EDD May 2014 (maybe)


I guess we can eat anything in moderation, but the auntie has good intention. Just don't take raw food like sashimi.


Lingz12, ya i think mercury level in stingray is high and the older generation prefer we eat fish w scales.. hmm not sure why..

Sigh i'm down with blocked nose on off during the weekend.. just woke up with a lot of mucus.. zz feeling sick but still got long day to go .. my bb woke me up ard 6plus and i drag her till now den feed lol.. so tired.. so i pretended i was aslp.. just let her play..

Anyone experience jaw pain before? Tha pain comes on my left jaw and started feeling like its gonna cramp up when i open my mouth on fri..i though it was just tightness and will go away.. apparently it stayed on till now..feeling abit of swell.. it may be wisdom tooth? but my xray 2 yrs ago show i got 1 wisdom tooth on my right but no problem one.. now this left jaw pain just sudden hits me.. its getting worse.. when i swallow saliva, drink water, talk, oso will move the joint at the jaw abit and it hurts.. can't yawn without pain.. i googled and it suggested may be sinuses or joint loosen due to pregnancy.. :( sigh hope it goes away soon.. i didn't experience this in my 1st pregnancy.. zzz ouch ouch.. can't eat properly, don't dare to open mouth.. :(
same here, Meltie. I was surprise that i encounter jaw pain too (same, my left side). I thought this is not due to pregnancy but only when i saw your msg. hahah

Went gynae last week and told to go back in 4 weeks time. Doc say by then should be 16/17 week, maybe can see the gender if baby is in good position. We are so looking forward...... any mummies here want baby girl or baby boy? :)


same here, Meltie. I was surprise that i encounter jaw pain too (same, my left side). I thought this is not due to pregnancy but only when i saw your msg. hahah

Went gynae last week and told to go back in 4 weeks time. Doc say by then should be 16/17 week, maybe can see the gender if baby is in good position. We are so looking forward...... any mummies here want baby girl or baby boy? :)
Hi^5 ! At least i know i'm not alone.. Read up some sites .. some remedies.. Remedies for Jaw Pain During Pregnancy.. hope it helps.. Meanwhile just got to endure..

Haha i hope for a boy.. coz i already have a girl.. but boys are known to be very very active.. my girl is active enough.. hahaa
But boy or girl oso nvm , as long healthy can already.. :p Oh ya i can't remember when's my next gynae appt! Bzbz sahm .. lol nv take note like in 1st pregnancy.. :p Mornig sickness still prevailing! My bb vomitted and i had to clean up the mess.. end up i vomitted too.. :( the stench really bad..
Oh no... everybody, take care yah... I'm seeing my gynae this Friday... for OSCAR test.. really wish for 1st trimester symptoms to be over... feel so drained and scared of puking all the time :(
Thanks Meltie. Hope the jaw pain will get better.... :)

I went for OSCAR and saw the test report already. everything is good. Can see BB nose, hand and leg.... very cute little one, cos my BB is crossing leg when doing the scan. However i find that their scan machine is so much clearer than my gynae scan.

Enjoy your scan on Friday, Excitedwifey. :)


yeah excited wifey, its gonna be fun seeing bb again! Hope bb is obedient to stay in certain positions and let the scan go on well! :)

Winniemint, hmm my jaw pain is quite bad.. :/ plus i just fell sick today.. sneezing and sniffing like mad.. blocked nose when lying down.. i'm so so tired.. everytime i sneeze, tummy contract and cramp, jaw tensed up and acute pain.. :( sigh.. finally my daughter is napping .. resting abit.. just now she kicked me afew times real hard at my tummy during diaper change.. now still got cramps here n there.. :/ monday blues.. no lunch at home too.. mil gave me black face..maid n her saw me carry bb n highchair together, nv offered to help.. i feel so alone..


my #1 is a girl so I hope this is a boy! but the gender prediction chart predicted a princess.. im jus keeping my fingers crossed and hope the 50:50 probability is favourable to me wen I go for my scan 2 weeks later to see bb gender! even if girl oso nvrm la.. like everybody say, most impt is healthy and happy!

Meltie, ur mil is horrid! y she so unfriendly de? u mus be so looking forward to moving out!


New Member
Meltie, hang in there. U r not alone..
I m also living tgt with ILs but with little help.
I have not had the chance to go out with my friends and enjoy me-time since baby is born.
Always have to bring baby out wherever I go, except when I go to work, baby will be at IFC.
I just take it as the opportunity to bond with my little one, and also to train myself to be able to handle baby myself, though sometimes really wish that it will be nice if they can help to babysit. Can understand how you feel.
Are you waiting for BTO to be ready??


Yes Lingz! Looking forward to moving out of this negative environment! Sighh so many still waters run deep.. mil assumes alot and coles to own conclusions then explode on hubby..

Hey lainey02, thanks for understanding me! Sigh i'm stuck w bb too, they cannot even help me out for a min! I have not have any me-time at all.. only some moments when hubby is relieving me while i bathe fast..can't find time to cut hair .. hubby gotta relieve me.. I've bought a resale 5rm getting keys end of this month! But reno will take 6-8 weeks.. trying to see if can shift in before CNY.. but will be alone doing everything by myself.. but i think more peace..

sigh super sick, hubby finally came home to relieve me while i just came to clinic to see doc.. need some piriton or something.. i cannot afford to be sick long and pass to bb will be worse.. my nose is like a broken tap.. was super hard changing diapers and cutting fruits for bb.. fed her and she vomitted big time.. had to clean up.. nose leaking all the time.. sneezing like mad and causing shoulders to ache, jaw pain and stomach cramp! argh sorry for ranting!


i had my oscar test done today.. was a disaster.. my baby was super moody today.. refused to co operate to take the measure. hmpffff end up we took a super long time to get the measurement done.


Lol.my previous post nvr come out.I had a fall and my knee gt abrasion..sad..Hopefully bb OK.gg for my oscar this thurs and I can't wait.it seems that I'm extremely careless when I'm preg. My first one also I slipped once on my back.


Oh dear sherin86, hope u n baby r ok. Try walking slower n better shoes.

Speedy recovery meltie! Mummy cannot afford to fall sick! Rest well if u can. Is ur own family able to help? At least have a day mc n rest well. I m also staying with in law but I am lucky to have their help to entertain my gal, else I cannot breath too.

Hahah Simbaobao, when I m expecting #1, she is also not cooperative... I got to toss n turn, thn the nurse asked me to get up, walk arnd, drink water, thn go back to the room.
good morning all... It's a raining morning, everyone have to take extra care and dont catch cold.

Meltie, deeply understand you. Once you move out, everything gonna be fine. you are not alone, we are here to support each other. Get Well Soon!!!!

ST Woo

Meltie, oh your in law is really bad and unhelpful. Just look forward for your new house and everything will be fine. Take care Ya!*^▁^*

Same here Japanese food is my favourite too but now I have no craving for food.

Simbaobao, you have to be very careful when you walk. Wear nonslip shoe is safer. Pregnant mummies cannot afford to fall.....be more careful ヽ(^。^)ノ

I'm going for my OSCAR test this Thursday. Hope my baby can be cooperative and wish the result is okay.

ST Woo

Lol...Oops sorry typo error is sherin86 got a fall but anyway all mummies must be careful when we walk Ya....^_^¦¦¦


simbaobao.. it was e same for my #1.. she refused to cooperate and was in deep sleep.. no matter how I turn or walk, she jus wun move.. even e nurses gave me their "magic sweet" which will make bb move din work.. I was there whole day from 8 to 5pm.. Tried a total of 5 times.. realli was on e verge of crying cos they said if still cant I have to go back e next day to try again.. so tok to bb and said papa couldnt come cos he's got a presentation etc.. and she decided to pity me.. succeeded jus before they close for e day.. this time for #2.. I insisted hubby come with me for e oscar scan.. and we succeed on first attempt!