Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Well-Known Member
Morning mummies,

Dah breakfast??I just had a glass of milk & sultana danish bread...Nari dapur TUTup!!

Nari,nak start to pack my bag..Yeah,tk sabar!!Will be goin to Yishun jap,kasi lepas rindu atok & nenek with Irfan..Kecian my dad dah rindu sgt ngan si kecik ne...
Smlm,went to Vivo nak cari flip flop sketcher but Uweekkkkkkkkkk.....the one i berkenan tkde size...kaki aku ne mcm gajah btl...Nak try Northpoint or Causeway point today...Minta ade size sedih...

Smlm thread so lembabz...Hopefully nari ade ceria sikit at this thread


Well-Known Member
Morning mummies,

Dah breakfast??I just had a glass of milk & sultana danish bread...Nari dapur TUTup!!

Nari,nak start to pack my bag..Yeah,tk sabar!!Will be goin to Yishun jap,kasi lepas rindu atok & nenek with Irfan..Kecian my dad dah rindu sgt ngan si kecik ne...
Smlm,went to Vivo nak cari flip flop sketcher but Uweekkkkkkkkkk.....the one i berkenan tkde size...kaki aku ne mcm gajah btl...Nak try Northpoint or Causeway point today...Minta ade size sedih...

Smlm thread so lembabz...Hopefully nari ade ceria sikit at this thread
Morning....coast not clear today and yest.

I was at Vivo too...pkul 1pm till 4pm...with my two kenits and nephew.

Enjoy ur trip at Batam ok, take care, makan tu baik2 ok.

After 3 weeks kasi dapur officially opening ceremony of my stove....hahaha, huhuhu...:(


Well-Known Member
Morning....coast not clear today and yest.

I was at Vivo too...pkul 1pm till 4pm...with my two kenits and nephew.

Enjoy ur trip at Batam ok, take care, makan tu baik2 ok.

After 3 weeks kasi dapur officially opening ceremony of my stove....hahaha, huhuhu...:(
Oh ok,i was there abt 6pm...
Thanks so much for the reminding..But i want A&W curly fries!!!

Mr Boss dah balek ke??


Well-Known Member
Oh ok,i was there abt 6pm...
Thanks so much for the reminding..But i want A&W curly fries!!!

Mr Boss dah balek ke??

Oh...u went later...we wanted to beat the 5pm peak hours thatz y left earlier after the waterplay there.

Yup yup, boss ard (yayy) but nak kena masak ajek (tsk tsk)


Well-Known Member
Oh...u went later...we wanted to beat the 5pm peak hours thatz y left earlier after the waterplay there.

Yup yup, boss ard (yayy) but nak kena masak ajek (tsk tsk)
hehe...slamat nari my BOSS ckp tkya masak..bagus2...bleh merayap...So nari ape menu??


Well-Known Member
howz the plan for the meet-up ? Any suggestion for better dates, plz give your input on dates and venues ?

Reason y, weekends are not in fav coz usually thatz family/atok/nenek time with the keciks kan. Weekdays, the crowd won't be so bad.

And also to those yang maybe can attend pun (like me) quite difficult to give 100% confirmation. U ladies are mums, so neva know when Mr. Sakit creeps in and attack the kids last minute. So if thatz the case, siang-siang i will say, i may have to do last minute cancellation to my attendance tau. (korang jangan nak bising-bising plak)


Well-Known Member
howz the plan for the meet-up ? Any suggestion for better dates, plz give your input on dates and venues ?

Reason y, weekends are not in fav coz usually thatz family/atok/nenek time with the keciks kan. Weekdays, the crowd won't be so bad.

And also to those yang maybe can attend pun (like me) quite difficult to give 100% confirmation. U ladies are mums, so neva know when Mr. Sakit creeps in and attack the kids last minute. So if thatz the case, siang-siang i will say, i may have to do last minute cancellation to my attendance tau. (korang jangan nak bising-bising plak)
Wakakakak....I'm ok with the venue & date...Klau 27/12,make it at 1pm!28/12 i all day free (insya allah)..My weekend,i tk kisah coz most of the time is OUR own sweet day..(hubby with his things)...


Well-Known Member
hehe...slamat nari my BOSS ckp tkya masak..bagus2...bleh merayap...So nari ape menu??

Apa yg senang boleh satu lauk boleh makan bermacam style ???? hahaha...kari ayam + sayur bayam + ikan asin+ sambal blacan+ kachang botol lagiiii :)...thatz lunch

Dinner - kari ayam can eat with roti or roti kirai or prata....geliga tak ni kes nanak masuk dapur twice on a TGIF


Well-Known Member
oooooo... B is having high fever!... and me not ard to take care of her? :embarrassed:
fever rindu u tak ??? Sapa jaga dia ??? Ur mum eh ? Give her a call lahh, then if u think she rindu kan u, let her sleep with your baju or tudung by her side...kasi bau2 that her mommy is ard. thatz what i did when my kids kecik2 then hub went for months....baju hub, at least satu i tak wash, put it by the side of their pillows. Kasi lepas rindu


Well-Known Member
apa yg senang boleh satu lauk boleh makan bermacam style ???? Hahaha...kari ayam + sayur bayam + ikan asin+ sambal blacan+ kachang botol lagiiii :)...thatz lunch

dinner - kari ayam can eat with roti or roti kirai or prata....geliga tak ni kes nanak masuk dapur twice on a tgif
great menu! :Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
Apa yg senang boleh satu lauk boleh makan bermacam style ???? hahaha...kari ayam + sayur bayam + ikan asin+ sambal blacan+ kachang botol lagiiii :)...thatz lunch

Dinner - kari ayam can eat with roti or roti kirai or prata....geliga tak ni kes nanak masuk dapur twice on a TGIF
Selera btl...


Well-Known Member
fever rindu u tak ??? Sapa jaga dia ??? Ur mum eh ? Give her a call lahh, then if u think she rindu kan u, let her sleep with your baju or tudung by her side...kasi bau2 that her mommy is ard. thatz what i did when my kids kecik2 then hub went for months....baju hub, at least satu i tak wash, put it by the side of their pillows. Kasi lepas rindu
not too sure why... everyday we skype... dia macam biasa jek. then yesterday, she had fever... my hubby and mum looking after her... :( feel guilty...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Morning to Afternoon Ladies..

Having a great day today.. hahahahaha... Sayang MAK NENEK ku.. Nari dia jadi santa clause.. :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_wub: :Dancing_wub: