Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Well-Known Member
I didn't get my LONTONG..uweekkkkk!!!!

Yeah,hubby surprised my with 1day trip to Batam this SATurday...Atlast dpt jgk gi very2 short trip..heheheh..Jadi lah pada tk gi mane2...I shall shop till drop there..wakakaka....


Well-Known Member
I didn't get my LONTONG..uweekkkkk!!!!

Yeah,hubby surprised my with 1day trip to Batam this SATurday...Atlast dpt jgk gi very2 short trip..heheheh..Jadi lah pada tk gi mane2...I shall shop till drop there..wakakaka....
hahahha, tak dapat lontong, dapat gi BATAM lagi best!


Active Member
Hello suma..!!! nari lambat sikit masuk.. hehehe..

naper tak on weekends?? my leave dah habis for this yr.. kalau amik pon its gonna be no pay leave.. haiz.. :embarrassed: i see wat i can do ok ladies.. :Dancing_sad: takjanji apa2..


Well-Known Member
Hello suma..!!! nari lambat sikit masuk.. hehehe..

naper tak on weekends?? my leave dah habis for this yr.. kalau amik pon its gonna be no pay leave.. haiz.. :embarrassed: i see wat i can do ok ladies.. :Dancing_sad: takjanji apa2..
me too! :(


Well-Known Member
Afternoon All!!!!!!!!!

Ydae was an awesome day... actually my intention went to mum's hse to eat jemput2 pisang... hehehe.. smpi sekilo mum buat kan... hehe.... skali in late noon gitu siblings sume want to catch a movie with my Uncle... Rapunzel not a bad movie... thumbs up!!! so apalagi me n H pun tagged along... after movie had dinner at siam kitchen...

lunch apa sume?? mine ikan masak kicap for today jek...


Active Member
halo semua...
nari ayu lunch minum milo jek... tk da selera mkn la... plus ni kes pemalas habis nye nk masak.. wakakaka

ok pasal gethering tu kn.. as per diskusi, heheheh... ada yg tink it's difficult for them to go out during wkends coz takut hubby ada mahhh... for me, not a prob... tgk la d convenience for some mummies here... ok lets take a poll if u r up for wkends of wkdays mit up (be warned saper2 yg vote wkends den dah confirm pas tu tk attend.. heheheheh.. *EVIL*) amaciam takut tk? kekekekeke...saper yg sembarang pun ok jek pun vote jgk tau... hehehehe


Well-Known Member
Venues :

1) Vivo (near waterplay area)
2) Plaza SG (near Gelare Cafe)
3) T3 Changi Airport ( near the playground/slide area)
any more ideas

Looking at dates 27th or 28th Dec

Enflor votes go to Vivo or T3 27th
me mana2 ok... insyaAllah coast clear for that day... jadi kuar pun aman... hati manyak senang... hahaha....


Well-Known Member
halo semua...
nari ayu lunch minum milo jek... tk da selera mkn la... plus ni kes pemalas habis nye nk masak.. wakakaka

ok pasal gethering tu kn.. as per diskusi, heheheh... ada yg tink it's difficult for them to go out during wkends coz takut hubby ada mahhh... for me, not a prob... tgk la d convenience for some mummies here... ok lets take a poll if u r up for wkends of wkdays mit up (be warned saper2 yg vote wkends den dah confirm pas tu tk attend.. heheheheh.. *EVIL*) amaciam takut tk? kekekekeke...saper yg sembarang pun ok jek pun vote jgk tau... hehehehe
wkend susah noh nak kuar itu pintu gerbang...... hahahahha.....


Well-Known Member
halo semua...
nari ayu lunch minum milo jek... tk da selera mkn la... plus ni kes pemalas habis nye nk masak.. wakakaka

ok pasal gethering tu kn.. as per diskusi, heheheh... ada yg tink it's difficult for them to go out during wkends coz takut hubby ada mahhh... for me, not a prob... tgk la d convenience for some mummies here... ok lets take a poll if u r up for wkends of wkdays mit up (be warned saper2 yg vote wkends den dah confirm pas tu tk attend.. heheheheh.. *EVIL*) amaciam takut tk? kekekekeke...saper yg sembarang pun ok jek pun vote jgk tau... hehehehe
Weekend i got NO PROB too...Wakakakak!!! But 25 dec i ade family gathering (date dah block)...Any days i tak kisah!!


Active Member
ana!!! ko amaciam... sini aku tgk naper mcm senyap jek.. aku ni dah lah tgh sooo d lemau giler.... kwang kwang kwang...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Afternoon ladies..

Phew!! BAPAK on leave today pun aku terbusy jugak.. So wassup???:001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Hello suma..!!! nari lambat sikit masuk.. hehehe..

naper tak on weekends?? my leave dah habis for this yr.. kalau amik pon its gonna be no pay leave.. sigh.. :embarrassed: i see what i can do ok ladies.. :Dancing_sad: takjanji apa2..
halo semua...
nari ayu lunch minum milo jek... tk da selera mkn ... plus ni kes pemalas habis nye nk masak.. wakakaka

ok pasal gethering tu kn.. as per diskusi, heheheh... ada yg tink it's difficult for them to go out during wkends coz takut hubby ada mahhh... for me, not a prob... tgk d convenience for some mummies here... ok lets take a poll if you r up for wkends of wkdays mit up (be warned saper2 yg vote wkends then dah confirm pas tu tk attend.. heheheheh.. *EVIL*) amaciam takut tk? kekekekeke...saper yg sembarang pun ok jek pun vote jgk tau... hehehehe
wkend susah noh nak kuar itu pintu gerbang...... hahahahha.....
ok ayu ok with either dates... lagik best kalo t3... hehehe...
Weekend i got NO PROB too...Wakakakak!!! But 25 dec i ade family gathering (date dah block)...Any days i tak kisah!!
Wat all the story about, gals?? Am i included?? Jap aku scroll back tengok k.. :tlaugh:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
I didn't get my LONTONG..uweekkkkk!!!!

Yeah,hubby surprised my with 1day trip to Batam this SATurday...Atlast dpt jgk gi very2 short trip..heheheh..Jadi pada tk gi mane2...I shall shop till drop there..wakakaka....
Wahh Batam!!.. Hubby & cousins trying to booked HARRIS HOTEL pat batam sana.. Tapi dorang cakap FULL.. Heard sana seronok noh..:001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Venues :

1) Vivo (near waterplay area)
2) Plaza SG (near Gelare Cafe)
3) T3 Changi Airport ( near the playground/slide area)
any more ideas

Looking at dates 27th or 28th Dec

Enflor votes go to Vivo or T3 27th
WAduh! Inilah date yang aku sangat busy noh pat ofis ni sehh.. Cos of my year end party i organise mahh.. Cam ne aku nak cabut?? hmmmm.. :nah:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
ayu holz pat KL jek.. nk go jauh tk da hasil... kekekeke..

bayu anak ko baik nye dok diam2.. mcm anak aku kalo excited dia smpi nk tarik rambut org depan.. skrg plak kalo dia excited dia suka jerit n ketawa sekuat kuat hati... mungkinkah anak ku weird mcm aku.. hmmm... hehehehe

ok tadi ayu jmpa enflor... ader sket diskusi pasal mit up.. what say you peeps if we mit up @ central on wkdays.. so skrg dec kn saper yg kena clear leave sila clear on dat day eh... hehehehehe... dat time lis ader suggest vivo lagik.. hmmm.. plaza sing pun ok jgk s long s ada tmpt utk bebudak play so d mummies can pot pet... what say you guys.. any other alternatives?
Ayu, bila kau gi KL?? I be there 20th dec.. 2days 1nite je.. Mana tahu boleh berjumpa.. Heheheehheee...


Active Member
wah ina!!! bley la kiter jmpa.. aku ader pat sana on d 20th dec smpi 23rd... hehehe... jom kita jmpa!!!! aku tgh aim nk mkn pat carls jnr n billy bombers... kekekekekeke