We are TTC-ing!


Jus curious..u all tot of seeing gynae for ttc?

i'm seriously thinking - shd I start to take clomid and try on my own, or dont waste time...go back to gynae for IUI.....whats your tots?


Active Member
Morning everyone.

Poohy - I have been seeing a gynae during this ttc process. Did IUI before but not successful. Never did clomid cuz gynae didn't advise. But I heard that clomid dries up cm and also causes some havoc to the menstrual cycle?? If af comes this month gynae has advised me to see him during the first few days of af arrival. Problem is, I am on holiday!

Wishing you good news this weekend poohy :)

Littlehamster - don't stress... You are many days past right?


Littlej - my 1st kid was via IUI *successful 1st time! (well maybe i was less than 30yr old then...so higher chance).

Last year started IUI again but then scanned many mths...did not manage to proceed on to IUI until the 4th time/mth but failed. Was supposed to go back and do another IUI but i too tired and took a break....and this break was almost 6mths or more?! hahahaha....now that i still got the clomid with me, i am toying with the idea of taking it if my AF comes!

thanks! Also wish I can share some good news! hehehehe...

Littlehamster - dont measure your bbt liao lar since you BFP! Just take things easy and relax.......enjoy the next 9 months....


Active Member
So far I think I can conceive naturally but just wonder how to sustain it to full term. At this point, I think I still like to try the natural way, until if next one fails again. My sinseh did comment there's no issue with my womb. Just that the fertilisation got wrong somewhere.

We bd last night. Now I really hope my bbt gets a jump tomorrow morning. Or else I gotta replan all these bd sessions again.

Poohy, no sight of AF is still considered good. Good luck!

Littlehamster, I know it's tempting to temping (very rhyme) but i seriously think it is no use anymore once bfp. I mean I continued bbt too last round. When I started bleeding, my temp was still high. It finally dropped the day after I expelled the sac. I mean even if my temp did drop when I started bleeding, I dont think I could do anything about it anymore. Once mc is due to happen, it will.

I dont mean that's happening here now but just siting example that we should all throw away bbt after bfp and stay positive and happy!

in fact i feel like throwing away my BBT thermometer right now, after Ovulation.
The temperatures figures are making me crazy !!!

have U used the OPKS already?


Active Member
Today is expected af day. Although still have but still worry abit like what if af come suddenly. Cos is faint pos scared not enough hormones to go around and stuffs like that

I don't have gynae yet. Thought of going see one to do tests if we cannot success concieve naturally


Active Member
I must agree doing this bbt can be irritating at times. Though it gives good insight in some ways.

Yes i did opk 3x so far. From sunday night. Gonna do one later at 2pm. So far they are negative. Have to look very hard to spot the shadowy line.

Tomorrow morning seeing dr wu. She may scold me :(


Active Member
Littlehamster's post reminded me something. I was talking with hubby last night that if I got bfp in future, I will prefer to see gynae from 8weeks. But what if I need some hormone booster before that?


Active Member
Nope I didnt get that. Seems like it's not a practice in SG? I mean I read USA forums the ladies keep discussing about hcg levels being checked every other day at the clinic.

I was prescribed progesterone by my gynae only. I mean if I were to see doc at 8weeks, what if I need those way before that? Just thinking out loud.


Active Member
Just tested my OPK. I think it's darker than yesterday's. At least I know I dont have to twist the strip here and there under different angles to see the line. So does it mean I have not O-ed and O should be coming?


Active Member
im asking this cos i aso abit concern. last few months i think i have hormonal imbalance, my normal temps only 35.xx to 36 which made me suspect if this is why i lost my first beanie. after these few months (and drinking more heaty soups) i think my body got better n temps higher
Littlehamster did you consult a gynea when you had a mc? Think hormonal levels can only be checked through blood tests. When I consulted my gynea after tcc-ing for a year unsuccessfully, my gynea only did a scan to check the hardware and HSG. I'm not sure why she didn't do blood tests to determine my hormonal level too. Maybe only fertility doctors will do more in-depth tests?
Oh Littlehamster if your af is not here by this week you should go to a gynea and confirm if you bfp and then request for some support?


littlehamster- dont worry and tell ur beanie be good and stay inside, grow healthy for the next 9mths

[seems like u same day as me (ie supposedly AF arrival date) and at Least you spotted some lines in your HPT! hah, i only got diarrhea n gassy stomach.=(]


New Member
Hi all,

I'm a mother of 36 mths old son going to be 32 years old soon. I have been tcc since my son turns 18mths. Before I had my son, I had an early miscarriage around 7 weeks old. 6 mths later I was pregnant with my son. Thinking that this time trying for no.2 is easy, turns out not easy at all. I wouldn't say I and husband been active in baby making. Sometimes only 'do it' like once during my fertile period.

I want to ask you sisters. You see, while trying for a baby, I wash laundry by hand; not much just a small bucket of my son's clothes. I am not sure this will hinder my baby making plans. I also took a ride my husband bike while the 2ww. Do you think it's wise to not ride biking during the 2ww. While at work, I would not say I'm stress, just that I feel irritated by my neighbour collegue that really irritated me by her working attitude. I do not know if all these feeling hinder the process of baby making.

I really hope that I can hitch to pregnancy soon. I am not getting younger. :embarrassed:


Active Member
Quote from babycenter webby:
"Many women get a faintly positive result if they're not as far along as they expected. If this turns out to be the case for you, taking another test in two or three days should give you more exact results. Most home urine tests should be positive by the time your period is due if your body is making the normal amount of hCG.

Pregnancies with complications also produce hCG but in lesser amounts, so that could be causing the faint line. If your test is faintly positive and then a few days later turns completely negative, you may have had a very early miscarriage. "

I think I test again these few days see the line got darker ornt. Hormone thingy is so ._.

Poohy: did u use a sensitive hpt? Heard some ppl don't have + until quite later


littlehamster -hmmm yar test again these few days or else call clinic and see if they can do a blood test for you?

i tested using cheapo online strips...hehehehe.....as i scared mine is 35days cycle, i didnt test using clearblue. Otherwise heartache...hahaha. And since i got PMS symptoms, i dont dare to pin too much hope.


Active Member
Good luck Dragontail!

Oh littlehamster & poohy - I'm praying for good news for the both of you!

I'm feeling a little anxious now although I know I shouldn't. Like oh gosh if AF comes again this month, I know I'm going to be so ultra disappointed :( I guess it helps that I'll be on holiday then so maybe I'll feel better but I just cannot imagine going through the whole get the o, do the BD exercise.

Oh well.