EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Wow karry ur carrier's really a bargain! I bought mine for 219 in taka and 45 for the insert. Tho i sold it lol (the carrier)!


Meltie - I don't change my babies diapers at all in the night unless she poos, which is extremely rare.. If it is just pee even though she wakes up in the middle of the night I feed her and just put her back to sleep, too scared if I change her diapers she will wake up completely and my sleep will be disturbed. Also when you know charlotte has had enough start giving her the pacifier, trust me its been a savior for me.. My baby keeps waking up atleast once or twice every night :( so tired and just longing for 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Justamom - yes ill be coming on the 19th for the gathering, and ill bring my carrier too.. so you can use my insert for your baby and see if he is comfortable in it before you decide if you need to buy one. I found this page on FB called sweet angels closet, I got my carrier and insert from that lady at a really good rate.. The carrier was for $98 and insert for $30, she took about 4 to 5 days to get it.
hey kary, thks for ur advice! I'm still trying to get my stubborn girl to take the pacifier... sigh she always wail like mad when i stuff it in.. :/ Hope she will accept it soon for me to regain my sanity....


Meltie - I don't change my babies diapers at all in the night unless she poos, which is extremely rare.. If it is just pee even though she wakes up in the middle of the night I feed her and just put her back to sleep, too scared if I change her diapers she will wake up completely and my sleep will be disturbed. Also when you know charlotte has had enough start giving her the pacifier, trust me its been a savior for me.. My baby keeps waking up atleast once or twice every night :( so tired and just longing for 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Justamom - yes ill be coming on the 19th for the gathering, and ill bring my carrier too.. so you can use my insert for your baby and see if he is comfortable in it before you decide if you need to buy one. I found this page on FB called sweet angels closet, I got my carrier and insert from that lady at a really good rate.. The carrier was for $98 and insert for $30, she took about 4 to 5 days to get it.
hmm does ur bb get diaper rash? Hmm my bb's skin v sensitive.. once more than 3-4hrs, she will develop rash.. had a bad rash n yeast infection 2 weeks ago.. still recovering from it.. hence i need to change often for her... dread it though... :/ trying to change as fast as possible .... sometimes she's ok...

sighh i'm on 2 hrly feeding interval now........ i thought coming 3 mths shld be easier? now my bb just messed it all up .. my 4th feed now... a week ago 11am was her 2nd feed....


Meltie, I too dun change my girl's diapers now at night.. Will try to change before her last feed and let her last till morning.. Unless she poops, but like Kary, it is v v rare..


Active Member
my bb has been drooling a lot! she now wears bib the whole day, and some days may even drench through 2 bibs! if without bib, her romper will be drenched in her saliva >< she likes to play saliva bubbles too, otherwise just drooling drooling nonstop... my mum was saying she 'wasting water'... lol...

i don't change her at night also. usually before coaxing her to sleep we will put on diaper (in the day use cloth nappy) and long pants for her... then will only change during bath time the next morning. she can hv her diaper on for 12 hrs or more, depends on how long she sleeps. like last night, i changed her into diaper when i wipe her at 7, and this morning although she woke up at 6:40am, i was too tired (i think my med is making me super drowsy) n sleepy to move, so i fell back asleep and she didn't make noise... until 8:20am... then i woke up to latch her, and then pass to my mil to bathe her around 9am, that's when she change the diaper. so unless we go out, she usually only use one diaper per day.

kary! that's v good deal!! i tot ergo carrier gg at around $200 everywhere! even my cousin bought mine from usa, include insert n include shipping also cost around $200!


Lizzy ya i got a real good bargain for it.. The same organic one was for 200 or more at mothercare.

Ive been finding alot of these sellers on fb for baby clothes too and im enjoying indulging in baby shopping... though now i realised ive not shopped for myself properly in so long...

Meltie - ive been not changing diapers for a long time now, tho two days back i noticed my baby starting to develop a rash, so quickly went down to the store and bought desitin to apply for her.. But I think the rash is cos I used a few of the sample drypers that I had.. But now its clearing again and im jus gonna continue using the cream in the nights to prevent it.. Do u use desitin too? The cream is soo thick like shoe polish, wondering if theres any other cream I could use.


Active Member
i use avent baby bottom balm... cos recommended by mrs wong b.b... it's v light, unlike the pureen nappy rash cream we received from tmc... v thick and whitish.


Meltie - if your baby has sensitive skin, I'd think changing diapers frequently is the way to go. My baby hardly poops overnight so after her feed at 7pm she wears same diaper even after dream feed at 11 till 7am feeding. But, if she poops before dream feed at 11, I'll change her diaper of course. The diaper can hold the pee and poop but it isn't pleasant to sleep in a soiled diaper!!

I don't turn on lights when changing diaper at night. Leave only a small lamp on. Don't talk to her, no eye contact, v business like. And I change diaper before feeding. But if baby poops after dream feed then I'll change and latch her again just for a minute.

Hope thus helps!
Yes it will get better...


Lizzy ya i got a real good bargain for it.. The same organic one was for 200 or more at mothercare.

Ive been finding alot of these sellers on fb for baby clothes too and im enjoying indulging in baby shopping... though now i realised ive not shopped for myself properly in so long...

Meltie - ive been not changing diapers for a long time now, tho two days back i noticed my baby starting to develop a rash, so quickly went down to the store and bought desitin to apply for her.. But I think the rash is cos I used a few of the sample drypers that I had.. But now its clearing again and im jus gonna continue using the cream in the nights to prevent it.. Do u use desitin too? The cream is soo thick like shoe polish, wondering if theres any other cream I could use.
Hey kary i use the desitin purple color one.. max strength.. hmm her rash keep recurring.. changed brand of diapers back to huggies already.. so i gotta b v diligent change every feed in the day and in the night i change around every other feed or when i feel its heavy n wet.. guess my bb's skin is really super sensitive.. even burp cloth oso make her have rashes on her face after keeping it there for 1-2hrs...

Hey felicity , my fren oso recommends the avent cream.. i still have not gotten it.. just bought another tube of desitin yesterday..

sighh bb is latching again.. less than an hr .. last fed her at 10.30am.. den she has not slept since 8.30am.. tried coaxing her to slp buy she super awake n cranky.. sigh i'm dozing off as i bounced her... finally she screamed non stop ....so bo bian i latch her.... really feel maybe its her growth spurt or she is just plain fussy..... bullying me since last night..... nv got to rest more than an hr! Oh ya tried pacifier just now... she cried like i abandoned her... aiyooo she rather die den accept it..... wonder if i shld try feeding her bottle later... today's gonna be quite traumatic for her... sigh my hubby no time n no motivation to train her bottle.. i am so stressed abt going back to work... i got 300ml of milk in fridge pumped out since 2 days ago... its expiring today.... :( don't wanna throw my ebm again.... my hubby mow just work n work.. come back and say bb don't like him to carry.. and at night better to latch... :( he played games on com till 3am this morn loh.. i was struggling to feed last feed dozing off n coax bb to slp, and wake up at 2.45am to feed.. morning asked if he could feed a bottle before going to work.. he lazed in bed n rushed to work after i latched.. :( i guess i gotta rely on myself.... but i'm running empty.... so deprived of slp...


Dear Mummies

last week was a long long week for me.

I had a blocked duct till it developed into mastitis, and i was hospitalised for 5days because of that. Doctor do aspirations to drain out the infected area and i was on IV antibiotics. Now i had a small wound on my right breast which i had to do dressing every alternate day at Polyclinic and on oral antibiotics. The worst thing now is my right breast would still engorge but i couldn't use pump to pump out ...can only hand express out which is very tiring. Feel like giving up expressing breast milk.....

Next week gathering i will give a miss this time. Join u all next time round.


Active Member
yeoymp oh dear :( take care and hope ur breast fully recover soon! u've done ur best in providing breast milk for ur bb... i'm sure ur family will be behind u whether u give up or continue to express... do what makes u a happier mummy! *hugs*

nessa hope it'll be a quick check and everything's good!

meltie *hugs* i wish i know how i could help with baby charlotte!


Dear Mummies

last week was a long long week for me.

I had a blocked duct till it developed into mastitis, and i was hospitalised for 5days because of that. Doctor do aspirations to drain out the infected area and i was on IV antibiotics. Now i had a small wound on my right breast which i had to do dressing every alternate day at Polyclinic and on oral antibiotics. The worst thing now is my right breast would still engorge but i couldn't use pump to pump out ...can only hand express out which is very tiring. Feel like giving up expressing breast milk.....

Next week gathering i will give a miss this time. Join you all next time round.
Oh dear.. sorry to hear abt that.. it must have been super difficult for u n bb.. my gd fren kenna mastitis twice.. she perservered till 9 mths... she always warn me abt pumping n latching at same time... hmm do take care ya? it must have hurt alot.. :( can't imagine going through it.. i had some breast nerve pain yesterday and was so scared... hand expressing is the only way not to injure ur breast... hmm jiayou ya? don't stress urself...
Pls rest well n don't worry abt the meetup.. maybe we'll organise another one real soon?

Hey nessa, hope ur bb's ent appointment goes smooth! He's ok right? just a checkup...?
meltie.. yes it's quite far for me too. but i just brought her there to try out. actually on first day she really didnt vomit at all, so i was so sure to go for the next visits. but somehow it just not working out anymore and i feel like by using the probiotics also improves and help with her vomitting. however pls take note that our bb's problem is different. maybe tuina can really be the answer for charlotte. it is a chinese traditional med shop.. all are handling baby cases.

and btw.. u really carry alot of stuffs lol. i used to carry alot too, then my mum scolded me saying to just carry necessary things and keep it compact so that i can also fit all those in my bags instead of using the TMC diaper bag.. she said ugly.. lolz..

here's what i carry most of the time when i go out for shopping/dinner/etc:
1 nursing cover
2-3 diapers
changing mat
travel size wet wipes
few packs of pocket tissues
3-4 hankies
1 set of romper/dress/top & pants to change her
1 hat/headband
1 swaddle blanket that i use as burp cloth (LOL)
2 pacifiers
1 travel size hand sanitizer

If i bringing my stroller i will add in a blanket to cover her. All these fit in into my casual handbag nicely so i can go out in style.. hahhahaha..


Yeo i hope you get better soon... awww you must be in so much pain :( so sorry to hear

Nessa - hope all is gonna be well with Ryan!!

Meltie - yea i got the purple one too.. its really thick and so difficult to wipe off too. maybee i should try the avent balm. I guess with charlotte u will jus hav to continue changin every three four hours.. or maybe you can even leave her without her diapers for a short while in de day so theres air blowing on the skin. I leave my baby for atleast half an hour each day to lie down wihout diapers.. sigh i think mikaela is also having a growth spurt cos shes been latching every hour and a half and the pacifier is just not doing the job... On other days i feed her once wvery four hours and she can stay awake without crying...

Reiann i like the way you said changing diapers in de night is like a business transaction loll


I m using drapolene for nappy rash I find it better than destin cos after one day e rash r gone .. but I dun use it everytime unless abit redness. . normally I will jus use kodomo powder lotion .. it has anti rashes n moisturiser effects. . :)

melti, u r really great !! hang in there I heard elderly say tt bb after 4 months will b less fussy n cranky .. hav u heard pple putting ( xia liu ) leave under bb pillow so they can slp better .. if u dun mind trying let me knw .. I can bring to u on e 19th ..


Yeo i hope you get better soon... awww you must be in so much pain :( so sorry to hear

Nessa - hope all is gonna be well with Ryan!!

Meltie - yea i got the purple one too.. its really thick and so difficult to wipe off too. maybee i should try the avent balm. I guess with charlotte u will jus hav to continue changin every three four hours.. or maybe you can even leave her without her diapers for a short while in de day so theres air blowing on the skin. I leave my baby for atleast half an hour each day to lie down wihout diapers.. sigh i think mikaela is also having a growth spurt cos shes been latching every hour and a half and the pacifier is just not doing the job... On other days i feed her once wvery four hours and she can stay awake without crying...

Reiann i like the way you said changing diapers in de night is like a business transaction loll
Yup the purple desitin is hard to clean off, i use cotton balls n water dap... sigh i'm so so tired.. she just changed her diapers and 5 mins later she pooped.. den 20mins later she cried for milk.... :( now its every hourly latching.... i haven eaten anything!! Was quickly hanging her clothes as its rainy today... she's super cranky n fussy today..... :( i think we're going through an early 3 mth growth spurt.. how come the rest of u nv mentioned before? :/ sighh my charlotte just wants to experience everything.. getting too challenging for me everyday.... :(