Edd june 2014


Hello all.. Goin for the oscar scan now.. So sleepy.. Wish i can slp at home.. I popping 3rd pimple now.. At week 12. My hubby say my pop pimple every 4 weeks. Saded.. My 1st one no pimple lei.

I accidentally drink spoiled milk last sat. Till now when drink milk I'll puke.. :(((
Hello all... I am a 1st time mum.. consider 2nd child as I had a missed miscarriage in May 2013... When I test positive the 2nd time I did not know which gynae to go so I went back to the previous one that helped me with my miscarriage.. in parkway east hospital. . Was not too happy with her as I find her scanning skills not as good.. She cannot find my gestation sac when she first did the scan hence cannot confirm if there is a miscarriage again.. I was super worried so I just checked with another colleague on which gynea she had.. she went to thomson women's. . And I went for a scan again the same very day.. and the doctor got it on the screen almost instantly...
My dilemma now is that this doctor from Thomson only deliver in Thomson Hospital or Mt A.. and her package is $850 for 10 visits.. without supplements... if any of you can give me some advise.. I am worried of the high cost in private hospitals hence was thinking of KK.. I have checked out a few hospitals. . NUH.. MT A.. KK.. GLENEAGLES..THOMSON.. PARKWAY.. heard good reviews about Mt A and NUH.. not sure of the rest... If we compare single bed.. I guess Gleneagles may be the most ex... Is my 1st time and we are not sure how to find a good hospital or a good gynae.. I am now 12 weeks and ready to sign up with a firm gynae...
Hi, my gynae only deliver at Thomson so when I had my first child 3 yrs ago, it cost me just over $10,000 coz I had induced birth, ended up could not deliver naturally due to fever and ended up with emergency C-sec, so the cost escalated. Otherwise, the bill is likely around $5k-$6k for single bedder. Service else, Thomson is okay, the nurses do come and check and help if you have difficulties breastfeeding the newborn. They also schedule a optional free baby care session on the 2nd day after you deliver.

I chosed my gynae coz he is quite reputable for his scans - very powerful ultra-sound machine when I can do OSCAR and detailed scan all at the comfort of his clinic. Some gynae that I know, will need have to book major scans appointment elsewhere. The downside is that my gynae is very professional in his work so he sometimes come across as stern and not so friendly. Waiting time is also reasonable, usually within 45mins, I heard some gynaes got to wait for half a day or even reschedule appointments. So over all, the way he care for my first pregnancy and the convenience I get, I have no complaints.

I think when choosing a hospital or gynae, it depends on your priorities and what you are most comfortable with.

Hope this helps.
manngooogle:842119 said:
Hello all... I am a 1st time mum.. consider 2nd child as I had a missed miscarriage in May 2013... When I test positive the 2nd time I did not know which gynae to go so I went back to the previous one that helped me with my miscarriage.. in parkway east hospital. . Was not too happy with her as I find her scanning skills not as good.. She cannot find my gestation sac when she first did the scan hence cannot confirm if there is a miscarriage again.. I was super worried so I just checked with another colleague on which gynea she had.. she went to thomson women's. . And I went for a scan again the same very day.. and the doctor got it on the screen almost instantly...
My dilemma now is that this doctor from Thomson only deliver in Thomson Hospital or Mt A.. and her package is $850 for 10 visits.. without supplements... if any of you can give me some advise.. I am worried of the high cost in private hospitals hence was thinking of KK.. I have checked out a few hospitals. . NUH.. MT A.. KK.. GLENEAGLES..THOMSON.. PARKWAY.. heard good reviews about Mt A and NUH.. not sure of the rest... If we compare single bed.. I guess Gleneagles may be the most ex... Is my 1st time and we are not sure how to find a good hospital or a good gynae.. I am now 12 weeks and ready to sign up with a firm gynae...
I think most important u have to be comfortable with the gynae. For hospital, if go private, mount A is one of the most affordable one and the service from many reviews are good. They have caring nurses anf good lactation consultant which is why I chose that as the hospital to deliver. :)
Eeyoremum:842365 said:
Hello all.. Goin for the oscar scan now.. So sleepy.. Wish i can slp at home.. I popping 3rd pimple now.. At week 12. My hubby say my pop pimple every 4 weeks. Saded.. My 1st one no pimple lei.

I accidentally drink spoiled milk last sat. Till now when drink milk I'll puke.. :(((
Spoilt milk?! Then r u ok? If got tummyache of diarrhoea better go see doctor. I also pimple whole face. Before pregnant no pimple. But I dont dare apply pimple cream cuz they say salicylic acid not good for fetus. So just got to waot for it to go away by itself. :(
yvonnensn:841768 said:
Have you munmies decided on the hospital or started buying the baby stuffs??
We are deciding between Mt A and Mt E. Most likely at Mt E tho. But I hear Mt A service very good.

Haven't bought any baby stuff cos the gender of the baby still unknown leh.
I think I most kaisu. My MIL bought for us stroller, baby car seat, breast pump and sterilizer while I went a bit siao and bought quite a few outfit that are unisex for the baby. Now approaching week 13 and MS subsiding. *pray hard it will go away soon* as hubby will be outstation next week for 5 weeks before coming back next year jan :(


Eeyoremum:842365 said:
Hello all.. Goin for the oscar scan now.. So sleepy.. Wish i can slp at home.. I popping 3rd pimple now.. At week 12. My hubby say my pop pimple every 4 weeks. Saded.. My 1st one no pimple lei.

I accidentally drink spoiled milk last sat. Till now when drink milk I'll puke.. :(((
Spoilt milk?! Then r u ok? If got tummyache of diarrhoea better go see doctor. I also pimple whole face. Before pregnant no pimple. But I dont dare apply pimple cream cuz they say salicylic acid not good for fetus. So just got to waot for it to go away by itself. :(
I'm ok.. Coz I throw out everything after I swallow the milk. Sour taste. Yukeee.. I throw up everything include my dinner :((( u apply pimple cream arh? I nvr use any lei.. I just do normal cleansing then leave it alone. Sobbbed...


New Member
I think most important u have to be comfortable with the gynae. For hospital, if go private, mount A is one of the most affordable one and the service from many reviews are good. They have caring nurses anf good lactation consultant which is why I chose that as the hospital to deliver. :)
Hi, Thanks.. When I see the packages offered by the Hospital, it all seems to be fairly the same and affortable. But I do hear that some hospital have lots of "Additions" to the package that will increase the bill.. I tried to ask the Hospital what is the average and what is the typical cost that the total bill size may be.. and they response to be about 1K to 2K higher than the package that we see from the website...
I think good service and dedicate nurses and very experience Midwife is one of my key selection of Hospital and it seems that Mount A has the most vote for these pointers...


New Member
Hi Smurfete, yeah I know what you mean.. my experience also quite traumatising.. guess this will be the last one for me...
good that you are recovering from your MS.. are you working or stay home mommy?

Im not sure if it's just my over sensitivity, but I feel that my son is more cranky now that Im pregnant..
perhaps I dont play and spend enough time with him now.. but how to?? even the thought of wake up and shower also not very appealing..

im glad that i can pull myself to work today.. :)


New Member
same here... got 3rd pimples in the last 1 week.. dont worry mummy... it will go away...

good luck with your oscan scan... mine is this coming friday.. :)
Eyeoremum, I nv apply cream. Cuz I read its not good. I think really just got to wait for hormones to be stable then everything will be ok.


I am a full time working mum. I felt so cold the last few weeks at work coz I don't even dare to eat a thing. Empty stomach and working around in office. What a torture? Come home, hide inside my blanket. Hubby still says don't pretend.... Then he saw me not really eating my favourite food on weekends, he becomes more sympathetic and worry.
Hi Smurfete, yeah I know what you mean.. my experience also quite traumatising.. guess this will be the last one for me...
good that you are recovering from your MS.. are you working or stay home mommy?

Im not sure if it's just my over sensitivity, but I feel that my son is more cranky now that Im pregnant..
perhaps I dont play and spend enough time with him now.. but how to?? even the thought of wake up and shower also not very appealing..

im glad that i can pull myself to work today.. :)
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New Member
Hi all, i'm at my 10th week. edd 21 June 2014 after clarifying with the doc. i had blur-ly went into may 2014 group previously - must be too excited thats why counted wrongly! i'm also a working MTB, and dealing with both is not easy - holding onto my pukiness during meetings; trying not to yawn all the time (yawn until my jaw hurts); and dozing off at work. i think what's most tough is dealing with my hubby.
I know he's really excited about the baby as we had quite a tough time conceiving. so he gets angry at me when i do silly things like eating sweets that are old and its packaging exposed to a dirty environment, forgetting to eat my med after a meal (once!) and things like that. While i somehow know that i'm in the wrong most times, i cant help feeling hurt by him, even though i know he means well. i'm afraid my actions might cause deformities!
To be honest, we will be doing the fetal blood test for abnormalities next visit and i'm completely terrified of what the results may be.


New Member
Hi FuryJ... I think is better to have an excited husband who is very concern over all the things and the entire process then to have one that dont really bother.. My dont ask me much about the entire pregnancy.... :(


Done w oscar scan. Everything ok except got anaemia. Got low risk on thalassemia.. So have to do further blood test.. Sobb.. Draw my blood again... :(((((

Think of my bb happily turning here n there during the scan. Now tell me need to do further test.. Hope she's ok.. :(((


Eeyoremum:842444 said:
Done w oscar scan. Everything ok except got anaemia. Got low risk on thalassemia.. So have to do further blood test.. Sobb.. Draw my blood again... :(((((

Think of my bb happily turning here n there during the scan. Now tell me need to do further test.. Hope she's ok.. :(((
Already know you are expecting a baby girl?


Btw mummies. I've checked with Bio Essence on their Tanaka white series as I'm using them. They have replied stating that their products are alcohol-free n safe for pregnant women.


Eeyoremum:842444 said:
Done w oscar scan. Everything ok except got anaemia. Got low risk on thalassemia.. So have to do further blood test.. Sobb.. Draw my blood again... :(((((

Think of my bb happily turning here n there during the scan. Now tell me need to do further test.. Hope she's ok.. :(((
Already know you are expecting a baby girl?
No.. Still can't see yet.. Hope she or he is ok. Hehee.. I did ask if can see but the earliest can identify is abt week 17.


Btw mummies. I've checked with Bio Essence on their Tanaka white series as I'm using them. They have replied stating that their products are alcohol-free n safe for pregnant women.
Then this series got pimple cream?? Hai.. The pimple like my hubby say pop out every 4weeks.. :(


New Member
I am a full time working mum. I felt so cold the last few weeks at work coz I don't even dare to eat a thing. Empty stomach and working around in office. What a torture? Come home, hide inside my blanket. Hubby still says don't pretend.... Then he saw me not really eating my favourite food on weekends, he becomes more sympathetic and worry.

i think nobody will understand what morning sickness feel like untill they feel it themselves.. haha.. haiz.. i feel so cold and sleepy every morning cos at nite cant sleep well.. are you mummies sleep well at nite?