EDD May 2011


Active Member
By the way, can anyone explain to me the immunization packages?
If follow the national immunization chart is it consider 5-in-1?


Active Member
By the way, can anyone explain to me the immunization packages?
If follow the national immunization chart is it consider 5-in-1?
From my understanding, the only difference between 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 is the Hep B jab. For 5-in-1, need to take separately.


i went to thomson parentcraft this week & the consultant told me i can start training baby to sleep throughout the night. She said to start by slowly reducing the night feed by 10 - 20ml each time.

do any other mummies do this? what's the best way to stop the night feed
I didn't do anything in particular. I do direct latching n on demand. As she grows she tends to sleep longer and drink lesser at night

I know that my mum always change new diaper and feed me at night when i was a baby. I will sleep throughout the night. But i was a fm fed baby. Apparently I sorta did the same method but I will change my baby into new clothes, put abit of oil,
powder and néw diaper. Between 10-12pm, I will let her drink both sides till she knocked out. Wrap her nicely and switch off the lights. It s now a routine for her and she automatically cry if she happens to be playing outside w mum in law after 10pm onwards.

My husband surf the net and found it is normal for my baby's age to sleep 5hrs at night.
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Any mummies here not working? Or work from home? Just curious. If poss it ll be nice to be working from home. Own time own target and can spend time with baby 24/7. :D
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Active Member
Why do u say she s underfed? She gained abt 3kg within 3mths. Tot it s normal as u mentioned before 250g per week.
haha I didn't do that calculation. Ya hor. Sounds better. Coz I only focus on after kl come back. She was 5.4kg. So after 21 days only 5.8kg which is 400g in 3 weeks.
Hi, i don't is it helpful, i used 2 bolster lay slanded and put baby in between, so part of the bolster is touching her lower part body, sort of like someone is carrying her, my baby can sleep better like this..
i have to slowly let go from this month as i am going work next month.. scared really bu she de and keep thinking baby at work



Do u know what I can eat or drink to minimize or stop cough without going to the doc? Thank God no more fever.

Thanks. :)


Active Member
Was your pack of milk those flat lying kind? I made the mistake of making those initial packs standing. Then become odd shape. Hard to organize into my freezer
Initial pack using avent bag standing only. Ya odd shape if never stand properly. I put them in a container stand to thaw.


Active Member
Oh dear so what time did she sleep?
I had good sleep last night. Girl slept from 12am till now... Still sleeping
She slept at 11 plus when I have to cradle her to sleep with pacifier. Usually for deep sleep she Go concuss one no need to cradle.
Wow that's 7 hrs. Good so better keep the day schedule yesterday and feed same pattern today hopefully tonight another round of good sleep.


Active Member
Hmm.. If I latch, how do I reduce? By timing? :)
I notice during night feed side lying my girl will not suck that long. She is too sleepy to do so and just suck to quench thirst or bit hunger. Thereafter unlatch and fall asleep back.


Active Member

Do you know what I can eat or drink to minimize or stop cough without going to the doc? Thank God no more fever.

Thanks. :)
Depends on heaty cough or cold cough. you can try drink tea + honey + lemon. Kill germs and soothen throat.
dont't drink too much as tea got caffeine.
Or buy "nim jiom pei pa koa"
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