EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

anyone knows any hospital or organization i can donate my bm to? running out of space in my freezer alrd and hubby dun allow me to buy chest freezer!! arghh..


anyone knows any hospital or organization i can donate my bm to? running out of space in my freezer alrd and hubby dun allow me to buy chest freezer!! arghh..
Wow... So envy you. I dont have much milk for my gal. Only fed her bf for 2 months only. :(


Ahwang... I feel u too... I stay with my ils.. When i had my no. 1 i too am stressed up. Every bb is unique in their own ways....

U need a confidant.. N ur hb will b e best! Talk to him... Let him know... He loves u will help u along e way... No one is born to b a mother... We all learn thru tough lessons

Like now... Im a literally a dutch lady cum cook... Cum teacher cum mother!

As for e gathering its ur choice... But shd u need listening ears... Do pm me :)


When I got pregnant I researched read up get myself prepared for my litte one. I tell myself what can be so difficult, babies just eat, slp,poo they cry just let them cry. But the reality is so different from what I imagined. I also planned what to do during my maternity, like watch drama, surf net go out shoppingn but all these beautiful picture that I had imagined just shattered. I fear my baby wakes up as I dont know what to do when he wakes up and not time for feeding yet. Play with him he also can fuss recently bought a play gym for him he also don't really like. I'm a impatient person and my mum is worse. So can't ask my mum for help my mil is nice but weak dont want to make her tired. I'm leaving him in infant care the earliest he can go is in mid Feb.


Ah wang, I rem once I was like u, esp during the confinement period. I didn't engage confinement lady, coz mil will help. But, end up, she always go out and a lot of time I depend on myself and my baby don't sleep. Just can't sleep for long and keep crying. And also becoz of this, my mil also tired of handling, end up still pass back to me. I remembered how I tried to rock her to sleep in tears, pumped milk in tears too. And I know I'm depriving of sleep too. In the end, I moved back to my mum's place for few days immediately after confinement, where my bro can run some errands for me and I can request for help more at ease also. Things then change for the better. I suggest u get a yao lan, try something different, might end up helping u.. Cheer up!!!


ah wang some mummies here offer great advise....try to do some changes...may help u...don't stress out...it wont be good....

i do get stress what my mum does for my son...but i let it go...now is my MIL turn....i try to ignore but at times i feel stress i come here post here the problems i feel better..and being depression is not gd....i knw coz i been having depression half of my life....


lin how to contact u next wed?? what time shall we meet and hw to recongnise u??
When I got pregnant I researched read up get myself prepared for my litte one. I tell myself what can be so difficult, babies just eat, slp,poo they cry just let them cry. But the reality is so different from what I imagined. I also planned what to do during my maternity, like watch drama, surf net go out shoppingn but all these beautiful picture that I had imagined just shattered. I fear my baby wakes up as I dont know what to do when he wakes up and not time for feeding yet. Play with him he also can fuss recently bought a play gym for him he also don't really like. I'm a impatient person and my mum is worse. So can't ask my mum for help my mil is nice but weak dont want to make her tired. I'm leaving him in infant care the earliest he can go is in mid Feb.

actually i was also like that.. when i was pregnant, i keep thinking during my confinement time i can browse web all day long and just shop online to ease some boredness.. but reality NOOO... even with my mum n mil's help and hubby's help during the night, i was still so tired and exhausted.. but somehow i feel happy coz it's for the baby..

i can tell u if u see me when i was alone at home only with the baby, u will think i'm a crazy person. dunno how many songs i composed to try to interact with her, i talked to her about all kind of nonsense to just to get her to smile (she's not a friendly and smiley baby thats for sure). i talked about my day, what i have to do next, until i even brought up about an uncle downstairs that i saw from my window who was fishing in a super hot weather with his bald head!! and the best of it, i made up songs about him too!!!!! lolz..

if i can sell my songs copyright i can be rich now alrd.. lolz..


ahwang:733373 said:
When I got pregnant I researched read up get myself prepared for my litte one. I tell myself what can be so difficult, babies just eat, slp,poo they cry just let them cry. But the reality is so different from what I imagined. I also planned what to do during my maternity, like watch drama, surf net go out shoppingn but all these beautiful picture that I had imagined just shattered. I fear my baby wakes up as I dont know what to do when he wakes up and not time for feeding yet. Play with him he also can fuss recently bought a play gym for him he also don't really like. I'm a impatient person and my mum is worse. So can't ask my mum for help my mil is nice but weak dont want to make her tired. I'm leaving him in infant care the earliest he can go is in mid Feb.
Ahwang.. Ya I was also painted that impression.. thought can always go out shopping do hair watch dramas Enjoy..but nono.. even nw pedicure also cannot do..cos I'm ebf n nt giving bb bottlefeed yet..but on the other side enjoying the late wakeups as bb falls aslp in his Morning feed abt 6+ n can Zzz till 10+ 11am..Which I don't Enjoy when I'm working only on wkends mayb..

Brace up!every bb is different.. each gt each crankiness.. but it will b over soon. U r nt alone!
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Erlina, yup will get a yaolan if things still don't improve when I get back to work next mth. Hope Yao lan really can helps. Ya talking abt pumping sometimes I pumping and he suddenly cry from slp I rush to his room without even hooking back my bra and milk drip on the floor leaving stains everywhere have to mop and clean daily.

Do u all always carry baby when he cries? I always try not to as scared he got so used to being carried. I try to carry him a while once He calm down put him down on bed or sofa and play with him. Today hubby back from his trip but back to work tmr. I feel better when someone is at home with me and with the encouragement of all mummies here... I have to say u mummies are so strong and great ! I hope I can be somewhere there. I will hang in there for my boy! Believe I sure can do it and no matter what have to as I'm responsible for my own child. Even to ask for help its only short term , long term still have to depend on myself.


Ahwang: Have you tried gripe water? It worked for my boy when he was fussy and fidgeting alot in the night due to gas problem. He had it for a week before his night feed and we had since stopped as he has outgrown the problem. It did help alot!

I don't think it's wrong to not enjoy motherhood, some of us are just happier being individuals. Perhaps it's easier for you if you can regard your new status not as one that requires you to make permanent changes to your past lifestyle? Soon you will be able to find a balance. It probably is hard now as the baby is giving you a difficult time but sooner or later things will get better. Definitely!


Thanks uttmama.... My pd only prescribe ridwind, gonna try gripwater per ur advice. Anything sensible that can let him slp well. Poor boy want to slp but always in discomfort. But at night aft I help to release his wind. He still gets fussy don't know for what. So much wind? Sometimes he let out 5,6 farts already omg cant imagine how gassy is his tummy. Even when he is sleepy want to slp in the daytime he also fussy when I did not really overstimulate him and wind him down at a quiet corner when he feel sleepy. Sometimes really cannot understand my own child. Don't know what to do then can make him happy


Mummies w ergo carriers w infant insert..My boy is abt 5+kg n length abt 60cm..can he still fit into the insert?was thinking whether to buy the insert or nt.. but wo it also cannot carry cos his neck is nt firm yet right? I have a baby bjorn tot of selling that away n use my ergo but I dont have the insert..can My boy fit into it?cos I read at ergo carrier website they say can fit till 5+kg only..


Ahwang are u bfg or fm? If fm... Could b e fm leh... I use yaolan too... My girl naps... Now usually at most for an hr... She will chit chat then fall asleep on her own at night.... Like i mention before i use tcm la... Now bb appetite better... Initially i can feed for an hr!!! N bb cranky too


Hi rodorsany, he is on bm + fm. My pd alrrady advise to change to similac total comfort for fussy baby which I already did so. He farts well in daytime just night time seems to have prob.