EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Congrats to Lingz & Rodorsany!! And thanks for sharing your birth story here even though u all must be so so tired..

I read lizzy's birth story i feel anxious myself.. lolz. I cannot imagine the pain when u wrote there that u feel like wanna die.. sighz. My friend's gynae also said the feeling is like, wanna die one, but u wont die.. huhuhuuuhu..

Anyway Kary, for sex to work to induce labour, you need to do it like 3x a day! because one time intercourse, the amount of sperm released is not enough to induce the labour as yet. just make sure u still have the strength to push though if u really wanna attempt it.. hahahahhaa.. alternatively, nipple stimulation, mango, pineapple, squatting i've heard also helping. but if it's still not working for you, maybe baby really dont wanna come out yet.. hehehhee..

As for the VE checked, you gals all done it with fingers? My friend's one, she mentioned that the doctor used some kind of a device and insert it in.. is it the same? maybe fingers one not so painful, but because hers was using this tool then it's painful?! I'm gonna have my turn for VE check this coming friday, quite worried too, but i'm dying to know if i got dilate or not.. Keep hoping for miracle that i can dilate fast fast.. lolz..

And btw, what's g6pd?


Gosh den I think I'm just gonna keep waiting for when the baby is ready to come out... I finally packed my hospital bag just today, and feel like there's actually not much that I need to take.

Been feeling a lot of pressure on my pelvic bone and my muscles are all hurt and like sore since yday eve... Don't kno if it's cos I walked a lot yday, but not not able to walk at my usual pace, moving around like a snail or even slower.. Can't wait for my check up this afternoon, to see how much longer my baby wants to keep me waiting, and also hoping The doctor does not have to put his fingers inside me...

Yes what is g6pd?
I've been having on n off pelvic bone pain for like 2 days now, most of them felt when i was walking. and just yesterday during my movie outing, i felt like a back ache on the right side. quite painful until i have to keep putting my hand at the back to pressing on it. otherwise pretty uncomfy..

i just keep hoping pelvic bone pain means baby engaged and i'm dilating.. hahahha..

on a side note, just watched "What to expect when you're expecting" movies last week, saw this one trendy pregnant mommy still wearing heels while carrying twins, and when she delivered, she sort of sneezed and then one baby out.. hahahhaha.. like super cool..


Hahaha yea I saw that movie too... And the sneezing and baby coming out they make it look soo easy, but when we read everyone's birth story it's so difficult. I wore my high heels after soo many months on Saturday, my hubby and I had our last couple date night for a long time to xome with no interruptions ;) can't wait to get back to working out and losing all the weight I've gained..
Wah kary, it's good that you get the chance to enjoy with ur hubby now. I think it's really healthy for your relationship with hubby too. I missed my heels and just last night, i was dreaming that i complained to myself i got no clothes to wear anymore, all the clothes cannot fit anymore and i get so depressed.. sighz..

I'm now back to wearing make up to work for the past 2 weeks. it's a light one as compared to my previous habit, but at least i feel better looking at myself in the mirror now.

My fate will be determined this friday i think.. so either normal or c sect.. i'm still feeling scared of c sect, with the after op pain and the wounds.. sighz..


hi mummies & muumies to be!
I've been following this thread for a while. Congrats to those who just gave birth!
I'm waiting for my turn. EDD is 25 Sept...
Last time I checked with my gyne on Mon he says I'm not dilated yet and he wants me to have more sex with hubby!
I think he's afraid baby will grow too big and difficult to push.


Active Member
Hello welcome snowkie!

Sigh I planned to hv more intimate moments w my hubby in the 39th week but she popped b4 that ><

Hee eeneyminey n kary I haven't watched that show now I'm looking forward to watch it!


hi felicity!

congrats on your delivery! it must be pretty tough handling a newborn and constantly having to feed!

it would be great to have some alone time watching movies... i think i'm going to miss all the 'me' time after baby pops!


Eeneyminey - same I keep saying I have no clothes that fit me anymore.. But anyways few more weeks for us, and then I'm sure we should be able to fit into our old clothes sooni...

I'm planning on straightening my hair and putting on some light make up for when I go in for the delivery too... Lol.. Though I don't know for how long it will last, but may just keep touching up if I can.. Was thinking with all the screaming and pushing and sweating when the baby sees me for the first time she might get scared and go like OMG who are you, and might want to run back inside hahahaha... So might as well do it in style.. and I think you should also do that one special date night with your hubby it just helps to boost you up... I would have wanted mine to be more of a surprise, but I didn't see that coming so had to just tell him that we should do this and it was indeed lovely :)


Thanks lizzy.. That's really comforting. Did u do anything to reduce his jaundice level? When he was still in hospital for the 3 days aft i was discharged, i was really sad and depressed.
nope i didnt do any except avoid food that's on the list for g6pd (foods to avoid). it's tough and new challenge but anything for my son :)


Congrats to Lingz & Rodorsany!! And thanks for sharing your birth story here even though u all must be so so tired..

I read lizzy's birth story i feel anxious myself.. lolz. I cannot imagine the pain when u wrote there that u feel like wanna die.. sighz. My friend's gynae also said the feeling is like, wanna die one, but u wont die.. huhuhuuuhu..

Anyway Kary, for sex to work to induce labour, you need to do it like 3x a day! because one time intercourse, the amount of sperm released is not enough to induce the labour as yet. just make sure u still have the strength to push though if u really wanna attempt it.. hahahahhaa.. alternatively, nipple stimulation, mango, pineapple, squatting i've heard also helping. but if it's still not working for you, maybe baby really dont wanna come out yet.. hehehhee..

As for the VE checked, you gals all done it with fingers? My friend's one, she mentioned that the doctor used some kind of a device and insert it in.. is it the same? maybe fingers one not so painful, but because hers was using this tool then it's painful?! I'm gonna have my turn for VE check this coming friday, quite worried too, but i'm dying to know if i got dilate or not.. Keep hoping for miracle that i can dilate fast fast.. lolz..

And btw, what's g6pd?
G6PD deficiency is an inherited condition in which the body doesn't have enough of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, or G6PD, which helps red blood cells (RBCs) function normally. This deficiency can cause hemolytic anemia, usually after exposure to certain medications, foods, or even infections.
Most people with G6PD deficiency don't have any symptoms, while others develop symptoms of anemia only after RBCs have been destroyed, a condition called hemolysis. In these cases, the symptoms disappear once the cause, or trigger, is removed. In rare cases, G6PD deficiency leads to chronic anemia.
With the right precautions, a child with G6PD deficiency can lead a healthy and active life.
Eeneyminey - same I keep saying I have no clothes that fit me anymore.. But anyways few more weeks for us, and then I'm sure we should be able to fit into our old clothes sooni...

I'm planning on straightening my hair and putting on some light make up for when I go in for the delivery too... Lol.. Though I don't know for how long it will last, but may just keep touching up if I can.. Was thinking with all the screaming and pushing and sweating when the baby sees me for the first time she might get scared and go like OMG who are you, and might want to run back inside hahahaha... So might as well do it in style.. and I think you should also do that one special date night with your hubby it just helps to boost you up... I would have wanted mine to be more of a surprise, but I didn't see that coming so had to just tell him that we should do this and it was indeed lovely :)
My hair now looks really weird.. i used to dyed and highlight my hair before pregnant to a very bright blonde color. now the color fading off and my hair is like ombre color, top black, bottom blonde.. lolz.. I wanted to do a color touch up, but hubby doesnt allow me to do anything on my hair except cutting it into a boy cut style.. sighz..

I heard that if we bf, we also should avoid chemical use on our scalp because it might get inside the blood stream.. so now i really dunno how long it takes for me to cut off all the blonde part, looks really ugly now!!

I used to curl up my hair too, but now all cut up until shoulder blade length there, the only thing i can curl up is my eyelash only.. thats also quite pathetic.. huhuhuuu.. I thought of doing like a perm or something, so that i can have wavy hair without spending time to curl it up (figured after baby comes out i might not have time to put powder on)

I'm targettin to go eat buffet now.. last time before preg i kept on avoiding buffet because i scared fat, now since fat is no longer in my dictionary, i feel like indulge on a buffet treat.. kekekkekeke..
G6PD deficiency is an inherited condition in which the body doesn't have enough of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, or G6PD, which helps red blood cells (RBCs) function normally. This deficiency can cause hemolytic anemia, usually after exposure to certain medications, foods, or even infections.
Most people with G6PD deficiency don't have any symptoms, while others develop symptoms of anemia only after RBCs have been destroyed, a condition called hemolysis. In these cases, the symptoms disappear once the cause, or trigger, is removed. In rare cases, G6PD deficiency leads to chronic anemia.
With the right precautions, a child with G6PD deficiency can lead a healthy and active life.

Thanks liz..

I just tried to google it up and read up about it too.. quite confused about this but it seems pretty serious because there's no cure to it. really have to control the lifestyle of the child.

i hope everything works well for you and your baby.. Be tough for whatever that is good for the baby.. ^^


heh posts are getting quite funny. going into labour ward with make up and hair done up! haha only us women will think about that - and yes I have thought about it too. in the ideal world, my labour will start soon, but slowly, so I will have time to shower and blow dry hair and have a good meal before starting the delivery. ha. we shall see..

kary: I'm also waiting, waiting.. in my 39th week now, seeing my gynae tomorrow as scheduled. she will be doing some cervical check and something else to my cervix - is it the VE (whatever it stands for) the others are talking about? she did say last week that this cervical thing might try to encourage the start of labour. I SURE HOPE SO. I'm getting so damn impatient... truly suffering these past weeks.

congrats to ling! your baby girl is such a lovely weight!! I'm so envious. but afraid of the pain. and what, they poked your spine 3-4 times?! I'm SO afraid of spinal stuff.. that's why I'm going to try putting off epidural. hate the feeling of people touching my spine.


oh, and I have also read and heard about castor oil. but it sounds scary too, all that pain from diarrhea and vomitting. I have also read that it might cause distress to the baby, and the baby might poop, resulting in meconium in the sac or during delivery. I wouldn't want that. I have first hand account of meconium being inhaled by a baby before during delivery.. and it didn't make it. that in itself is enough for me not to use castor oil. if I have to be induced, I'd rather get it medically done.

sex and orgasms may help but I also researched it and seems that some mums tried it, but didn't ever work. so I guess when a baby is ready, it will start labor. if it's not, it just wouldn't happen (even with castor oil!)

so I shall just have to be patient.

for those who are bored waiting for their babies to arrive: maybe we can meet up for lunch next week, one of the weekdays, have some sort of taitai ish lunch? :D


reiann:691996 said:
congrats to ling! your baby girl is such a lovely weight!! I'm so envious. but afraid of the pain. and what, they poked your spine 3-4 times?! I'm SO afraid of spinal stuff.. that's why I'm going to try putting off epidural. hate the feeling of people touching my spine.
Thanks! All my visitors are saying my girl is so tiny! They dun dare carry her lor.. Haha.. I tink they poke my spine tat many times la.. It is seriously not painful as compared to the contractions, trust me.. Haha.. of cos if u can tahan without epidural, that's e best.. I couldn't and wimped out.. haha.. u jia you! :D


Active Member
Haha ya u gals should go out n enjoy a good lunch or high tea!! ^^

wah I nv tot of make up when admitting to TMC but in my hospital bag I did pack bb cream thinking should at least look good and even out my skin tone (whether pale or dark circles under eyes or whatever) when visitors come but in the end also nv use at all lol...

Reminds me of an excolleague who everyday wear makeup no one ever see her without makeup, I heard when she deliver many many years ago (now middle age kids quite big le) her close colleagues who impromptu went to visit were kept outside her room while she put makeup because she refuse to let anyone see her without makeup!