EDD September 2013 Mummies


New Member
Aaarhhh! Just when I mentioned my vomit has stopped, I puked again last night! Taboo! :eek:
happened to me too. i thought my MS was getting better cause i had a greater appetite the past few days but i puked my lunch and snacks out the minute i got off the car after work. i really cant wait for the MS to be over................


New Member
I see....I doubt because the uterus doesnt hurt at all apart from some minor cramps. That thg really flutter. The stone is definitely the baby sitting on my bladder till i press it to the side, and then i can pee peacefully. Round ligament is quite painful as I had it before ...But this one, my Pelvic bone is throbbing. Not my uterus. Ligament pain is at uterus if im not wrong. And Im already in week 18. Maybe not uterus expanding but the pelvic area expanding in length to prepare for delivery.I doubt baby kicking at pelvic.Too small to reach our pelvic haha!. I shall ask my gynae soon.

But if you do experience round ligament it's really good because it just means uterus expanding=)
actually i have no idea what is the fluttering thing.. :( i dont think i have experienced it yet. haha. i still get the stabbing pains once in awhile. as long as baby is fine, i dont care much...


14wka today and I still feel nauseous once in awhile but not as bad..and I have gone back to e initial stage of not being able to smell any types of meat again..arghhh..and I dun eat vege..jia lat..@_@

Newae, I feel e slight cramps daily and tts e only thing tt tells me I'm preggy..can't wait for e next check up at 15wks 4days..hope can see e gender!hehe!^_^

A mummy

Mummies, MS will still be there until you actually pass the 16-17 mark, and it will be better. The smell of food will be better by week 18. But can't guarantee that MS will go away. It's still here. Just have to like accept it. Feel like it will be here until 3rd trimester.

Got my lab test, everythg turns out well. Most importantly rare chance of Down's Syndrome. That's all I wanted to hear.
No diseases/viruses reported.

I increased 3 kg over 2 weeks. Kinda scary.


My appetite is back too! Gaining weight already :( but still feeling bloated n burping n farting still.. Ha.. Gassy.. R u mommies like that too? Going for week 16 check up this thurs! Hope everything ok too.
Dont think I feel any liagment pain or so I think.. But I felt lower abdomen cramps n called gyne. She said its uterus expanding ... As long as no bleeding its ok. Is that pain the same thing u guys have been describing?


It's my 17th week already! I can eat anything I want, have mor energy, no vomiting and almost no nausea. Only problem is, whenever I travel, I get bad motion sickness and it triggers my nausea. I'd be dry heaving or vomit, and end up very lethargic or have to lie in bed. Really hate the motion sickness.


My gfs tell me ms will kick in again in third trimester!!!! Argh!! Hope it's not as bad as the first trimester.

Yah, I'm super gassy, bloated and burpy. So unglam now. Hahaha! It's a wonder my hubby still finds me attractive. LOL.

A mummy

My appetite is back too! Gaining weight already :( but still feeling bloated n burping n farting still.. Ha.. Gassy.. R u mommies like that too? Going for week 16 check up this thurs! Hope everything ok too.
Dont think I feel any liagment pain or so I think.. But I felt lower abdomen cramps n called gyne. She said its uterus expanding ... As long as no bleeding its ok. Is that pain the same thing u guys have been describing?
Yup I do feel uterus cramping like menses cramp but not ligament pain(stabbing at one side thg) almost every other day.But last for few minutes only.Ligament pain I experienced during week 5-6 kind. That's so pain like twisting of ovaries kinda feeling. Other than that yeap uterus cramping. So it's kinda normal as long there's no bleeding I suppose.

A mummy

My gfs tell me ms will kick in again in third trimester!!!! Argh!! Hope it's not as bad as the first trimester.

Yah, I'm super gassy, bloated and burpy. So unglam now. Hahaha! It's a wonder my hubby still finds me attractive. LOL.
I doubt it's as bad. I think 3rd trimester the body will be in super pain mode like cramps , achy , and so much pain and fatigue. Nausea I guess because of the added panicky feeling. I get nauseous when I'm nervous now.So gotta calm down everytime.

Haha Lol, tell me about it.

A mummy

It's my 17th week already! I can eat anything I want, have mor energy, no vomiting and almost no nausea. Only problem is, whenever I travel, I get bad motion sickness and it triggers my nausea. I'd be dry heaving or vomit, and end up very lethargic or have to lie in bed. Really hate the motion sickness.
Ya! Exactly. Even travelling to Orchard I got like bad motion sickness and triggers the nausea.

A mummy

Do any mummies on week 15 onwards experience breathlessness when you walk too fast?Like a 100m distance.??or climbing up bridges at yr prepregnancy normal pace.??


A mummy: yea, me too! easily feel breathless after a short distance fast walk. I read it's normal, due to something (forgot what organ from pregnancy) pressing on our lungs.

sob sob, still have to wait till 16-17th week to stop the vomitting.... :embarrassed:

Sunbeams: yea, lower abdomen cramps which is happening to me these few days, I have to turn or move slowly. So it's the uterus expanding... mum told me maybe it's baby or uterus pressing on me.

A mummy

skt: suspect must be the intestine pushing the stomach up and pushing the liver follow by the lungs. Sighs.I have ligament pain now.My pelvic seems find already.
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Hey mummies!! I m having a prince!! :)
today took blood test again.. Wasn't prepared :/
but glad that everything went ok!! :)


Sunbeams: Congrats on your boy!

Ladies, my jeweller just predicted that I'll be having a girl using the following method:

( Month of conception ) + ( Age of mom at conception ) + 49 = ( Even number is girl, odd number is boy )

Do try and let me know if it was right for you!!!