We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
@dragontail: go go go!

@prayinghard: ya dont think too much, next one will be it! more fertile , you tell your hubby he need to work extra hard soon! start opk everyday once bleeding stop, check for ewcm and bbt. i got sudden sexual urge after my mc which means about to O too.. remember to do mini confinement to strengthen your body! i think the mini confinement kinda helps me alot.

i bought my opk from amazon, Wonfo brand (i think, cant rem the name). so far quite accurate. plus cm, works for me. anyway i think bad batches may not be just a stick or 2 but like one whole batch size thing. try different brands see how the effect
Prayinghard *hugs*.. At least you know what has happened and so you can try again soon when your body is up to it..

Hmm I think I can do with more advice on exactly when is my ovulation date and when to bd.. Dr Su doesn't really give me the dates. The last consultation I even ask her if she can see or feel the egg but she said she doesn't have x-ray eyes :p My body doesn't really tell me the signs too and I'm not even doing OPK or tracking bbt so maybe I should really do something to try catch the timing..

Littlej were you the one who wanted to get the instant LRD tea from teabox? I asked jp outlet but the stocks are not here yet ..
@quincy,Oic.. what kind of tea are u referring? Green tea can?

@Dragontail, I had seen Dr Su last yr ard July.. but recently I stopped seeing her as I want to see if I can progress with just red dates longan tea, DOM n some supplements. So far so gd but still need to improve further regarding my irregular cycles. When I took her medication, I need to take the strongest powder in order to make my menses come more n that it was really very heaty if I were to take with my red dates longan tea plus DOM. But the prob was she did not want me to skip red dates tea, bazhen n DOM. If not, my cycle would be very long.. sometimes can hit to 44days like this mth. Super messy! If not much stress, my cycle is usually between 30 to 35days, thats considered normal to me.

Yes, I love high heeled shoes.. im so used to wearing heels.. if I were to wear flats, I don't kw how to walk! Sounds weird rgt? Maybe i shd try not to cross leg when I sit, its bad for the spine as I got a bit crooked spine. Maybe that could be the reason that caused my backpain..


Active Member
then you continue what your sinseh tells you la.
be a good girl ok? haha :p
tea can be chinese tea or english tea.


haha superwomancgy- u ask Dr Su? I was tempted to ask her also but she doesnt seems to say much...everytime i need to ask her, so whats wrong with me? my womb no good or what...and ask her why so dry, etc. but guess she couldnt answer or she doesnt want to answer?

Did she teach or say what else can you do besides taking her medicine, sleep early, wear warm warm?

let me know if the JP outlet has the stock also can? hehehe....then no need boil on my own!
Poohy the last Dr Su kept emphasizing cannot have PMS symptoms like sore breasts and body aches or red discharge (not sure if brown discharge counted cos confirmed have). Told her that her med getting more yucky but she said she has increased it's potency thats why.

I will let you know when there's stock for the LRD tea.. I'm getting lazy too to boil it..
Xiaohuiis it's in instant powder form if I'm not wrong as I didn't have the chance to buy it. Recommended by faithmummy .. You can do a search on it and teabox though I'm not sure if its available on its website.
Hi ladies,

I ever read somewhere that there is a shop that sells packeted red dates tea..where is it n what's the shop name? Im interested.. so that i can bring it for travel.


I bought the instant LRD tea from a tcm hall once....tasted very artificial though....not sure if it's because of the brand...


thanks all for the encouragement... i will try my best to stay positive and to try again.. but i think the "more fertile after a mc" theroy doesn't apply to me hehehe... bcuz based on my last time mc also never...

xiaohuiis, my gynae is Dr Fong Yang


@xiaohuiiss, I think you need to understand your body. For me, I already knew I'm naturally heaty base - always radiating heat, easy cough/sore throat when I take a lot of fried food/durian, and if drink less than 2 bottles of water a day, smelly breath etc..

You girls are quick... I went for a 5 hour meeting, and the thread jumped 4 pages. hahaha