Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
oooooo... B is having high fever!... and me not around to take care of her? :embarrassed:
not too sure why... everyday we skype... dia macam biasa jek. then yesterday, she had fever... my hubby and mum looking after her... :( feel guilty...
Hati tak tenteram kan bila berjauhan dengan anak sumore anak sakit.. Relax bebz just kip praying je.. Insyaallah not so serious.. Anyway, since u say hubby & mum looked after her insyaallah smua ditangung beres noh.. Lagipun lagi brape hari u coming back kan, so touch down spore, berdesut pelok ur loves one kuat2.. hehehehhehehe:001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
wah ina!!! bley kiter jmpa.. aku ader pat sana on d 20th dec smpi 23rd... hehehe... jom kita jmpa!!!! aku tgh aim nk mkn pat carls jnr n billy bombers... kekekekekeke
I be there 2hari je.. Cos singgah dari Damai Laut.. Aku aim nak cekik kerang bakar je lain benda not in my mind yet.. Hahahahahaha.. Makcik COMPOM malam aku ada pat sebelah hotel kau tengah cekik itu kerang bakar noh.. Jgn malu2 kau teropong lahh aku then kau turun k.. Hahahahahhhaaaa.. I be staying somewhere around Chow Kitt..

Heheheh..So happy sgt2...Hubby ckp kite go Batam 2days i nite..Yeah..Luv it...Tercapai jgk niat aku ne....
Bestnye!! Enjoy urself bebz..

Tadi pagi otw to work kan, ku nampak 1family ni wit big luggage sehh.. Trus ku ckp "Seronoknye tu nak gi holiday.." Luggage tak agak2 sehh dia bawak punya besar.. Boleh letak anak dia yg kecik pat dalam tu.. hahahahahhaa...:001_302:


Well-Known Member
not too sure why... everyday we skype... dia macam biasa jek. then yesterday, she had fever... my hubby and mum looking after her... :( feel guilty...
SKype and real person mana sama nohhhh...She rindu tu only tak tahu nak xpress it in sentences betul-betul. Dahh nak balik kan u. Hopefully, she recovers fast then can sambut u balik kat airport. U nak kita olang smua sambut u jugak tak ? hehehhe


Well-Known Member
I be there 2hari je.. Cos singgah dari Damai Laut.. Aku aim nak cekik kerang bakar je lain benda not in my mind yet.. Hahahahahaha.. Makcik COMPOM malam aku ada pat sebelah hotel kau tengah cekik itu kerang bakar noh.. Jgn malu2 kau teropong lahh aku then kau turun k.. Hahahahahhhaaaa.. I be staying somewhere around Chow Kitt..

Bestnye!! Enjoy urself bebz..

Tadi pagi otw to work kan, ku nampak 1family ni wit big luggage sehh.. Trus ku ckp "Seronoknye tu nak gi holiday.." Luggage tak agak2 sehh dia bawak punya besar.. Boleh letak anak dia yg kecik pat dalam tu.. hahahahahhaa...:001_302:

20th Dec onwards...i will up at family apt, near Genting sana da...kalo i still kat KL sibuk tuu boleh kita meet up for awhile eh.


New Member
Helo everybody..How is everybody? I hope you all sihat2~ Ok..Enflor, I receive ur PM regarding the outing. I'm ok with both dates 27 n 28. Location I choose T3. Any changes let me know yah~
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Well-Known Member
Helo everybody..How is everybody? I hope you all sihat2~ Ok..Kak Kayz, I receive ur PM regarding the outing. I'm ok with both dates 27 n 28. Location I choose T3. Any changes let me know yah~
Errmmm....who is Kayz ?? Ssshhh with the Kayz and intro again, this is Enflor typing...I luv my nick! :) I oso like T3 too


Active Member
halo semua!!!!

nari as usual ayu go my mum's p ngecek lauk... kekekek.. nari mak masak rendang and sayur tumis air jek... ok la tk cerewet s long s tk ya masak... kekekeke

enflor, if free to bley la kita jmpa at KL eh eh eh... heheheheh... ayu ada pat sana till 23rd...

ok nanti ayu free ayu masuk chat... today i feel sux man... hehehe


Well-Known Member
halo semua!!!!

nari as usual ayu go my mum's p ngecek lauk... kekekek.. nari mak masak rendang and sayur tumis air jek... ok la tk cerewet s long s tk ya masak... kekekeke

enflor, if free to bley la kita jmpa at KL eh eh eh... heheheheh... ayu ada pat sana till 23rd...

ok nanti ayu free ayu masuk chat... today i feel sux man... hehehe

i dunno how to get to the chat...tak nampak pun chat icon :( later coast clear, i can check again.


Well-Known Member
hellloooo sume!!!!!

wat lunch for today?

me eat roti boyan and jemput2 pisang.... later gonna eat my soyabean beancurd....

Enflor ur menu so sedap today....


Active Member
wah sedap nye roti boyan... skrg ayu tgh no mood nk mkn... pat tamp ada bazaar.. td singgah jap while sending hubby to mrt stn... tgk mknan semua no appetite... heheheh... so ternmpk plak ekonomiyaki.. aper lagi beli ar... hehehehe.. ni tgh hapi coz for d first time my kenit mkn sotong ball from old chang kee.. normali fishball, sotong ball dia tk mkn... for a moment aku pernah tink anak aku will grow up to b a vegetarian... heheheh


Well-Known Member
da mandi ngantok plak noh mata ku............

oh ayu ko nie appetite low gila nmpk... confirm now oreadi langsing2 bdan mu....


Active Member
ye la tu han.. langsing hbs... kalo pki kebaya ketat, confirm ko tgk muntah... wakakakaka.... tu baru ckp super langsing.. siap dgn extra2 terkeluar dari tmpt tertentu... kekekekek


Active Member
aper ko ingt corset tu cukup utk sumbat semua yg overflow tu... tk muat beb.. termuntah-muntah nanti babat semua... wakakaka... ko nk tgk aku pki tk? kekekekek... tros ko dpt morning sickness.. tgk aku je muntah mahhh... hehehehe


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha..... itu da rabak nah tu smpi corset pakai pun tak boleh cover up...

anak ku makan soyabean beancurd, die hirup the air gula jek... cekik darah tol ar ni anak...


Active Member
wah! baca ko mkn soya beancurd fuyooo... mcm syiok gitu eh.. lagi2 kalo mkn time hangat2... fuyoooo... time cuaca sejuk cmni plak.. fuh!!! hit d rite spot man... heheheheh.. biasa lerr bebudak suka manis mahhh... beancurd kan mcm tk taste sgt... heheheh


Well-Known Member
nak tggu hubby ku go n buy lambat... adik aku belikan since he coming over tadi from sgh tgk nenek aku...