EDD Sep 2010


New Member
Hello Mummies,
It has been a long long time since my last log in..

Would like to share my story on the arrival of my Princess.
Have admitted on 29Sept 8am after bloody show the previous day, gynea broke my waterbag at about 9+am (Unforgettable pain on the process!!!) and followed by drip to speed up contraction. Went for epidural at about 11am and was fully dilated by 3pm and before 4pm, we welcome our bundle of joy to the world.. =)

Was so fully occupied and dont have any spare time to touch on my laptop until today. My dear girl rely on my breast so much that she doesnt want bottle.. She latch on every 2-3 hr and sometimes every hourly.. Is that normal? Everytime she wakes up, she'll cry and got so much wind into her tummy.. then she reject latching further.. All these got me so depressed for the past few days.. I feel myself like a milk machine and a zombie to be.. Haa, but I guess that is what we call the 'Mother love'.. Looking at her sleeping soundly wipes away everything else..
Its very heartwarmed to see Mummies here are facing all problems but none of us is giving up. Let's continue to work hard and enjoy the process with the little angel in our arms... Hugz.


Active Member
i cant bathe him after his feed cos he will sure fall asleep whenever i fed him....:nah: really headache!!! even if i want to bathe him in the morning at 9am also very difficult cos he sleeps like a log after feeding him. btw, what time do you bathe your baby?

i gt burp him but he just dont't like the way i burping him...he will cry or he will keep turning his head... lols...or is it i dont't know how to do or uncomfortable. i asked my mother-in-law to help but she just dont't want to show it to me. sigh.....i really hate her!
Totally can understand ur dilema... Bathe b4 feeding bb protest too hungry... Bathe after sleep like a log... And funny... For me tis only happens during bath time... Other times, it is soooo difficult to coax her to sleep

Ur mil's special method is the "bb chin on shoulder" method???
If so my mum also tell me "u dun use tis method! U duno how to do better dun cos dangerous..."

Im lik "......."


Active Member
Yes you're doing it right~ milk bottles should be sterilised after each use, and kept inside the steriliser until the next use if possible. :)

As for bathing baby, dont't worry about baby fussing - he will feel better when mummy gets more practice and can handle him with greater confidence. If you're nervous and uncertain, baby can feel your anxiety too! So hold him firmly, talk or sing to him, and bath time should become more fun for both of you soon!
Hey nightingale hws evrything so far?

Wow read u can bathe baby without much protesting.. Bravo!!!!

I tried too.. Wasnt very successful though... :) tink u are right... I was too kancheong...
Bb can feel...


Active Member
Was so fully occupied and dont have any spare time to touch on my laptop until today. My dear girl rely on my breast so much that she doesnt want bottle.. She latch on every 2-3 hr and sometimes every hourly.. Is that normal? Everytime she wakes up, she'll cry and got so much wind into her tummy.. then she reject latching further.. All these got me so depressed for the past few days.. I feel myself like a milk machine and a zombie to be.. Haa, but I guess that is what we call the 'Mother love'.. Looking at her sleeping soundly wipes away everything else..
Its very heartwarmed to see Mummies here are facing all problems but none of us is giving up. Let's continue to work hard and enjoy the process with the little angel in our arms... Hugz.
I was abt to ask too 2-3 hrly and sometimes hrly isit normal..

I read tat sometimes bb will experience growth spurts... Where bb will need very frequent feeds for growth... It will last abt 48-72 hrs at different points of baby's growing up phase.... Anyone had such experience?

Btw ladies

Wat r u baby's sleeping pattern like???

As in how often throughout the day does the baby sleep soundly
Recently it has been really hard for me to coax baby to sleep... Even when baby fell asleep.... Put her down in her cot, 5-10 mins later she will wake up again.. And this cycle continues.... Sometimes she jus remains awake and alert most of the time... Im afraid she dun hav enuf sleep.... She seems unable to fall into deep restful kind of sleep... Anyone having similar experience??


Hello Mummies,
It has been a long long time since my last log in..

Would like to share my story on the arrival of my Princess.
Have admitted on 29Sept 8am after bloody show the previous day, gynea broke my waterbag at about 9+am (Unforgettable pain on the process!!!) and followed by drip to speed up contraction. Went for epidural at about 11am and was fully dilated by 3pm and before 4pm, we welcome our bundle of joy to the world.. =)

Was so fully occupied and dont have any spare time to tounch on my laptop until today. My dear girl rely on my breast so much that she doesnt want bottle.. She latch on every 2-3 hr and sometimes every hourly.. Is that normal? Everytime she wakes up, she'll cry and got so much wind into her tummy.. then she reject latching further.. All these got me so depressed for the past few days.. I feel myself like a milk machine and a zombie to be.. Haa, but I guess that is what we call the 'Mother love'.. Looking at her sleeping soundly wipes away everything else..
Its very heartwarmed to see Mummies here are facing all the same problems but are not giving up. Let's continue to work hard and enjoy the process with the little angel in our arms... Hugz.
Hi MummyK, congrats on the arrival of your princess. We share delivery on the same day and who knows...maybe even the same observation ward if you also gave birth at Thomson Medical Center haha 

So envy you to have so much milk and your baby loves latching on...I so badly want my baby to have breast milk n latching her on but till today my milk is only coming out in few drops and only from one breast, and moreover facing flat nipples problem so add on to my woes! Do continue to treasure this special bonding that you have with your little one...it's really heartwarming 

My baby was readmitted to hospital yesterday due to jaundice went up to level 14 and has to go through phototherapy. Was so sad yesterday coz miss her so much and cry until eyes swollen. Luckily today level dropped to 8.5 and she can be discharged...so happy!!!


Re: EDD Sep 2010
Baby Gals
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
05 Sept- Littlelady with Princess Brenda
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
19 Sept - Jaslyn aka jaslyn288 with Princess Jsabelle Lee
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber
24 Sept - .bee with Princess Delia
29 Sept - MummyK aka Kallise with Princess Kernise
29 Sept - LittleWorm aka Priscilla with Princess Janelle

Baby Boys
10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson


Re: EDD Sep 2010
Baby Gals
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
05 Sept- Littlelady with Princess Brenda
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
19 Sept - Jaslyn aka jaslyn288 with Princess Jsabelle Lee
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber
24 Sept - .bee with Princess Delia
29 Sept - MummyK aka Kallise with Princess Kernise
29 Sept - LittleWorm aka Priscilla with Princess Janelle

Baby Boys
10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson

congrats to MummyK & LittleWorm, and others that i may have missed out! :001_302:

seems like Sept is a girlish month, soooo many girls! :tlaugh:


Re: EDD Sep 2010
Baby Gals
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
05 Sept- Littlelady with Princess Brenda
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
19 Sept - Jaslyn aka jaslyn288 with Princess Jsabelle Lee
19 Sept - Fiona73 with Princess Jaine
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber
24 Sept - .bee with Princess Delia
29 Sept - MummyK aka Kallise with Princess Kernise
29 Sept - LittleWorm aka Priscilla with Princess Janelle

Baby Boys
10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson
Congrat to all super mummy. Is it too much to have full mth celebration for No. 2?


Congratulations mummyk and littleworm! A journey of parenthood begins :tlaugh:

mrs_eg, my boy also doesn't stick to a routine sleeping pattern. Sometimes, he can be wide awake for hours and I roughly calculate that his total sleeping hours per day is like approx. 12 hours or less. I guess if they are tired, they will sleep, else we can't force them either. So long as they grow along the scale and pass PD's check, then should be ok.


I so badly want my baby to have breast milk n latching her on but till today my milk is only coming out in few drops and only from one breast, and moreover facing flat nipples problem so add on to my woes! Do continue to treasure this special bonding that you have with your little one...it's really heartwarming 

My baby was readmitted to hospital yesterday due to jaundice went up to level 14 and has to go through phototherapy. Was so sad yesterday coz miss her so much and cry until eyes swollen. Luckily today level dropped to 8.5 and she can be discharged...so happy!!!
Hey LittleWorm, I can so empathise with you - my breastfeeding problems are similar and am also struggling to keep at it. It's tiring to keep pumping and it's discouraging to continue to have little milk - but am refusing to give up and admit defeat! Grrr! Trying to remember to drink lots of fluids and also keep to a 2-hourly pump during the day - stretching slightly longer at night so that can get enough rest. Gonna keep at this for a few days and see if there's any improvement.

Glad your little one is getting better and will be going home! Babies are more resilient than they look - she will be fine! :)


New Member
Hi MummyK, congrats on the arrival of your princess. We share delivery on the same day and who knows...maybe even the same observation ward if you also gave birth at Thomson Medical Center haha 

So envy you to have so much milk and your baby loves latching on...I so badly want my baby to have breast milk n latching her on but till today my milk is only coming out in few drops and only from one breast, and moreover facing flat nipples problem so add on to my woes! Do continue to treasure this special bonding that you have with your little one...it's really heartwarming 

My baby was readmitted to hospital yesterday due to jaundice went up to level 14 and has to go through phototherapy. Was so sad yesterday coz miss her so much and cry until eyes swollen. Luckily today level dropped to 8.5 and she can be discharged...so happy!!!
Hi LittleWorm,
Congrats to you too!! I delivered at Mount A..
My lil one was admitted today for phototheraphy too.. Hai, heartbreaks..

Pls dont get dishearten over low supply of breastmilk now, I'm sure it will get better if you dont give up..
Just keep your mind relaxed, dont stress and tell yourself you'll have more supply coming in.. Make sure you pump or latch between 11pm - 12mn coz that's when your body produce highest lvl of hormones that prepare you for breastmilk for the next day..
When I'm in the hospital, i once latched my girl for 3hrs and the nurse came to take the baby back to the nursery bcoz they dont want me to overstress myself as that will affect my milk supply..
Rem, just relax.. I'm sure you and nightingale can do it.. ;))
I was about to ask too 2-3 hrly and sometimes hrly isit normal..

I read that sometimes baby will experience growth spurts... Where baby will need very frequent feeds for growth... It will last about 48-72 hours at different points of baby's growing up phase.... Anyone had such experience?

mrs_eg, I think 2-3 hrly is normal. Mine sometimes 1.5 hr will call for milk too. Not sure is my daughter going through growth spurt but there was once she drank 200ml of milk and still want more. Not sure am I over feeding her?

Btw ladies

what r you baby's sleeping pattern like???

As in how often throughout the day does the baby sleep soundly
Recently it has been really hard for me to coax baby to sleep... Even when baby fell asleep.... Put her down in her cot, 5-10 mins later she will wake up again.. And this cycle continues.... Sometimes she just remains awake and alert most of the time... Im afraid she dont hav enuf sleep.... She seems unable to fall into deep restful kind of sleep... Anyone having similar experience??
Same here!!mY My daughter sleep so little these days. She only take one 2-3 hours nap in the afternoon and sleep by 10 plus at night the rest of the time is either awake or like what you said...sleep put down 5-10 mins wake up...why ah? isit normal?
LittleLady: I'm using the Medela Freestyle - so far so good - I like the fact that I can pump both sides at the same time, but part of the money we pay goes to its 'hands-free' straps which I hardly use because it's hard to get the cups in position using the straps, I prefer to hold on to the shields during pumping. So if you wanna get a double pump, maybe can try the cheaper Medela Pump-In-Style Advanced - heard it is quite good also, just that the pump is slightly bigger and heavier than the Freestyle.

Nightingale, thank you for your advise. Sorry been busy for the past few days. My husband is away so am alone handling my elder son and daughter...So tired. My friend lend me her motor for mini electric, I got the parts but felt that my maual pump works more efficiently than the mini electric...haha....like back to square one. How are things for you? My girl only sleep in air con at night not in the day.


Hey LittleWorm, I can so empathise with you - my breastfeeding problems are similar and am also struggling to keep at it. It's tiring to keep pumping and it's discouraging to continue to have little milk - but am refusing to give up and admit defeat! Grrr! Trying to remember to drink lots of fluids and also keep to a 2-hourly pump during the day - stretching slightly longer at night so that can get enough rest. Gonna keep at this for a few days and see if there's any improvement.

Glad your little one is getting better and will be going home! Babies are more resilient than they look - she will be fine! :)
Hi Nightingale, thks for your encouragement! Yes, we must both jia you n perservere on. Every single drop of milk is so precious to me...and thinking about my baby drinking breastmilk makes me tell myself that I mustn't give up!

I find that after taking gynae's prescription of Metoclopramide, my milk could finally come though it was really less than a trickle initially. Saw the greatest improvement today after my hubby gave me a really painful massage to get the milk going. Was initially 5ml (that pathetic!!!!) in the afternoon, and was 10ml around 11pm after that painful massage. Maybe you can get your hubby to help n at the same time can increase your bonding time with each other as well  hope my milk supply will again doubled or tripled tomorrow
Btw, can share how much ml milk your baby is drinking per session now? How much milk can you pump out every time n how long is your pumping session? Also what brand of formula milk are you now giving to your baby?


Hi LittleWorm,
Congrats to you too!! I delivered at Mount A..
My lil one was admitted today for phototheraphy too.. Hai, heartbreaks..

Pls dont get dishearten over low supply of breastmilk now, I'm sure it will get better if you dont give up..
Just keep your mind relaxed, dont stress and tell yourself you'll have more supply coming in.. Make sure you pump or latch between 11pm - 12mn coz that's when your body produce highest lvl of hormones that prepare you for breastmilk for the next day..
When I'm in the hospital, i once latched my girl for 3hrs and the nurse came to take the baby back to the nursery bcoz they dont want me to overstress myself as that will affect my milk supply..
Rem, just relax.. I'm sure you and nightingale can do it.. ;))
MummyK, sorry to hear that your baby is undergoing phototheraphy. Can totally understand how you feel...but don't worry, she will be able to go home in 1-2 days time and you will see that her jaundice level would have dropped tremendously which is difficult to achieve with normal sunbathing at home. Do make sure when she's home to let her drink more milk so she will poo poo n urinate more and jaundice level will not go up again.

Ohh...ur advice to pump during 11-12midnite is really good, I found my milk supply doubled  a zillion thanks!!


Thanks for the encouraging words, MummyK and LittleWorm, and all other mummies for sharing your experiences!
My baby is also not really sleeping as much as we think she should - sometimes after her meal she would sleep for 2-3 hrs, sometimes she would stay awake for 2-3hrs then sleep - day or night.

Speaking of which, how many of you are using the sarong/yao lan? I'm wondering whether to get one, it's the only thing we haven't tried so far in our sleep routine haha! Where do your little princes and princesses sleep most of the time, day as well as night?

Btw, can share how much ml milk your baby is drinking per session now? How much milk can you pump out every time n how long is your pumping session? Also what brand of formula milk are you now giving to your baby?
My girl is on formula (we're using Similac) most of the time, about 90ml per feeding, (once every 3 hrs or so). Will give slightly less if she fusses less than 3 hours after the previous feed. When accumulated enough breastmilk for one feed we would replace the formula for the next feed. I pump for about 20 minutes for each session (both breasts at the same time). How about you? And other mummies?

My milk supply has not shown much improvement, sigh. In the past few weeks I'd only managed to pump 120ml once! (even took a picture of the filled bottle, haha I was so happy) - but other than that it has been around 20ml on the average. Very sad ahh. When I was on the doctor's prescribed medication for increasing milk flow, I could get 50ml thereabouts. But after I completed the course, the milk went down back to 20ml, but I think it could also be due to my longer pumping hours (I did lapse into a 4 hourly pump in the last week). So now I'm trying to kickstart it again with 2 hourly pumps - will take a few days to see the effects, my friend said. Now thinking whether to go back to my gynae to get more of the medicine.
Last edited:


New Member
Thanks for the encouraging words, MummyK and LittleWorm, and all other mummies for sharing your experiences!
My baby is also not really sleeping as much as we think she should - sometimes after her meal she would sleep for 2-3 hours, sometimes she would stay awake for 2-3hrs then sleep - day or night.

Speaking of which, how many of you are using the sarong/yao lan? I'm wondering whether to get one, it's the only thing we have not't tried so far in our sleep routine haha! Where do your little princes and princesses sleep most of the time, day as well as night?

My girl is on formula (we're using Similac) most of the time, about 90ml per feeding, (once every 3 hours or so). Will give slightly less if she fusses less than 3 hours after the previous feed. When accumulated enough breastmilk for one feed we would replace the formula for the next feed. I pump for about 20 minutes for each session (both breasts at the same time). How about you? And other mummies?

My milk supply has not shown much improvement, sigh. In the past few weeks I'd only managed to pump 120ml once! (even took a picture of the filled bottle, haha I was so happy) - but other than that it has been around 20ml on the average. Very sad ahh. When I was on the doctor's prescribed medication for increasing milk flow, I could get 50ml thereabouts. But after I completed the course, the milk went down back to 20ml, but I think it could also be due to my longer pumping hours (I did lapse into a 4 hourly pump in the last week). So now I'm trying to kickstart it again with 2 hourly pumps - will take a few days to see the effects, my friend said. Now thinking whether to go back to my gynae to get more of the medicine.
my flow was bad too. and then i started taking fenugreek. this has helped with my flow. not too bad now.
what pump are u using..just want to know the review..i am thinking of changing pumps.


New Member
about vaccination. i was given an appt date to see a pediatrician and also for her jabs. but now i wish to go to polyclinic to get the jabs done.
do i have to keep the pediatrician appt still?


Active Member
Littlelady n nightingale...

Am glad to hear tat our babies have similar "sleeping pattern"...

This "Baby coax to sleep, put down 5 mins cry again... " this has been going on for the past few for me... I really wonder after confinment, when i hav to take care of her alone, cook my own meals, tidy the house... I wonder how can i cope...
Cant be making it a habit to keep carrying her ard right?!?!

Most of the time we put baby in her cot... Smtimes on the stroller... Sometimes on the floor wif mattress... Basically depends which part of the house is cooler or windier...

My dad has been trying to convince me to use yao lan... Aka sarong... He say baby more likely to fall asleep faster.... Well im still considering... Cos read tat it is not good for the spine....

Decisions... Decisions....

Btw... Does any babies reguritate milk often??? Mine 60% of the time will... Not sure if it is normal....... And not tat i did not burp... After a huge sounding burp also can spit milk out....


Active Member
about vaccination. i was given an appt date to see a pediatrician and also for her jabs. but now i wish to go to polyclinic to get the jabs done.
do i have to keep the pediatrician appt still?
Hi dl28,

We are also planning to go elsewhere.... So i dun think u need to stick to the original appt... Maybe jus call to cancel?