EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hey all! After birth is very stressful! Baby cry and i dunno what to do at times. I feel lost. Trying to breastfeed exclusively in the hopes that my milk is enough for the lil one. So far just latching, no time to pump yet..

Anyone baby having G6PD? Mine is. Baby had to stay a few more days aft i discharged. How to check if jaundice level too high?
My son has g6pd too, he had to stay for 3days more after i discharge cos they need to monitor him, after discharging, we went for bloodtest every other day to know his jaundice level then finally after the third one doc said no more as his jaundice went down.. Dont disheartened and get depressed about ur lil one deficiency (i know the feeling when the doctor explained it to me and hubby) treat it as an allergy sickness, as long as you avoid food and items that can trigger g6pd baby will live normal life :)


Hi mummies, I have delivered! Sucummbed to epidural in e end.. I realli salute those who went without epidural.. *salute* Will update birth story later.. Thanks all who wished me smooth delivery.. It is indeed (though I din tink so during labour! Ha!) :D
Congratulations Lingz!!! Cant wait to hear your story... Hope you and baby are doing fine... Happy baby times to you!!


lol at castor oil :p karry eat pineapple and do squatting! dont drink anything sounds funny :p
Lizzy yea I'm gonna do squats from tomorrow... The castor oil tingy is true as per alot of mommies on the baby centre site who tried it, they say that it brought on labor within almost a day... But yea definitely not trying that out, it sounds soo yucckk

Kary... Ermmm I heard making love can induce also? :p
Felicity - Yea tried that too.. I should have had this baby by now if that worked lol.. Been walking every evening, gonna start walking in the mornings too and see if that helps in anyway. I was reading somewhere, that when your baby is using your nipple for comfort sometimes it helps if someone else gives the baby your expressed milk. Cos then the baby does not get your smell, and just adjusts and sleeps.. Maybe you can try that during the day or evenings and see if it works..

By the way what is VE? I'm kinda ignorant of all these acronyms... I have my 38th week appointment tomorrow cant wait to see what my little one is upto inside me.


Congrats to rodorsany!!

Hi feera.. I think real contractions will hv pain compared to BH? Not sure.. I can't really tell also, didn't really have BH.

Kary... Ermmm I heard making love can induce also? :p
Hi Felicity.. I only feel pain when theres tightening.. Next appt on thursday. Hope theres progress cause cant wait for baby to come out.. Hehe


Thanks mommies!

Congrats lingz.

Well my birth actually pretty short... Had bloody mucus this morning called gynea n he told me to go straight to mt A.

Reach ard 8++ did admissions was asked to go labour ward. So by 9 am in lw but not much contractions... So on ctg a couple of hours..dilate ard 3~4cm.

Dr burst water bag at 12. Contractions come really fast with 10mins interval for twice then 5 mins for 3x then eventually 1~2mins. Had epi coz pain endurance low.. Lol by 1.50pm fully dilate. As gynea only reached back ard 2.20.. Pushed for 3 times.. Bb out by 2.50pm.

Btw last check bb is 2.8 but del 3.3kg.



Congrats Rodorsany! Our bb share the same bdae! :D

Let me try my birth story.. Gonna be very lengthy, do bear with me.. *wink*

0905 - walked in gynae clinic to be induced cos amino fluid low and bb not growing well since 3 weeks ago..
0920 - strapped to CTG but highest contraction registered was like 50+.. I guess tat is hardly a contraction since I felt absolutely nothing..
0930 - gynae did VE, still 1.5cm dilated.. walking round e park, climbing stairs and doing squats over e weekend doesn't seem to help leh.. onli helped to lose my mucus plug (on Sun with no blood)..
0935 - inserted pill to induce.. told to lie down 30min for pill to dissolve, go shopping, have a good lunch and admit myself into tmc at 1230 irregardless of whether contractions are felt..
1200 - felt sme mild painless contractions but super feel like pooing feeling..
1300 - finally reached tmc.. went to admission counter and did e admin stuff..
1345 - went up to delivery suite and shown to observation ward.. one mummy was screaming for epidural but was told by the nurses she is too late for that.. followed by her swearing and unrelentless screaming.. I was scared to death.. :(
1400 - was shaved and given enema..
1415 to 1545 - put on CTG.. watched soundless HBO and watsapp frens.. Nurses constantly checking on contractions and asked if im sure I dun wan pain relief yet.. *scratch head*
1545 - gynae came and did VE.. 3cm dilated and BURST my waterbag.. pain x 10.. felt warm fluid gushing out.. praised for being still smiley and not seeking pain relief and I was like "but it is not painful at all" (till now that is).. wheeled to delivery ward as ward is available..
1550 to 1615 - put on sme glucose drip.. intense contractions started.. super irregular.. sometimes 5min apart, smetimes 1-2min apart.. every time it came, I cringed.. endured 4-5 cycles of super painful contractions before I rang the nurse for gas..
1615 to 1640 - concluded that gas is totally USELESS.. Decided not to be super mummy, rang the nurses and begged for epidural.. Endured another 4-5 cycles of super painful contractions..
1700 - Anestician came and I almost cried with relief.. he pumped in sme pain killer into my hand (where e drip is) I tink.. I tink I was in so much pain I dun care wat they pump in.. as long as it takes e pain away.. told me to suck gas in the meantime and I told him it is useless.. he told me to suck nonetheless..
1711 - curled like a shrimp and was poked I tink 3-4 times.. seriously, all e poking on the back is not painful at all.. not sure if it is cos I was sucking gas greedily.. epidural administered.. was tapped on e shoulder to tell me I can lie on my back oredi.. by then I was so high on the gas that I felt giddy and sleepy.. was told epi will take 10 min to take effect..
1720 - contractions on the tummy numbed off but still felt pain down there.. told the nurse and she said mayb epidural haven fully taken effect.. sucked on gas as I was determined for it to be a painfree labour now tat I have epi.. was warned by nurse not to as it will make me giddy and weak.. decided to be a good girl and bear with it..
1740 - the pain down there intensified.. begged the nurses to increase dosage.. increased from 6 to 10.. told hubby to go have dinner since gynae predicted I will labour till 11pm..
1750 - pain down there got worse.. feel v badly stretched.. din occur to me that it is inviting me to push.. all the pain is making me stoopid.. rang e nurse and begged to increase to max dosage and tat I wan to pee.. the nurse refused to up dosage and say it is due to bb head coming down.. I seriously wanted to die.. she did a VE and asked me do I feel like pushing.. I tot for a moment and realised yeah, the pain seemed to be wanting me to push! Oh my, I feel so dumb.. She told me to wait and ran out..
1755 - came back with stirrups and put my legs up.. I asked the next stoopid question.. Am I fully dilated? Yeah, she said.. And she has informed my gynae.. Quickly called hubby to rush back and said it is time!
1800 - nurse told me to push on next contraction and indeed it felt real good! No pain wen pushing! Stopped halfway cos I said I need to wee wee.. She said dun stop, just wee! And I did.. So paiseh.. Hubby came back..
1805 - 2 more nurses came in and guided me to push.. I tink I managed 3 pushes with each contraction.. then I heard them saying my bladder is in the way.. so they put in the urine thingy to collect urine..
1805 to 1840 - did a total of 10-12 pushes I tink.. then said I have no strength left.. insist to wait for gynae.. hubby kept rubbing my shoulders telling me I did great..
1840 - my angel aka gynae finally came and got dressed..
1845 - with one mighty push and episiotomy, my girl came flying out.. the way I feel, I felt her fly out.. but hubby said they pulled her out.. oh well.. anyway, the moment she is out, I felt super good.. I tot I would cry but I din.. I jus said hello bb! :)

Tat's it! From e point of waterbag bursting till delivery is 3 short hours.. I always tot if short labour I shld b able to endure it without epi.. I am wrong.. I still sucummbed to it in e end.. But gynae did say e epi could have played a part in the super fast dilation.. Oh well.. No point dwelling on it.. A healthy baby is all I need.. :D

So bb Desiree is out, looking pink and wailing, weighing 2.35kg.. :D

Hope my story dun scare the mummies in waiting.. I suppose everybody's pain threshold is different! I'm jus a super low pain threshold mummy.. :D


Hi lings u did great!..

I knew I bth pain endure 40mins i ask for epi lo.... Haha heng anasthetist was ars e labour ward need not wait long..

Have a good rest... I cant sleep oh gosh!!!! But my neighbour snoring away hw envy!!!

Btw u gals took pain killers??? I din.. Wanna try bf bb so dun wan still bearable compared tp contractions:eek:


New Member
hello mummies this is my first post although I've been following this thread for a while :) congrats to all who have delivered and jiayou to those who will be saying hello to your baby soon! i was supposed to be a sep mummy too (edd 4 sep) but my bb decided he prefers to be a 31 aug bb :)

am still trying to figure out what my bb wants when he cries...am on partial bf only cos my milk supply is low :( only managed to pump abt 50-60ml in total every 3,4hrs sigh...envy you girls who are able to bf exclusively!!! what are the ways to increase milk
supply? I'm drinking green papaya fish bone soup everyday and gynae had prescribed millotium but doesn't seem to help much...


New Member
I stopped painkillers after discharge...today is day 12 but actually still a bit uncomfy down there...I think painkillers shld have no effect on bf I guess...but anyway agree, I'm sure there is nothing more painful than contractions! >.<


Active Member
Hi irah! Welcome~ yup the thread is getting more n more exciting!

Lizzy n caramellae dun worry yup treat it like an allergy. Nowadays in sch also special care is given like for camps etc hv to check if any student has g6pd or other allergies n make sure food provided is suitable.

Congrats rodorsany n lingz!!! Lingz ur bb is small, easier to push? Cos my bb keep getting stuck! >< end up need vacuum assist... I wonder is it me or bb big... But there r bigger babies!

Kary yup it's easier when someone is helping me bottle feed or even just help me carry a while when I eat or need to use the toilet... But usually no one is free to help much as in the day only me n my mum at home n she busy cooking n doing chores... I think when bb smells me she smells milk... Sigh.

Dun worry ur turn will come soon k!! But ya, can go for walks hope can make delivery easier also :)

Hi jia! U r welcome to join us!! A handful of us edd in sep but delivered in August also, like me :)


Congrats mummies who gave birth yesterday! Thanks for sharing the birth stories!

Welcome the new mummies who join us here!! :)

I just woke up to pee.. and can't go back to slp.. itching n baby kicking.. so decided to catchup on the posts!

I went for my gynae checkup yesterday .. 38 weeks already, i gained 2kg frm last week and baby is now 3.1kg! Gynae commented on the fast growth as i put on so much weight! :/ No wonder i felt super heavy n hard to get up from bed for the past few nights.. Also, gynae commented my baby has moved to a very low position but not engaged yet.. memtioned to her that i got some bad straining on the pelvic and bladder kicks.. She said all is well...

She asked if i got plans for a date , but told her i would like to wait for nature to take its course.. besides, coz my confinement lady is only gonna be available end of mth, i hope i can hold on till my EDD 24th Sept or beyond afew days.. she just casually said that baby may get bigger n really heavier.. (at back of my head suddenly i realise i might have difficulty pushing! ) Hmm i just take it as it comes bah.. if baby wants to come out, i also cannot hold...

Right now just wanna enjoy my last moments before my princess comes out.. of coz w the price of beating w all the disconfort, itching and kicking haha.. I'm still driving ard to meet my friends for hi tea.. ate The Line with my colleagues today coz boss treat! Eating my mao shang wang mooncake too.. gosh i guess i'm gonna gain more weight.. weight gain so far is 13+kg.. wonder how it will be at full term... but i'll be missing all the spicy and sinful food after birth.. so just pigging myself out... lol


Rodorsany:691771 said:
Hi lings u did great!..

I knew I bth pain endure 40mins i ask for epi lo.... Haha heng anasthetist was ars e labour ward need not wait long..

Have a good rest... I cant sleep oh gosh!!!! But my neighbour snoring away hw envy!!!

Btw u gals took pain killers??? I din.. Wanna try bf bb so dun wan still bearable compared tp contractions:eek:
Yeah, I took painkillers.. Gynae said not to worry as those are safe for breastfeeding.. :)

Till now I still dun dare move much.. Haven got out of bed since I delivered at 6+pm.. I noe a bit dumb.. I mean after contractions, wat can be more painful than tat? But I tink I hit my pain quota for the year oredi.. now super scared of pain.. haha..

Oh ya.. Do u girls feel a lot of wind in tummy? I do.. And it's emitting weird sounds as the tummy rumbled with the wind before it comes out as gas.. No smell though.. Haha.. Wonder why.. So weird feeling.. :eek:


felicity:691776 said:
Congrats rodorsany n lingz!!! Lingz ur bb is small, easier to push? Cos my bb keep getting stuck! >< end up need vacuum assist... I wonder is it me or bb big... But there r bigger babies!
Not sure if it's cos she's small so easier to push.. But I remember grumbling to the nurses why bb is still not out despite my many pushes? They kept saying I did good, but y aren't the head out yet.. I sounded so skeptical that they showed me bb's head with a mirror.. Haha.. Wen she is finally out, all I tot was why are u so small bb? But gynae said my girl is being considerate.. staying small so tat it is easier to push her out.. haha..


Yeah, I took painkillers.. Gynae said not to worry as those are safe for breastfeeding.. :)

Till now I still dun dare move much.. Haven got out of bed since I delivered at 6+pm.. I noe a bit dumb.. I mean after contractions, wat can be more painful than tat? But I tink I hit my pain quota for the year oredi.. now super scared of pain.. haha..

Oh ya.. Do u girls feel a lot of wind in tummy? I do.. And it's emitting weird sounds as the tummy rumbled with the wind before it comes out as gas.. No smell though.. Haha.. Wonder why.. So weird feeling.. :eek:
You'll get rid of the wind after the massage.. Well mine did :) congrats again!!!
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Towards the end of pregnancy with all the heaviness and uncomfyness, i really wish for the baby to be out soon. Nw tat he's out, i kinda miss him back inside.

How many times does ur baby wake up in the night since you breastfeed exclusively. Mine is almost every 1-2 hrs. It gets veryyyyy tiring..


Active Member
Around every 2-3 hrs... Occasionally even up to 4 hrs! I think sometimes she tires herself out from constantly latching for hours in the evening... So can sleep slightly more at night.. No fixed timing though..

Lingz don't worry, u will plump her up soon!! ^^
Thanks lizzy.. That's really comforting. Did u do anything to reduce his jaundice level? When he was still in hospital for the 3 days aft i was discharged, i was really sad and depressed.