EDD June 2012 Mummies


hi mummies :smile:

are you having fish oil for baby now:)

have anyone heard before natal care plus & blackmores Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold :confused: which will be better:confused:
I ve started taking fish oil le..but mine bought from my gynae's clinic :)


New Member
I look thu the inde of blackmores Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold.. It is like all in one.. Has anyone taking that now?
I'm taking the same one too since I was trying for baby till now at 4mths + already. At same time I'm also taking gynae's prescribed iron and calcium supplements.


I'm taking the same one too since I was trying for baby till now at 4mths + already. At same time I'm also taking gynae's prescribed iron and calcium supplements.
Congrats.. When is ur edd?

You took blackmores and also with your gyn prescribed? Erm.. Will it be to much of iron & calcium? Because most people will say is heaty..


haha.. whenever i wanna drink cold water.. i have to go to my fridge secretly and sip incase anybody sees! If not, will kana scolding..

so anxious to know the gender.. check up in another 15 days time!

im also having fish oil, prescribed by my gyane when I entered 2nd trimester..


haha.. whenever i wanna drink cold water.. i have to go to my fridge secretly and sip incase anybody sees! If not, will kana scolding..

so anxious to know the gender.. check up in another 15 days time!

im also having fish oil, prescribed by my gyane when I entered 2nd trimester..
Cold drinks i drink almost everyday ;P


haha.. whenever i wanna drink cold water.. i have to go to my fridge secretly and sip incase anybody sees! If not, will kana scolding..

so anxious to know the gender.. check up in another 15 days time!

im also having fish oil, prescribed by my gyane when I entered 2nd trimester..
So happy for u.. I still need to wait end of the month to know the gender.. But I will look forward.. Heex

Erm.. My gyn did give me too but is running low.. And is only at kkh selling it.. It is kind of troublesome to travel there just for that.. So I'm thinking to get blackmores.. It seems much more inge in it.. So wondering is that really better


New Member
Congrats.. When is your edd?

You took blackmores and also with your gyn prescribed? Erm.. Will it be to much of iron & calcium? Because most people will say is heaty..
I showed the blackmores to gynae and he gave me the green light to go ahead with it. The supplements that he prescribed doesnt contain dha and iodine, which i heard is v good for baby's developing brain. He only provides me iron and calcium pills, so i just supplement it with the blackmores one i bought from guardian. :)


I showed the blackmores to gynae and he gave me the green light to go ahead with it. The supplements that he prescribed doesnt contain dha and iodine, which i heard is v good for baby's developing brain. He only provides me iron and calcium pills, so i just supplement it with the blackmores one i bought from guardian. :)
Oh ok.. Haha.. At least I know something about it already..

By the way.. Blackmores currently having 20% discount at guardian.. No ideal does Watson also having promotion.. Can go store up.. Heex :)


somehow, i think my baby is developing slow.. everytime when i go check up, the edd will be pushed back...
Oh dun worry, my gynae says the edd will be getting more and more inacurate when moving towards delivery. The initial edd will be most accurate ; plus minus 3days from the 1st edd initially.


somehow, i think my baby is developing slow.. everytime when i go check up, the edd will be pushed back...
Did ur gyn mention of the reason..

By the way.. Have more healthy food.. You might want to ask ur MIL to cook some herbal soup for you.. I heard from a auntie she is 70+ but the look and skin doesn't look like her age, much more younger.. She mention.. We can cook black chicken soup.. If we not sure what to add.. Just cook plain with the chicken.. Avoid cold stuffs, banana and mutton.. Slp well eat well.. Everything will be fine.. :)


Hi ..

Wow trying for 10yrs.. Congrats!! :) stress will effect pregnancy.. So don't worry too much. I always believe that eat whatever you feel like eating cos" your baby wants to eat!! He/she needs to be pamper so he/she will be happy. :) my baby loves coke , ice cream.. Etc. so during my 1st trimester I have been sipping coke... :) baby is happy he/she will grow well!

Take care okie !!

Jia you

Thanks :)

Haha...my baby loves sweet stuff n milk tea (all the unhealthy food =_="""). I dare not drink too much tea so I always make a cup of tea for my hubby 1st, then I used back the same tea bag n make a cup of milk tea for myself...hehe


Seriously.. Just relax.. Dont think what cant be eat.. In chinese elderly there is even lots of things cant be eat.. As long you have limit on it..

Think about what kind of baby cot etc you want to get.. So it could kill your time to stress..

And when about time you will know the gender.. Think about the name for your baby, you and your hubby like..

I suffer from stress and emotional.. For the first 30mins or so im emotional.. But I will feel some feeling at baby area.. So I will think about looking forward to have scan, so I could c my baby again.. To cool myself down

Everyday is a new day to be happy.. :)
I m trying hard to relax everyday n hopefully I can get better each day...fingers crossed!

I m having my scan in 12days n will be able to know the gender then...can't wait :)

I agree...looking at cots, baby clothing etc can really kill stress....all those cutie littles shirts, booties, hats...oh!
Too bad its too early to buy anything now....can't wait to splash out in a few mths time :)

Jiayou! :)


I m trying hard to relax everyday n hopefully I can get better each day...fingers crossed!

I m having my scan in 12days n will be able to know the gender then...can't wait :)

I agree...looking at cots, baby clothing etc can really kill stress....all those cutie littles shirts, booties, hats...oh!
Too bad its too early to buy anything now....can't wait to splash out in a few mths time :)

Jiayou! :)
So good.. I still have to wait till end of this month then I able to see my baby.. Sob.. But I'm happy for you.. ;)

By the way when is your edd?

Those is so cute then make us cant wait to get it.. But we can't buy now.. When ever I look at baby stuffs my mum will nag.. I saw on forum some of their mum say is better to buy those stuffs one month before due..

Jiayou too;)


So good.. I still have to wait till end of this month then I able to see my baby.. Sob.. But I'm happy for you.. ;)

By the way when is your edd?

Those is so cute then make us cant wait to get it.. But we can't buy now.. When ever I look at baby stuffs my mum will nag.. I saw on forum some of their mum say is better to buy those stuffs one month before due..

Jiayou too;)
My EDD is 5th June....when's urs?

I planned to start my shopping during the Easter period....sure got sales then and timing will be just about right oso :)


Active Member
Thanks :)

Haha...my baby loves sweet stuff n milk tea (all the unhealthy food =_="""). I dare not drink too much tea so I always make a cup of tea for my hubby 1st, then I used back the same tea bag n make a cup of milk tea for myself...hehe

Of cos not too much of sweet stuff.. Eat moderately!! Oh milk tea.. Hmmm. Not too much also. Have u taken your glucose test ?



Of cos not too much of sweet stuff.. Eat moderately!! Oh milk tea.. Hmmm. Not too much also. Have u taken your glucose test ?
Yaya....everything I ate in moderation..i got limit my sugar intake everyday...

Not yet...thought will only take thr test during later stage think between wk 24-28...


Active Member
Yaya....everything I ate in moderation..i got limit my sugar intake everyday...

Not yet...thought will only take thr test during later stage think between wk 24-28...
Oh you haven't take the glucose test better don't too much sweet stuff. Oh did your gynae mentioned when will u be having the test? I had mine at 20wks with detailed scan !


Oh you haven't take the glucose test better don't too much sweet stuff. Oh did your gynae mentioned when will u be having the test? I had mine at 20wks with detailed scan !
I will only be having my 20th wk scan in 12days time. I m actually based in New Zealand right noe now so maybe the system is a bit different over here. But I do take a urine test at my monthly appt with my midwife.

So u know the gender of ur baby already?