EDD May 2011


Active Member
She slept at 11 plus when I have to cradle her to sleep with pacifier. Usually for deep sleep she Go concuss one no need to cradle.
Wow that's 7 hrs. Good so better keep the day schedule yesterday and feed same pattern today hopefully tonight another round of good sleep.
wow! How did you do that?


Depends on heaty cough or cold cough. you can try drink tea + honey + lemon. Kill germs and soothen throat.
dont't drink too much as tea got caffeine.
Or buy "nim jiom pei pa koa"
Oh that s a good solution. Thanks! Anyway my cough is the irritating kind. Throat v itchy and I have blocked nose too. But glad my phlegm is white colour. What does nim jiom pei pa koa consists of? Where to get? Dun want my girl to get sick becos of me. :(
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Active Member
Oh that s a good solution. Thanks! Anyway my cough is the irritating kind. Throat v itchy and I have blocked nose too. But glad my flame is white collar. What does nim jiom pei pa koa consists of? Where to get? Dun want my girl to get sick becos of me. :(
They are all herbs and I believe they have halal sign. Can get from sheng siong or ntuc or in fact any mart would have. U can google and see what they contain. I think I have the box in fridge later I see for u got halal logo or not.


Active Member
wow! How did you do that?
U mean no need to cradle to sleep? I don't know le my girl is like that one. U nicely lay her down to sleep she will not sleep. She easily fall asleep with head a little tilted towards the back. When she was younger my mom and I observed something funny. She will cry and cry, then when I lifted her up and before I can rest her on my shoulder she fallen asleep on my hands halfway lifted kind of position. U can see both her arms like dropped to the side no energy.
My mom try to put her to sleep on my bed but fail then carried her to another room casually put her on the single bed coz my mom need to take something and wow la turn back to get her she fallen asleep d, but when carry her back to my bed put down only she wakes up. When in deep sleep u turn her left and right or even roll her also no response like a pig. Like father like daughter.
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Active Member
Do u know tha rationale? Cradle or side lying position isn't it same position for her?
When I did side lying on sat night, we both fell asleep. I also don't know hoe long she latch ha
I also dunno how long I latch her coz my eyes couldn't be bothered to time lol. As long as she's satisfied. Cradle u have to carry her up from her sleeping position I guess. Same as adult if someone bottle feed me water at night I will lay there and sip. But if ask me sit up drink from cup I will awake. But sometimes I do cradle too while she's sleeping coz she too cranky to do side.


Active Member
I never do anything lei. She reversed her sleeping pattern to normal(as in sleep nigh time and awake day time) few weeks back. Only last week cranky again at night and I tot she reversed her her newborn sleep pattern. She started to sleep well again after I placed her on our bed between hubby and me in sat night as it was start of the ghost festival. Scared she scared. She can't sleep long in her own cot. Always up after ten min
I think Chinese saying of 60 days and 100 days is true. Things will get better day by day. I'm more relax now taking care of my girl. Bonding getting stronger too. Keep it up mummies.


Active Member
They are all herbs and I believe they have halal sign. Can get from sheng siong or ntuc or in fact any mart would have. U can google and see what they contain. I think I have the box in fridge later I see for u got halal logo or not.
No halal sign coz made in hong kong. But Ingredients all herbs. My malay colleague often buy that for her mom.


Active Member
I never do anything lei. She reversed her sleeping pattern to normal(as in sleep nigh time and awake day time) few weeks back. Only last week cranky again at night and I tot she reversed her her newborn sleep pattern. She started to sleep well again after I placed her on our bed between hubby and me in sat night as it was start of the ghost festival. Scared she scared. She can't sleep long in her own cot. Always up after ten min
I think my baby sleeps better in her playpen. That night I also thought start of hungry ghost fest, then I put her beside me n my hb and she woke up every time her pacifier dropped out. I think also partially caused by the thing I consumed. :p Went to Ding Tai Feng and drank their chinese tea. Last night she also did her pacifier thing a few times, but managed to fall asleep. She was sleeping in her cot. I noticed that sometimes when she want to sleep and we carry her, she would cry even louder. End up put her in her ownbed she can sleep better.


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Flow to fast? or u try getting the latex one?
Even the normal dr brown she's using she don't want. Nuk teat S1 should be slow? Dunno Liao tonight I go hide let my hubby feed. If not my thawed milk go to waste. Or it could be the taste of June milk? Grrr confused


Active Member
Even the normal dr brown she's using she don't want. Nuk teat S1 should be slow? Dunno Liao tonight I go hide let my hubby feed. If not my thawed milk go to waste. Or it could be the taste of June milk? Grrr confused
Ya u should try yesterday's frozen milk.


Active Member
Even the normal dr brown she's using she dont't want. Nuk teat S1 should be slow? dont know tonight I go hide let my hubby feed. If not my thawed milk go to waste. Or it could be the taste of June milk? Grrr confused

hehe maybe she's smart she knows her fave is just nearby..