EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Lingz12:733024 said:
Justamom, I might be bringing my girl to NEX for babyspa.. Issit the same as the one at Harbourfront? Will quoting ur member code give u tat free session even if I go NEX? Thinking of letting my girl try swimming there.. If she's ok then I might buy the pool for her to swim at home.. Currently hubby objects cos he says if bb dun like then it's a waste of money.. :(
Lingz Yes Same outlets at nex harbourfront plaza sing.. some others too..can use My member code n let them know So I can get few session.. don't waste..or other members.. it will b fun! Let lo play!


Meltie: my gal too fuse n puked n choked when we wiped her after we reached home at 11pm last nitr, she puked till her face n body turned red, super scary, till I gotta pat her before having time to let her wear cloth, maybe I over fed her when outside :(

Btw just to share good news posted by felicity on the fb, this fri n sat there will be branded baby n kids wear, 90%off, it is at 43 tampines st 92.felicity maybe u can upload the flyer here :) any mummy staying in west want to go? We can cab pool ><


I'll give it a miss... Coz both girls hving jab on fri morning... But gg to hv couple time in e aftnn.... Mil sure to nag... Bb gg to b 3mths old we yet to hv any couple time
I'll give it a miss... Coz both girls hving jab on fri morning... But gg to hv couple time in e aftnn.... Mil sure to nag... Bb gg to b 3mths old we yet to hv any couple time
Let her nag! Tell her if want more grandchildren need couple time :) or say you and hubby very patriotic, trying to help boost singapore's decreasing population.
Reiann, yeah I'm still getting used to her less frequent feedings. :)

I think my little girl suffers from separation anxiety. These few days she's terrible when it comes to anybody other than me. Even her own daddy! He tried to entertain her for an hour while I was getting a hair trim but no matter what he did, she just screamed and screamed for an hour non stop. But when he passed her back to me she immediately settled down.

And other relatives and friends, when they try to talk to her or carry her, her face will scrounge up and start crying again in a very very pitiful way. And nobody will be able to calm her down except me. :/

Not good is it? Oh my.


camcamwhambam:733189 said:
Hi dear! When would you be taking he little one to Nex? :) I can let you use my membership!
Hmm.. I might be going on Tue if the weather's good and my girl feels good! If she's fussy that day (sometimes she can be but I hope not), then I will prob not go..


Meltie I really admire how strong u are mentally. I'm breaking down due to my boy fussiness. His reflux seems to be coming back despite finishing one bottle of probiotics. Every night wake up at 230am to feed and then 4am starts his trapped wind prob and fuss till 630-7am for his morning feed. Daytime he can't nap properly as well. Keep rejecting pacifier and fidget during his slp wonder what's wrong. When paci drops off he cry I slp only 4 hrs at most every day from 1130 after his dreamfeed to 230am for his next feed. And another hour before the 4am night terror. Daytime no time to nap. 4hrs of slp daily has really exhausted me. Down with cough and flu the past few days self medicate and still have to look after bb as alone at home no choice. Today then got better n recover.sigh when will my bb get better. Mummies using Yao lan any idea if it helps with colic or reflux ? I'm afraid using Yao lan baby will not slp in pram when outside. Yet I'm dying to do anything to let him have gd slp


Active Member
Anyway I just woke up leaking at one side, n bb still slping soundly although head to toe stuck horizontally across the cot..


Mummies that have bb slp thru the night, Does ur bb have reflux or colic ? I have no idea why my boy can fart easily in the daytime but comes night time just in so much discomfort. Wonder when will the reflux and colic goes away and stop disturbing my boy. It seems to comes and go. And I think my boy cold be teething as he drools so much n had white hard thing at his lower gum but he is only coming close to 3mths.

The babyspa sounds interesting but my boy being so fussy dont think can make it there. Maybe wait till he gets better then try... Can they they go swimming pool since they can go babyspa ?


Ah wang, my girl is using yao lan.. I'm not sure whether it'll help u, but, it help me to calm my girl down. However, initially she also reject yao lan but now she enjoys it.. So at certain night when she fuss and both hubby and myself super tired, I'll put her in yao lan and rock her. Though she might still fuss, but it relieve my arm and after awhile, she'll fall asleep in it. I also worried she might not want to sleep anywhere without it.. So far, she'll fuss outside but if I try my best to rock her in my arm, she'll still fall asleep..


Ah wang, Jiayou!!! Anyway, my girl hate pacifier and sometimes she's ok with it. But, the moment the pacifier drop out, she'll wail and fuss even more.. So, a lot of trial and error, so far, hasn't found a solution..
I cannot see the facebook post?! what is it about?

anyway i really cannot keep up with this thread, moving soo soo fast!!

I just brought my bb to JB yesterday for the whole day long!! Thank God really that she didnt fuss much but i feel so sad though coz she was so so tired!! She cant really sleep well throughout the journey.

When she was finally asleep in my hubby's chest, we have to go down to settle her entry permit at the customs, so she woke up again. then during shopping time, she fell asleep in a stroller for about 15mins, then woke up again.. sighz..

Really sad to see her eyes like so tired and wanna sleep, but the environment i think not so comfy enough for her to be in deep sleep. finally when we was having dinner, i managed to coax her and carry her to sleep, so i just keep carrying her throughout the journey back home..

But i feel so proud of her for being such a good gal and let us all do our groceries shopping, having lunch and dinner without much worry coz she really didnt fuss much.. She didnt even vomit in her leopard dress.. hahahhaa..


Thanks erlina I'm still struggling everyday at home. And my crying plus lack of slp just make things worse and make me even more tired. Now when outside my boy can stay in pram and slp in it for a short while but easily wake up when pram is on stationary. Wonder why he is such a poor sleeper.
Mummies pls forgive me, I really do not wish to attend the gathering on 19, as I wld prefer to remain anymonous as this forum is the only avenue that I can express my inner most feelings that I sometimes really regret having my boy, can't yearn much more to have a normal life back, a life where I need not have to live in anxiety of my boy crying, fear and worry of his wellbeing etc.at night even that fours hrs of slp I can't slp well as mentally is waiting for my boy to wake up. I have to act strong to show I can manage everything to my family as didn't Want them to worry abt me, which they have nv need to. And my husband is such a nice man who loves my boy so much that I feel ashamed and guilty of having such thoughts. My ego and stubbornness also makes me refuse to seek help from my in laws as I do not wish to move over to stay with them if I need their help. Sometimes really wonder what did I do or not do to have such a fussy problematic bb. Every mummy is enjoying their maternity and motherhood so much except me.

Recently my boss just called Me to let me know of some organizational changes and ask Me if I'm also checking emails at home. I told her not really, wonder if that is what she expects from me. As alone at home I can't really leave my boy alone and find sometime to do personal things. From wake up to bedtime is all baby, baby and baby. Apart from eat and toilet time nothing is for myself. Everyday so stress, upset and frustrated. Sometimes I try to act strong, be normal but very soon am back to my depressed state. Wonder how can I go back to work in a challenging and demanding US investment bank with 4 hrs of slp everyday at night. How to cope and struggle between work and my boy? I love my job and definitely cant lose it. Even coming into this forum I'm beside my boy waiting to put his paci back when it drops off. Never ever have things become so difficult and bad for me. It's like I'm having the worst stage in my life.


Ahwang, take it easy, u can share ur feeling here but I guess u shld try to share w ur hb too as he may offer solution for u.

My gal also has difficulties to fart at night, she always cry due to discomfort from 3am till 6am sometimes till 9am, n I just put PAC for her and apply ru yi after that I rock her to sleep..

My gal also sleep In Yao LAN n it help me a lot as my mil can rock her while I take aftern nap. No need to worry of her not able to sleep when u are outside as if y carry him, he will still fall Sleep..at night my gal always sleep in her cot.

Jiayou :)
Thanks erlina I'm still struggling everyday at home. And my crying plus lack of slp just make things worse and make me even more tired. Now when outside my boy can stay in pram and slp in it for a short while but easily wake up when pram is on stationary. Wonder why he is such a poor sleeper.
Mummies pls forgive me, I really do not wish to attend the gathering on 19, as I wld prefer to remain anymonous as this forum is the only avenue that I can express my inner most feelings that I sometimes really regret having my boy, can't yearn much more to have a normal life back, a life where I need not have to live in anxiety of my boy crying, fear and worry of his wellbeing etc.at night even that fours hrs of slp I can't slp well as mentally is waiting for my boy to wake up. I have to act strong to show I can manage everything to my family as didn't Want them to worry abt me, which they have nv need to. And my husband is such a nice man who loves my boy so much that I feel ashamed and guilty of having such thoughts. My ego and stubbornness also makes me refuse to seek help from my in laws as I do not wish to move over to stay with them if I need their help. Sometimes really wonder what did I do or not do to have such a fussy problematic bb. Every mummy is enjoying their maternity and motherhood so much except me.

Recently my boss just called Me to let me know of some organizational changes and ask Me if I'm also checking emails at home. I told her not really, wonder if that is what she expects from me. As alone at home I can't really leave my boy alone and find sometime to do personal things. From wake up to bedtime is all baby, baby and baby. Apart from eat and toilet time nothing is for myself. Everyday so stress, upset and frustrated. Sometimes I try to act strong, be normal but very soon am back to my depressed state. Wonder how can I go back to work in a challenging and demanding US investment bank with 4 hrs of slp everyday at night. How to cope and struggle between work and my boy? I love my job and definitely cant lose it. Even coming into this forum I'm beside my boy waiting to put his paci back when it drops off. Never ever have things become so difficult and bad for me. It's like I'm having the worst stage in my life.

ahwang, it sounds like u are having post natal depression. try to take things easy. having a baby is definetely hard work and this is just the beginning. they are just babies who cant even walk or talk or do anything besides crying, peeing, pooping.. As they get older, surely more challenging problems will come.

"An easy baby" is really a very subjective matter. U are having a 4 hours sleep which sounds like a depressed state alrd, but me, 4 hours sleep is my so-called "beauty sleep" alrd.. some nights i slept 2 hours on weekdays because baby was so fussy and cranky.

My mum who's now taking care of baby also having it though. we have yao lan at home, BUT we have to keep bouncing the baby on it without stopping. Thus, my mum also cannot sleep at night. If i take baby to sleep with me, she can sleep well, but i will have no time for hubby.

My gal also have eczema and need constant caring for her skin. we have to keep reapplying lotions on her whole body throughout the day. if the eczema gotten worse, it can make her itchy and she will be cranky again.

if people claim i have a tough baby, i can just nod head. but to me, she is an easy baby. if people see her face so red and rough and doesnt feel like baby skin, i will also just nod head. it is the fact that her skin is so terrible, but to me, she's still the cutest lil person ever.

When she cried blardy murder in a shopping mall and every single person keep staring at me and pointing fingers to us, i keep calm and somehow i feel proud of carrying her no matter how she behaves (crying histerycally until everybody staring at us, vomitting like crazy - happened few times).

If i can suggest, really seek some help from ur family or in laws to ease out ur errands at home. i agree it is very challenging to manage baby on ur own, i had the experience before. I took care of my gal on my own for a week without no one helping out thru the day. a week may seems short, but imagine how tough it is to carry baby on one hand and mop the floor? or carry baby on one hand and vaccuum the house? i can also bounce baby on yaolan with my leg, 2 hands on keyboard for shopping (my only entertainment) and mouth have to sing songs to keep baby calm.. lolz

ohh.. maybe u can also rent out some drama or movies to keep u entertained thru out the day? i watched korean drama and korean variety show to keep my spirit up and i wont feel sleepy even though i didnt sleep at all the night before..

so Jia you!!


Ahwang, poor mummy! *hugs* We would love for u to join us but if u prefer to remain anonymous, of cos we will respect ur wishes.. We just tot getting out of the house and getting support from one another can lift ur spirits a little.. But if u feel so stressed by it, then it's ok! :D

I agree with lin.. Maybe have a talk with ur hubby? The more u try to put up a brave front, nobody will noe u are having a hard time.. Mummies are human after all.. If bb is causing u so much stress, it may do u good to have some time away for urself.. Go for a haircut, facial, mani/pedi, have a good dinner etc.. Leave the bb with ur parents or parents in law for a night while u go enjoy urself or with hubby.. It will do u good!

I'm oso alone with bb at home with no help.. My bb sometimes fuss the whole day and I realli dunno wat she wans.. Tried rocking, carrying everything and I'm so stressed.. My parents come every Sun so there are 2 extra pair of hands tat day and I can breathe a little easier.. And once I grumbled to hubby tat I'm sick of being a milkmaid at home and the next day he brought me out for buffet dinner and we left bb with my mil for a few hours.. I felt so recharged after tat.. U try too! It is ok to ask ppl for help.. We are not super beings.. It doesn't do u any good to keep up the brave front and be so depressed wen nobody is looking..

Wat is the baby care arrangement wen u return to work? Infant care? If so, maybe can check if u can start leaving bb with them for half a day? Every alternate day?

Jia you! Be positive! This fussiness will soon be over (i hope so too!)!


Ah wang, I feel you.. I'm in the bankg industry too and during my confinement I had a tough time trying to balance work and baby.. Until I went into post natal depression.

But I put a stop to it... My baby is as important as my job. So I set a time table.. 2 mornings out of a week, I will clear emails and communicate with office.. Of cz you shld ask some family help to take care of your boy for those 2 mornings.. And the rest of the week.. Be a calm and happy mummy.. The mummy mood is contagious to baby

Many of my friends said it take 6-8 mths to adjust our mummy lives and work...

And all babies have their own issues.. I always remind myself.. It's ok cause all the trials I go through makes me a better and greater mummy


Dear mummies,

Any recommendation on what cream or oil to put on my baby's body? As her body and hands are pretty dry. Pls advice. Thank you.