EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Wow Lingz12, from 8 to 12 is no joke! My #2 is v cooperative, hope urs the same too. Try talking to yr baby b4 hand :D


kekekeke my #1 time was fast.. maybe coz i ate her fav food before scanning. within 30min am done... even the gyane was wow jin fast leh.. lol
tis time chu all pattern to make the baby turn over or move but like so.bo chup... i stay till they almost wan to knock off... stress lo...


really shit lo.. ytd they drew my blood for oscar test.. NOT enuff.. asked me go bk n pokr again..
wat kind og luck am.i in


aww sherin86! pls take care! Get better shoes? I got hush puppies flats during my 1st pregnancy for my work.. was v v gd as it was non slip.. i had a fall too during my 1st pregnancy in the middle of the carpark! Slippery road in the basement carpark.. all my things fell apart yet ppl walked past without helping.. cars came n waited for me to pick up my stuff.. no one cane down.. it was at nuh carpark!

I tripped this morning too.. almost fell! i hit my toes and my wrist hit the door ledge.. i was gg to the kitchen and the cat just suddenly came over my legs and through.. sighh these cats are getting out of hand.. that day they were hissing at my girl while she went up to say hi... i hate my mil's cats and that stinky cat litter... :(floors are constantly dirty and we wear shoes around the house..thus bb cannot go on the floor to explore.. my room too cramp , bb can only play in cot or my king bed.. :/ mil is always blackfaced.. just now told her abt how the cat tripped me.. she say i walked too fast. :/ grrr

I took piriton last night, throat super dry this morningg and got abit of sorethroat liao.. took xyzal this morning coz still sniffing.. and took panadol for my jaw ache.. seems more serious.. sighhh gp did examine me last night and said most likely pregnancy jaw ache.. i can't open ny mouth without pain! imagine i need to constantly talk to my baby.. :p Now i'm alot better liao but throat dry n sore.. hope it goes away soon! Take care mummies! Wear your sweaters, shawl, cardigans and jackets! Bring a brolly!

Tannie, my mil n maid cannot help even a min la.. they refuse to help one.. or they are not capable.. it's as if i'm staying alone.. i got no time to breathe .. my little girl is v attention demanding.. once i step out of her sight, she screams.. guess its the environment.. i can only leave her in cot then i leave the room to get stuff.. she can't see me.. for my new house, i got glass door for kitchen and will leave her in living rm to play and she can still see me if i walk ard the house.. now is too restricted.. she's too used to seeing me ard the room w her.. we can only dwell in bedroom coz living room is full of cat fur.. the cats roam everywhere.. sofa oso v v dirty.. and its super hot.. mil doesn't believe in fans.. only have 1 small small fan at a corner.. sighhh
I just gotta bring my baby wherever i go.. :)


Oh ya all the best for OSCARS tests! For those going for it! There was a moment my bb was not in position, so i drank some water and coughed.. coughing wakes bb up abit and move.. haha i had my oscars done in 30mins! quite fast! Hate the drawing blood part!

Poor sImbaobao! how can they not draw enough blood?!?!?! thought they do it everyday??!!


sob sob i kena a new bird to drew my blood.. she more kan chiong den me lo.. ytd poke in n dig in the needle a few times..
Yah I hate hate hate having needles stuck in me and having blood drawn from me too :(

Any tips for my OSCAR test this Friday? Other than drinking more water?
if you notice it is a new staff who draws blood, remember to double check if she draw enough. normally for hiv test, a requirement of at least 6ml is needed:)

i think we can do nothing much for oscar because really depends on luck, baby co-operative or not:)


have a full bladder. eat something sweet. or have a gd meal before gg for the test. it wrk for #1 time
ytd i triplet check with the nurse, she sure enuff meh.. i mthly have blood test so very used to seeing tubes of blood n it shown nt enuff to me n hb lo but she insisted ok.la..
nw gimme more issue..
yup, for me i went there straight after my breakfast (9.30am appointment). drink some water (provided in the clinic). Baby is very co-operative. done in 10mins. Husband and me looked at each other, like so fast 'look'?! hahaha


Is it a must for blood test? I did a thorough blood test in june alrdy can skip this during oscar scan?

Oscar scan got results? Need how long to get result? On the spot?


Hmm oscars test results ready in afew days .. gynae called me to inform em abt results.. will collect it on next visit..

I guess try to have a rather full bladder to have a clearer scan.. hope bb is cooperative in a gd position! :p The person scanninng may press v v hard .. haha i felt abit urgent.. well i had my no.1 beside me make alot of noises and want me to carry.. hubby had a hard time taming her.. but thank God my no.2 cooperated.. only had to cough once to shift abit of position to see the nose.. hmm mine was 8am walk in .. guess bb was still aslp in womb.. and quite quiet..

i hate to draw blood! Coz had alot of bad experiences before! Can poke left right hand 3-4 times den get doc to do to get blood.. i very scarred by it.. haha.. they poke inside dig n dig , twist n turn.. my vein not v obvious.. so at the oscar test, i straight away told the person i'm scared and she must be gentle with me.. she told me to breathe in and she poked me.. breathe again to pull out.. still ok.. beared with abit of digging n tugging.. hahaa hubby says i 've gaiven birth to bb once liao, scared one needle.. lol! But it hurts la..


JA13:839648 said:
Is it a must for blood test? I did a thorough blood test in june alrdy can skip this during oscar scan?

Oscar scan got results? Need how long to get result? On the spot?
JA13, u will need the blood test as part of oscar test... so u cannot skip it.
Hmm okok thanks everyone for your tips!

Am now very excited but sigh, 2 more long work days to get through first! :(

Can't wait to see what baby looks like now... cos previous 2 scans baby was still rather small!

Btw when does baby bump start to show for 1st time mummy?

I'm in my 12th week and I think my tummy is growing out lol, but not 100% sure whether it's my fats or baby haha


Excitedwifey - mine can be seen with T-shirt on! Haha.. i just find my belly button weird as 1 week ago it seems n feel flat but now like back to normal not that flat anymore.. do u notice urs for any change?


Excitedwifey, my bump only show when I am abt 4-5months pregnant for my no.1, I can still wear normal work clothes with extender... but this no.2 shows when 2nd month...:( I got to wear some loose dress n normal clothing cannot fit...
JA13 - eh no leh, no change leh... I just feel my tummy is growing bigger, esp when I wear my work skirts; initially I thought is just my fats, but my parents thought it was a baby bump! LOL this was before we broke the good news to them haha...