We are TTC-ing!

Dragontail I foresee no time for those classes once we have kids .. Just running after them and looking after the household is enough exercises I hope :)


Active Member
Very true, superwoman. Maybe when the kid is older... but then I know I'll be so old and beated already.

Littlej, those are really something! In life, they come in phases. We gain some; we lose some. Personally for myself, I dont live in regrets (I try!). I know all this MC episodes could be due to my age. But I know I cant afford to look back and say I should have done this should have done that. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I gained many things too. This t-c-cing is challenging for me now. And I will fight it my way. Ultimately, I may not get what I yearn for. And I know when the time comes. I only have one life with my hubby. We'll make the best out of it.

the same thing happen to me if i used mobile phone.
but i switch to using Computer, the Calculator works... maybe u try using PC or laptop


my hubby like Yong Chun v much... his instructor combined yongchun with some simple yoga...
he said he feel v refreshed after each session.
Actually u can try climbing to 5 or 6 floors then take a lift up to your home at 23?


yes yes, u need to give up massage and Spicy food when you are in BKK... TWW v important... since u have already tried... then just wait for news....
remember to sleep early too, though it is hard when u are in overseas...


Active Member
Faith mummy - I used laptop also don't work leh. Which browser you use?

Hee hee - yes I can be quite lor soh when the mood strikes.

ya I also find the emotional roller coaster hard to manage. I wonder why can't god make it a 1 week wait instead of two weeks. If he created the world in 7 days why can't he create a baby in 7 days too! :p

Dragontail - love your mindset. So positive. I must learn from you.

Hmm for me - I not sure about ivf cuz I am very scared of needles and erm i need to get pass this barrier. Dear also believes should be natural... He doesn't even like IUI. So that is another major barrier.
hmmmm weird leh
how about I help you calculate?

based on the dates you give me above... i use the calculator to find below results

According to our estimation, you probably sometime between 01/08/2013 02:00and 01/08/2013 22:00.
Based on these calculations, your optimal time for making love was between 01/06/2013 02:00 and 01/08/2013 10:00.


Active Member
Extracted this from another thread :

Do List during 2ww:
- Continue with supplements (folic acid)
- Eat brazil nuts *heaty
- Drink chicken essence *heaty
- Eat durian *heaty
- Drink red dates+wolfberry+logan drink *heaty
- Drink immunocal
- Eat high protein food (fish & egg whites)
- Drink @ 2L of water daily
- Eat more fruits (kiwi) *prevent constipation
- Walk slowly
- Talk to embbies everyday

dont't List during 2ww:
- Do not do any strenous activity that affect stomach muscle (no squat/bend/climb stairs/lift heavy things)
- Turn to your side and push up with hands when get up of bed
- No sauna/hot tub/hot blanket/hot water bottle/hot pack
- No intercourse
- Do not self-medicate if fall sick
- No raw/seafood/spicy/cooling food (no oyster, sashimi, squid, prawn, watermelon, pineapple, egg-plant, banana, payaya & all double-boiled soup)
- No cold drinks


Active Member
I used iPad to surf the opk site, can work. But it doesn't say about faint positives opk. Hmmm if I put in strong + date then accurate but they have timing thing too, I presume still need to test twice a day when nearer to O date to be more accurate

My 2ww this cycle I did a lot things I shouldnt do! Haha. Ate raw fish in jap restaurant last week n yesterday porridge raw fish~ and duno why these few days if walk too fast will have side tummy pain :( so scary. First time experience this. Everyday I must chiong in mrt to get to work now must walk like old lady ._.

This is my preg test today at 13dpo. I kept seeing a faint evaporated line... Must be my mind working up. It's 10am urine ( I think I pee once when I woke up ard 5-6am) what u gals think? I aso had funny dream -.- dreamt of a lot of snakes. So scary! I'm not a fan of real snakes ya. Yesterday me n sis went to Chinatown n walk walk happen to saw this shop displaying the soak snakes tonics eeeewwww~ ><

Ps: got a feeling upload the pic will be small

Btw I saw online gt deals for milk bottles n bought 2 liao. So kiasu hurrrr~



yesterday Dr Su told me to continue LRD tea as it keep my womb warm and good for 2WW
most important is make sure my BBT don't go down... i wonder how... take Warm bath everyday? anyway i tried to wear Socks to sleep everynight...
another friend told me her T.C.M tell her to drink Chicken Essence during 2WW...


maybe you want to test again using another stick in 3 more days time.
sometimes DPO13 still too early
i heard that dreaming of snake is a good sign....


Active Member
Eh if too heaty will it prevent implantation too esp when we are also on tcm? I am just thinking if I should buy chicken essence and Brazil nuts....


Active Member
By the way, can we do facials during preggy or ttc? Some need use equipments. That day I went to this free trial, cos only wan the free trial dont wanna let them psycho to buy package, I wrote I preggy la so they keep insist cannot use any eq only give me clean exfoliate mask n moisturizer. Black heads still there hmmm


Active Member
According to old wives' tale, banana is a big no-no. It's considered a "slippery" food which potentially may cause the sac to slip out of the womb! Sounds so scary when my mom told me that. But then, this is just a myth if you look at western diet. The pregnant women can happily eat banana, pineapple, cold drinks during their pregnancy and the baby pops out healthy too. So it's up to you what you believe.... Banana is the first thing my m-i-l reminded me not to eat when I was preggie.

Milk is ok so long you drink it warm or at least room temperature.

OMG littlehamster, that's not an evap line! Red dye HPT wont have (at least to my experience). I can already see the +ve test line regardless pic is not too big. Go see a doc soon and I'm sure it's a good news. Happy happy for you!!! Please come back and tell us it's a yes ok! And about the pain at your ab, it's one of the early signs of pregnancy really. A lot of blood, activities are going on there now in preparation for a little life... everything is thickening and expanding there. So that explains the sensation. Yes, you gotta walk slower eh.

True that during facial, some electronics equipments are not supposed to be used during pregnancy. I will inform my facial therapist if I think I could be preggie. Better be safe.
Last edited:

thanks for your 2WW list

earlier on, my another forum Friend's T.C.M. also advise her to avoid below food during 2WW. Her T.C.M. is Ban Choon Chan

cannot take ba zhen, herbal soup, duck rice, danggui, bak kut teh, ipoh hor fun, lamb meat, cold drinks (with or without ice), starfruit, pineapple, coconut


Active Member
Wow. Seems like a lot of things cannot eat.

So to summarize what can be consumed:
1/ meat - chicken and fish and beef and pork (bak Ku teh is pork though so minced pork can eat or not??)

2/ fruits - durian, kiwi, apple, orange, guava (listing the common fruits)

3/ chicken essence

4/ Brazil nuts

Ok - I am going to feed the bananas to my dog then.

Little hamster - let us know about the doc visit! I personally never did pregnancy test before so wouldn't be able to know!

Start of my 2ww too. So most of us are on an almost similar cycle!


Active Member
I pretty much only touch chicken and fish and no other meats in my normal diet. I mean for seafood I will also avoid as people say it may cause skin allergies to babies.

By the way,where can one get cheap brazil nuts? Just now I was at ntuc I saw none.

Haa good idea on the banana. My dog doesnt eat fruits though. It was very hard to resist banana (and pineapple and papaya too) as it's one of my top favourite fruits. My inlaws like bananas too and whenever I went to kitchen and saw the bunch, I salivated and really missed sinking my teeth into them!

Technically, I'm not with you all (i think so far superwoman and littlej. Did I miss out anyone else?) yet, on the 2WW. Because I have not seen a temp hike in my BBT. I wonder could I have abundance of EWCM but never released eggs. I dont know. Have to monitor for next few days.