EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Keat: it's normal
for bf babies tto not poop for days. II wish mine is the same. She's still pooping sooooo often!!

What brand of nursing covers do you aall use?


Can check with u mommies who latch in e car, I thought the bbs need to b seated in their infant car seat? Will we be summoned if we r caught by the TP carrying our bbs (either due to latching or coaxing?) in e car?



Piglim: my husband wouldn't allow me to take baby out of car seat to feed her. So what do I do?? I get so stressed whenever she cries in car seat that I just lean over and feed her. Very uncomfy for me :(

mummy evon

New Member
congrats to all mummy

Hi congrats to all mummy!u r great ! For those who want to slim down healthy n pretty n shapely do contact me at 91877051 evon


I use this nursing cover by the brand of bebe Au lait. It has a stiff neckline that allows you to look down at baby. I find that this allows me to latch baby much more easily.

I've not tried nursing bb in the car, am afraid it's dangerous leh


haha it IS uncomfortable and I really hate it. so now I try to time it such that I feed her just before we drive home. e.g. today. it was a success.

what about in cabs? is it compulsory to have car seat for infants in cabs?


New Member
hello reiann, it is not compulsory to have car seats in cabs, because it is not required by law to have them in cabs.

I have a 6 week old baby girl, and have not brought her out except twice, once is to go for PD checkup and another time is for her baby shower celebration. The thought of going out with her puts me off because of all the barang barangs that I need to bring. :( and i am currently staying with my parents (BTO not ready yet). May I know if mummies here still bring bb out if there is someone at home who can help to take care, or will still bring bb out?


Hi altoria, my baby is about 5 weeks old and I was like u, very hesitant to bring baby out, partly coz of all the barang barang. But the main reason is that I am not confident of breastfeeding in public. But as I have an older son (whom I've never nursed in public), I can't stay home the whole day on weekends. So I've bit the bullet and made it a point to not be lazy and just try to ruse in public. Quite Siong but it's been turning out fine :)

Perhaps we mummies can go out together to give each other moral support !


Does any mummies face problem that bb falls asleep while nursing? He feeds like every 5mins n zzz after an hr he wants to feed again! can't really do my stuff! Pls advice!!


I've gone out so often I've lost count!! Heh. By myself on weekdays public transport and with husband in car on weekends.

Yes I've ordered a bebe au lait nursing apron. Just that I don't get why it's so freaking expensive!!


Wow, reiann, you must be a very garang mummy. How much is the Bebe au lait nursing cover? I got it as a gift so dunno about the price.

Justamom, my gal does fall asleep while nursing, though not after five mins, more like after fifteen. For her, if she is not full enough, I just have to put her lying down, and she will wake up on her own to nurse some more. Sometimes its just too comfy at the breast so when u put her down to be on her own, she wakes up. With my son, he used to fall asleep more, and I had to wake him up coz I didn't want him to just snack and feed every so often.. We even resorted to putting ice to his feet! (Quite mean I know, but it was just too tiring to keep nursing so often..)


Active Member
My nursing cover is just one of those freebie in goodie bags...

Sigh, pissed off w hubby again. Bb sound v hoarse n croaky, n I was reading up say sore throat mainly viral infection is contagious. I wanted him to tell his mum not to let his nephew play w bb when he's sick (he's having a throat infection n mil let them lie side by side in her bed to play ytd)... He just brush me off say bb no sore throat, only wind. Hello?! U nv even take care of bb, what makes u the expert now?! Firstly I hear bb sound everyday to be able to hear a difference n secondly when she has wind she cries super crankily which fortunately didn't happen today... She just keeps latching nonstop n I'm died tired. Probably cos her throat v dry so she keeps wanting to drink? Sigh...


Yuen.. serious !ice at his feet! I tried using wet towel to wipe his face..still he suckled n goes bk to zzz...nw I nurses him almost once an hr! Tired..wondering will it get better?


Felicity, sorry to hear that.. Must be stressful, the last thing u need is a sick infant! Can u tell ur MIL yourself? I would probably do so.

justamom, I know.. Quite mean but no other choice leh.. Haha. How old is your baby now? Maybe as he gets older, he will get less sleepy and more alert.


New Member
justamom, i have the same problem too. My girl would suckle for < 5 mins and go back to zzz, then i put her into the cot she would wake up and cry again... in the end i resorted to expressing the milk for her to drink.. faster this way cos i have a dual pump. But I will still latch her at least twice a day to enjoy the benefit of latching.

reinna, wow you actually went out so many times with your baby! Where do you normally go/what do you do?


Hmm.. I suppose if we realli got stopped by the TP, can try reasoning with him saying bb realli hungry? I latch bb out of her car seat under my nursing cover.. Dun tink TP even noes there's a bb in the car! Haha.. I will oso try to time her feeding so that I dun hav to latch her in the car la.. The last time was bcos hubby decided to pay an impromptu visit to in-laws and her feeding time came wen we are in car on way home..

My nursing cover is brandless one.. I bought from an online webbie, like a v light shawl though bb is still hot under it.. Reiann, I dunno how u manage to latch ur bb in her car seat.. Sounds acrobatic! Haha..


Felicity, why ur MIL like tat one? Bb immune system not strong yet, how can let sick nephew play with her? Tsk tsk.. And ur hubby oso one kind one.. Hiah.. Men are just so irritating sometimes..


Yuen : depending on where you buy it, but I think a full price bebe au lait cover costs $59! I found an online sg shop selling for $44. Ah well. I bought it cos I wasn't sure if those cheaper no brand ones would work as well with the 'stiff' top (for us to peek down at baby)

Ive been going out to have lunches, tea/coffee, read, walk around, grocery shopping.. It's nice to be out. Not cooped up at home. By week 2 I was out more than 4 times...

Felicity: very sorry to hear :( yes I hate it when others say something abt baby when it's not true. Mothers DO know best - for a reason!!! We spend so much time with the baby! Jeez.

Justamom: yes make sure you do everything to can to keep baby up and not sleep during feeding. Need a routine. My baby seems to feed v fast and efficiently nowadays.. About 5 mins, burp, maybe diaper change, another 5 mins on same breast, then done. No more! Hm.