat was a little pinkish, which means it's undercooked?? I went to the toilet immediately and throw everything up.

From that day on, every meat that i ate, i think they are all undercooked, and it's causing me a huge amount of stress.

Anybody facing the same problem as me?
Hi ...

I think you are abit too sensitive. During pregnancy .. There are no wrong or right food. Even you are eating the best & right food.. There maybe problem also! So everything in moderation... Just abit of hot fudge sundae or pinkish piece of duck will hurt you or your baby.

Actually talking about the ice cream machine not cleaned properly... To be honest... Outside food are always not cleaned.. So what"s clean?? Even hotel buffet are the most "clean" food of all. Imagine the different types of food by different people then end up on the buffet.

You should be happy during pregnancy... Instead stressing on all these little issues... :) Jia you!

By the way... Just to share with you.. I had Macdonald sundae almost every 2 weeks since preggie till now I m 24 weeks.. I had med-well steak during my 1st trimester.


No leh ..hehe..or maybe havent say anything yet. Maybe im just not used to putting on so much weight ..haha
Then dont worry.. Some mummy eat how much also couldn't gain weight.. We should be happy.. But also not over the weight limit.. Heex.. After birth got to slim back..


Hi ...

I think you are abit too sensitive. During pregnancy .. There are no wrong or right food. Even you are eating the best & right food.. There maybe problem also! So everything in moderation... Just abit of hot fudge sundae or pinkish piece of duck will hurt you or your baby.

Actually talking about the ice cream machine not cleaned properly... To be honest... Outside food are always not cleaned.. So what"s clean?? Even hotel buffet are the most "clean" food of all. Imagine the different types of food by different people then end up on the buffet.

You should be happy during pregnancy... Instead stressing on all these little issues... :) Jia you!

By the way... Just to share with you.. I had Macdonald sundae almost every 2 weeks since preggie till now I m 24 weeks.. I had med-well steak during my 1st trimester.


I know I am over-reacting and paranoid probably will describe me better :)

I have told myself repeatedly to relax n enjoy my pregnancy, but think it's easier said then done as we had waited 10yrs for this baby...

I have learnt not to read too much online as all those information can be quite scary at times.

Thanks for sharing...but I really have no guts to eat sundae again...will have to wait till I have the baby then I will stuff myself with sundaes :)

Let's jiayou together!!



I know I am over-reacting and paranoid probably will describe me better :)

I have told myself repeatedly to relax n enjoy my pregnancy, but think it's easier said then done as we had waited 10yrs for this baby...

I have learnt not to read too much online as all those information can be quite scary at times.

Thanks for sharing...but I really have no guts to eat sundae again...will have to wait till I have the baby then I will stuff myself with sundaes :)

Let's jiayou together!!
Seriously.. Just relax.. Dont think what cant be eat.. In chinese elderly there is even lots of things cant be eat.. As long you have limit on it..

Think about what kind of baby cot etc you want to get.. So it could kill your time to stress..

And when about time you will know the gender.. Think about the name for your baby, you and your hubby like..

I suffer from stress and emotional.. For the first 30mins or so im emotional.. But I will feel some feeling at baby area.. So I will think about looking forward to have scan, so I could c my baby again.. To cool myself down

Everyday is a new day to be happy.. :)


Active Member

I know I am over-reacting and paranoid probably will describe me better :)

I have told myself repeatedly to relax n enjoy my pregnancy, but think it's easier said then done as we had waited 10yrs for this baby...

I have learnt not to read too much online as all those information can be quite scary at times.

Thanks for sharing...but I really have no guts to eat sundae again...will have to wait till I have the baby then I will stuff myself with sundaes :)

Let's jiayou together!!
Hi ..

Wow trying for 10yrs.. Congrats!! :) stress will effect pregnancy.. So don't worry too much. I always believe that eat whatever you feel like eating cos" your baby wants to eat!! He/she needs to be pamper so he/she will be happy. :) my baby loves coke , ice cream.. Etc. so during my 1st trimester I have been sipping coke... :) baby is happy he/she will grow well!

Take care okie !!

Jia you
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hi mummies :smile:

are you having fish oil for baby now:)

have anyone heard before natal care plus & blackmores Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold :confused: which will be better:confused: