We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
dragontail: maybe when u bd then injure the cervix? ur this morning + opk, could it be leftover hormones from the surge?

littlej: ur cycle very nice this round.

implatation is ard 7-11dpo i think.. i had pain on 9dpo which i at first thought was constipation pain but the location seemed weird. then the pain ended overnight, next day very smooth like nothing happen.. no impl bleeding

im going to the doctor on friday.. polyclinic for referral to KKH. my sis is going with me
this morning i did a test using first response early detection (14dpo), faint line~ sounds promising. suddenly at a loss what to do :S


Active Member
To be honest - I don't even know how Brazilian nuts look like. And if they even taste good. Hahaha.

@littlehamster - u can actually wait until Friday? Wa I admire your patience!

Now that duck rice is a forbidden food... I got urge to have duck rice for dinner!!! :p


Active Member
Now only faint line I scared go too early then not detected. And also take too many mc now apply leave instead hahah

What's Brazilian nuts? My nuts supply always disappear very fast due to hubby keep eating. When I feel like eating then gone Liao. Think I will stock some later too


Active Member
I also suspect it could be the BD which may have irritated the cervix. But now I have sudden bolt of EWCM again. So maybe not yet O. I dont know!!! (going to OPK in an hour's time).

It's a nice feeling on that "dont know what to do" :) Everything will come in place with time. If I do get BFP in future, I wont go see a doc so early anymore. Maybe 8 weeks. At least I know I'm sure by the time should have heartbeat already, and not live in agony if much earlier scan doesnt look good.

Brazil nuts :
http://shop.hempspread.com/media/Closeup Brazil Nuts.jpg

Not my fav nut really. Eat a few I stop already. But mainly because each nut is quite big!


Active Member
Nuts checked (the last already pre packed 600g for me so I just bought 600g - $33 *faint - so ex*) Guess I can continue munching for leisure and/or for the next 2ww (prep in advance).

Longan and red dates also checked.


Active Member
OPK still shows same faint line at 6ish pm. Does a faint line ALWAYS appear on cheapie OPK? I mean I like to know am I far or near a LH surge (be it before or after).

Ouch, that's expensive. Are they organics?


Active Member
Thanks for the babydust littlehamster! I wish you precious moments through the journey. Take care ya.

poohy, for me, unexplained diarrhea was an early preg sign... hope it is for you too :)


Active Member
Oh I don't know if organic or not.. I got it from nuts & nibbles. Feel like I kena "ka".

I am super full from drinking 1l of lrd and eating 5 nuts *burp*

Oh poohy - did you take something wrong?


I pooped until my butt hurts. My colleagues who ate same food said they don't have diarrhea leh...unless it's preAF symptom ...but of coz won't mind if it's pregnant?! Haha.....

Let's see if AF comes the next few days....last time I used to have diarrhea before Af but not so many times though ....Dragontail how bad was ur diarrhea before bfp?


Active Member
littlej, you're going on a holi? Have fun!

At times I also tend to go toilet more for big business just before AF and also during AF. But I wont call it a diarrhea.

When I was at my 2WW before my BFP, I already started to have one time diarrhea on 1DPO, another time on 9DPO and 2x on 10DPO. It wasnt a string of visits within a day.... but the diarrhea felt like I ate something wrong but I knew very sure I didnt because I remember what I ate and I was careful. On 11DPO I was tested BFP already.


Active Member
It's a biz trip first.. followed by a holiday! Actually I would prefer to be on-ground during this 2ww. I'm still wondering if I should not go for the personal holiday....

Ooo - This sounds like an exciting time for both littlehamster & poohy! Goody luck!


Active Member
@dragontail - Do you keep a record of what happened DPO? I'm amazed that you remember all the details!


Active Member
Just dont walk too much during your holi. And careful with what you eat and it'll be ok.

No, I just have an amazing memory. Ha! I do pen them down la :p

These was what happened:
1 DPO - BBT thermal shift. Twinging pain at ovaries/uterus area. One time unexplained diarrhea.

2 DPO - Quite bad AF-like winding cramp (I usually just get mild pre-AF cramps but not so early in my cycle). Felt queasy after dinner. Knocked out at 9ish pm which was very unusual.

3 DPO - Woke up middle of the night with strange toothache. My whole jaw were aching. Twinging pain at left lower ab. Nausea. Burps. Lost appetite.

4 DPO - Nagging cramp whole morning. Discomfort again at left lower ab.

5 DPO - Nausea. Hot flush. Irritable. Normally by this time, I start to binge (one of my PMSes). But I didn't at all this cyle.

6 DPO - My cramp was the worst on this day. It almost felt like AF will surely come the next day. But it would be too early based on my cycle days. Agitated, hot flush. Left lower ab pain again.

7 DPO - Nausea. BBT chart starting to look triphasic. POAS. Believe I saw an evap line.

8 DPO - After lunch time, the nausea strike hard. It was almost the same as my last pregnancy. I felt quite strong about it on this date as I just dont get nausea normally for no reason.

9 DPO - Unexplained diarrhea. Sinseh says if my temp stays up till 12 DPO, I might be preggie. Slept very early.

10 DPO - Diarrhea couple of times again. Had cloudy EWCM. Again, I thought this could be a sign as I'm always dry few days before AF.

11 DPO - Implantation bleeding. And BFP (So I guess the theory may not be always right as in you need few days for the hCG to show on your HPT after you spot implantation spotting. Maybe what I had was the retained blood leftover from implantation).


Hmmm I wasn't so positive about this mth actually....but I still went to test jus now haha and indeed negative. Shall wait until weekend and see if AF comes before I test again.