We are TTC-ing!


on a sidenote, do you ladies know how to disable email notifications whenever a new reply comes in? My email is flooded with the notifications...


yes. was posted before in another thread too.
dr tan kian sing from clementi.
oh...i wanted to see him initially too cos I read many ppl mention his name in many forums...i called his clinic for appt but need to wait 1 month for slot....too long le....so in the end i went with Dr Su...


Active Member
oh...i wanted to see him initially too cos I read many ppl mention his name in many forums...i called his clinic for appt but need to wait 1 month for slot....too long le....so in the end i went with Dr Su...
yes i stopped going to him too.
because whenever there is slot, me and hubby need to rush to clementi by car.
this kind of rushing dont feel very good for our body so we stopped.
i still remember his instructions though.


oh my I remember following my mother at Yaohan Thompson, seems like yesterday !!

Started to spot just now, so I think it's a no no for this month. no cramps but head about to explode (which is a sure sign of AF for me) Furthermore this morning I couldn't temp at my usual hour but much earlier so I don't even know if my temp fell...

Dragontail do you always have EWCM before ovulating ? I thought I did until this month I had only a bit after I Oed


Active Member
Hi tricky, try next cycle again!

Yes I always have ewcm just before O and it will last about 2 days after I have o-ed too.
@quincy@dragontail, sorry I missed yr post ytd. I want my menses flow to come more as I feel my menses is too little. I went to seek Dr Su before n she said my "Qi" not enough, thats why my menses did not come out. Ytd flow(3rd day) was already very little, as I went out to celebrate valentine's day n its raining, in air con environment, the menses did not come out due to that. 2day, i do not feel any flow at all. But not even brown discharge.. so I guess there is still blood inside my womb..btw, do u normally get back waist pain (centre of back waist) during menses? This is the first time I got the pain. Not sure if I had wore too high heels during these few days that caused it or due to menses. I try to take red dates with brown sugar 2day, hope that it can help to make my menses come out..
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just went to gynae this morning... after descripting my case to him, he say it did sound like chemical preg and did a vaginal scan for me... he say not to worry too much as my uterus does look healthy to him. but again i almost cry in front of him when i told him my situation and ask him why izit everytime i visit him is due to MC and not due to preg haiz... i asked him izit something wrong with my womb ..
luckily my gynae is so fatherly he keep saying "no, no , dont blame yourself for that, i will help you again, dont worry"
i feel better after he give me his assurance =)


Active Member
@quincy@dragontail, sorry I missed yr post ytd. I wanted my menses flow to come more as I feel my menses is too little. I went to seek Dr Su before n she said my "Qi" not enough, thats why my menses does not come out. Ytd flow(3rd day) was already very little, as I went out to celebrate valentine's day n its raining, in air con environment, the menses did not come out due to that. 2day, i did not feel any flow at all. But not even brown discharge.. so I guess there are still blood inside my womb..btw, do u normally get back waist pain (centre of back waist) during menses? This is the first time I got the pain. Not sure if I had wore too high heels during these few days that caused it or due to menses. I try to take red dates with brown sugar 2day, hope that it can help to make my menses come out..
or you can try drink tea. because tea is detox.
my sister also got back pain whenever she got menses.
doctor told her her womb is located nearer to her back thats why she feel her pain at the back.
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Active Member
Crystalpink, I see... so how long you've been seeing dr su? Does her medicine help you to flow more somehow? I will only experience backache when i sit wrong posture for too long. Those killer heels are really bad for back and knees! But I love them a lot :(

Prayinghard, see, doc so nice says will help you already. If you google a bit, you may realise that the chance of a successful pregnancy is increased everytime one went through an mc. Take heart and persevere and you will succeed one.


Active Member
on a sidenote, do you ladies know how to disable email notifications whenever a new reply comes in? My email is flooded with the notifications...
you are using mobile or webpage version?
if you are using webpage version you can find it in the settings ;)


Active Member
Ya! My email notifications also ting ting tong tong non stop hits with this thread speed. Lol

Quincy, come back from lunch already ah? :)


Active Member
Hello! Oh my I had such a long meeting. So hungry now.

Hey prayinghard - take it easy. What else did the doc say? Did he give you dates to try?

Hey miko - try yoga for fertility. And put your palm on top of your tum before you sleep. And a 20min walk every morning to catch vitamin d. Recommendation from book.

Hey dragontail - ya la since you have so many sticks just pee on one everytime. If really cannot catch means sticks defective la.

Anyway we all agree dragontail is the expert in catching the o! I am not very good. I relied on dr wu and gynae to recommend me the dates. And hahaha smiley face.


Thanks littlej! I hv been doing yoga pretty frequently for a yr. its part of exercising but hv stopped jogging cos tat time i visit dr su she asked me not to jog.

Dragontail: ya trying to divert my attention to other things this week... U are really good leh.... Can spot ur O... I totally depend on opk :p

Prayinghard: gd tat your gynae hv given u the assurance... Continue to take yr supplements and try again :) We are all here for u!


prayinghard : dun think too much le okie? ya gynae say your womb is okie ah plus next cycle i think u will get it le coz they always say after MC more fertile? chem preg also consider as mc ba .. so maybe next mth jiu will strike le okie? btw, who is your gynae?

does all gynae give u dates to bd?


Active Member
Haha actually I cant tell exactly when I o ( I leave that to bbt) but since my cycle is kinda regular, I know im not far off from those fertile dates. And just coincidental those o symptoms show up. Once I see ewcm, I know I can start bd every other day and I leave the rest to nature already.


Active Member
prayinghard : dun think too much le okie? ya gynae say your womb is okie ah plus next cycle i think u will get it le coz they always say after MC more fertile? chem preg also consider as mc ba .. so maybe next mth jiu will strike le okie? btw, who is your gynae?

does all gynae give u dates to bd?
my gynae gives me and estimate of my ovulation.
sinseh also.


prayinghard - agree with dragontail....at least proved that you are capable of getting pregnant naturally! Just need to tiao your womb to be strong enough to hold the baby...Jia you next month!

hehe i'm getting naughty since AF is naughty....bought Boost smoothie to drink! Shiok