We are TTC-ing!


superwomancy...my cycle was 35days or so before i took the tcm powder and then it becomes 25 days last month. So this month dont know how....will go back to Dr Su if my AF arrives.

teabox - jurong point got outlet?
Yes faithmummy :) thanks for the intro ..

I will hop by Sembawang shopping centre later n see if they ve stock. Just too lazy to boil :p
Poohy it's seems from the website they ve an outlet at JP but I went to see the previous thurs and they are not open yet. Shall check them out again this Thursday..


Active Member
Wa.. Hmm.. Now I'm thinking if I should head home after work, take the car and make a trip to greenwich (for nuts) and to sembawang shopping centre (for the tea).


Active Member
Ok may i borrow your brains OPK experts out there....
I tested OPK at 1130am and I still see a faint line (but slightly little darker than last nite. But maybe the pee more concentrate today). Im doing OPKing this cycle because Im just wondering if I could be having an anovulation cycle. My O symptoms were very strong since last Fri (started having O-bloatness, O pains, dizziness and headache, and much EWCM). Today my cm is looking to drying up. But I didnt OPK until last nite midnight. Therefore not sure if I've missed my LH surge, if there was one.
If I did O on Sat (that was when I had ample EWCM), I'm thinking why I havent got a temp hike in my bbt. Is it normal that O temp shift happens more than 3 days after an occured O? And should I continue opking next few days?


Active Member
@dragontail - hahaha i so love passion fruit tea latte (coffee bean), green tea latte (starbucks), chai tea latte (coffee bean / starbucks / cedele).

But hor - I heard all got caffeine so erm dragontail - dun drink too much ok? :)

I went to the teabox website - Can't find the drink! Can someone help me?
Littlej you staying in the northeast? Greenwich is Just opposite where I stay :) think the LRD tea is not available on their website yet.


Active Member
Ya I crave for such drinks only like once every few months. Usually I very guai only drink sky juice :)

The shop is at Albert Centre 3rd storey. Yes very near the temple. My god they sell everything you can think of. All those "gan-liang". Many aunties (like myself :p ) there at this hour apparently buying for cny. Many sweet goodies.
Littlej ,
For the LRD that i mentioned above, u have to go to the shop to buy.
i called the owner before, it is a new product so they have not updated in the website.


Active Member
@superwomancgy - Yeap I'm in the north area :) Are you going to buy the LRD tea? hahah if you are, can I tompang you to help me buy then I collect from you?

Faint - Where is Albert Centre? Hahah my driving skills not very good so erm I think forget it - I shall get the brazilian goodies from Greenwich.

BTW - Chicken esence is drink every day is it?


Active Member
If you're just buying 1-2 items then no need make the trip all the way down to Albert. Here got ERP and parking fees so not worth it unless you wanna buy whole lots of things!

Chicken essence no need everyday. My m-i-l bought a new box and I'm starting to drink on alternate days. I told her I'm feeling so heaty lately. She told me no worries, chicken essence not heaty one :)


Active Member

Question: This means I ovulated right? So tonight no need to BD (as per doc's instructions) hor? Hahah then I can focus on buying nuts and tea tonight :p
Littlej I just called Tea Box.. Only have few packs of instant ginger tea with black sugar at Sembawang outlet. New stock for longan tea will arrive only end of the month. My office is in woodlands so Sembawang just 5 mins drive. I'm at Bugis every Wednesday for class so I can try hop by Albert Complex. I'm at jurong every thurs so can check out tea box there too but too bad they don't have any stocks too..

For the lrd, think u better call before u go down, to avoid making wasted trip...
Because earlier on, my fren checked and it was sold out for the moment


Active Member
Sorry I'm such a hogger in this thread today....

This morning first pee wipe, I noticed red/pink dots. Didnt think much about it. Thereafter toilet visits, the wipes always have the same thing. Maybe like one/two dots (very small like pen ink dot). I googled and got to know that could be ovulation spotting. I never had that ever before. Anyone experienced that before?

littlej, confirmed you've O-ed. Close shop for this cycle :)


Active Member
Wa superwomancgy - You're like everywhere! Hahaha. Ok let us know when you get an update on the lrd tea? I'll not be in Singapore next week and week after.. Darn, was hoping I could bring the satchets overseas. Now I need to bring longans and red dates and thermal flask instead.

I've just called Nuts & nibbles and ordered the Brazilian Nuts. They said only left 1.3kg ok? I don't know how many nuts are in 1.3kg is - So anyway I said ok. Hahahha. If too much later I will ask them to repack. Guess I will need to boil longan drink via manual method tonight.

Oh dragontail - I have never seen those spots so I don't know leh. Could it be implantation?


i just downloaded the fertility friend app! thanks all for introducing! seems like a fun and useful app!

tcoyf- a lot of charts to see! too bad i havent start to chart anything. Time to do my charting!

dragontail - hmmm never experience ovulation spotting before...


Active Member
1.3kg? Are you selling nuts, littlej? Hehhe…. My 200g of those should be able to last me a week. Keep in airtight container if you’re buying 1.3kg!

Hmm.. likely not implantation because I haven’t seen an O in my BBT. I really didn’t know on the existence of O-spotting till I goggled this just now :


Active Member
Oh shucks! Ok ok I should call and change to 500g. The lady told me the nuts are heavy so need to buy more. hahaha I'll not be in SG next week so will buy a bit more for next week too I guess :)

Hee hee... I'll go nutty if I consume too much eh... :p