We are TTC-ing!


Littlej- yup i think its good that you are going on holiday and dont think about it!

Antoy81 - i guess its always good to be stress-free when TTC. It affects our body when we are stressed. Did you ride the bike when you were preg with #1?


New Member
Poohy - Ya i did ride on the bike when preg with #1 then I miscarriage. 6 mths later preg with my son then I don ride bike. Den I nvr preg since i gave birth to son.
* Sob sib*


Active Member
Hi antoy81, welcome u to join us. So far u did any steps like bbt or cm or ? for ttc? U washing clothes by hand squatting or standing? Standing shld be ok I guess

Poohy: I use Internet cheapie first then the more ex stick. Maybe later I go buy clear blue to confirm

Littlej: thanks! Enjoy ur trip give a break on this t.t.c


Hello...can i join? :)
Me and my hubby have been TTC-ing for a year to no avail. I think we already exhausted all means, went for various tests, took vitamins, went for TCM...still no success.
All is fine with me though the results of the first SA hubby did wasn't good...very low motility and morphology.
Our next step would be to go for IUI...which I hope we don't have to... I really hope to get pregnant the natural way...feel so hopeless and helpless sometimes..


Active Member
antoy81, in my opinion, dont be a pillion during pregnancy. I stopped that the moment I found out I was. My hubby owns vespa scooters and we used to take that as my weekend enjoyment with him. He will take me "eat wind" in his scooter :p In fact, he bought me a vintage vespa last year I think Feb. So I went to sign up class 2B. After 2 theory classes, I found out I was preggie. Ha! Wasted the registration money (I think $40ish. You know how many HPT cheapies I can buy with that money?!).

Well, I mean dont take bike during pregnancy because you are so fragile... bike ride can be bumpy and we all know we are more vulnerable in a bike, especially now you have a little extra something in you....

Actually I also did a fair bit of chores during preggie. Just make sure you dont handle heavy duty ones and if you wash clothes, sit on a stool. No squatting please.

Thanks littlej! Aiyo these OPK-ing I'm really confused (maybe I just dont have luck with these cheapie OPK). Tonight I POAS again and it's lighter than this afternoon's. But the afternoon one was not even obviously dark in the first place. So I dont know which ovulation point I am now. I'm left with two OPKs and I wont go out to buy any when done. Hopefully tomorrow's result is either darkest dark or no line at all then at least I know what had happened.

I understand on the disappointment part if AF comes... We do our part and somehow I believe baby making has the little element of "fate". Fate will bring us the right baby when the time comes.


Active Member
TVH, welcome welcome.

One year of trying can be tiring I understand. I also prefer the natural way. I'm sure all of us do. Why not go ahead with IUI? It's a common procedure and takes your mind off the stress of trying for a year already. Of course if you're not in a hurry, can continue trying luck on natural :)

Did your other half go for t-c-m too? My gf's hubby had the same issue and after months of t-c-m, they conceived.


Hi ladies !
Me and my other half have been ttc-ing since last late Oct. I was not particularly in a rush to make a baby but I was diagnosed with Endometriosis last September and after performing a laparoscopy to remove the cyst, my doc told me the condition could come back and that I should plan for a baby soon if I desired to have children. So off we went. I have a 26d cycle every month without fail and started to BBT from Nov. My CM so far gave me a good signal and was coherent with my temp dip.
So for this month, I'm on DPO 8 today and have been getting mild symptoms from DPO 3 onwards : alot of headaches in beginning which have gone milder, some almost insignificant cramping on right side but the doc cauterized some nerves during the lap so I wouldn't suffer from PMS cramping...I wonder if that would be the reason why I can't feel much, feeling very very tired and most importantly I have not stopped having gas and burping for the past 2 days ! I usually never have much digestion issues so this is quite atypical.
To keep healthy we eat lots of fruits, dark green veggies (though just found out arugula had less folate than iceberg lettuce) I'm a big meat eater. Husband takes his zinc and men boosting vitamins and I take...Berocca haha, I read online it was quite good for TTC-ing But would definitely move to pre-natal vits once I'm sure these symptoms are not my halucination...
Thanks for your insights and experience and wish us all a baby snakey


Active Member
My Af symptoms are starting strong today. So I think it's coming. So strange I've had strong O symptoms just few days ago and now Af is making her way. But then again, my body is still not hormone-harmonised yet since I really still havent got a proper round of Af after my MC.

I will jiayou again next month to try for a Nov snakey :)


Active Member
Good morning everyone!

Welcome antoy81,tvh and tricky!

According to ff, I am on 6dpo and had a temperature dip this morning :( 36.5 to 36.3 - guess no high temp = no hope right? I tried to read into tiredness and cramps but hahah quite futile cuz I am having a super busy week at work so am naturally quite worn out and no time to spot cramps! And I also don't know if I am reading much into it when I have my rest moments - y'know like "oh is that cramping i feel... Hmm do I feel tired.. " hahaa.

I asked my dear about ivf yesterday. He gave me this incredulous out of the world look like why would you even consider.

Anyway I was just thinking. Y'know this is just out first time trying to get the beanie to stick and form. After that there is still the Oscar and the amniotic fluid tests....


dragontail...maybe its implantation cramps? cant be so fast AF bah......

haha littlej- i was ever tempted to go for IVF ! coz can get twins! and chances of having boy is also higher! hahahaha...this is mad me! But well, i'm still toying with the idea of taking clomid and try myself, or go IUI (which means spend $).haha

oh..we dont have to do the amniotic fluid test unless above 35yr?

oh well....CD33, still nothing. no positive, no red......*fingers twitching*game.....


Active Member
Cant be implantation cramp as I havent even O-ed! My bbt never goes up this cycle. Im already on cd 26. My usually cycle is about 33days. But my very first MC I had a 45days cycle before the first Af came. It could be an anovulation cycle in this one.

Usually men are not very receptive with ivf. But if circumstances call for it, then no choice right. Ok to me equation is simple. You have tried for years with no success AND you both want to have baby badly. Then just go ahead with ivf. If one has tried all and that's what it takes.

Littlej, one dip should not constitute to no hope. Can be many reasons like how you slept the night before... monitor tomorrow's ya.

Poohy, this waiting game so anxious one.... update update!


littlehamster - i dont even know when I O-ed...coz the opk always quite light...it was only a bit darker once (and i dont remember when! aiyoh). But as I dont seems to have much EWCM except for the yellow CM that I posted previously....it was quite dry. Jus now had one big sneeze and I thought *ooh,.. AF is here!* coz tot i feel wet but then go toilet, nothing.haizzzzzzzzz

yar dragontail, i thought you O-ed!


Active Member
Just saw dr wu. She said I am too heaty now and may fall sick anytime so no lrd drink and no ba zhen and dang gui and soup. On the contrary, she said take watermelons and papayas and bananas. And drink a lot more water.

Oh and she said dont be anxious too, not good. So poohy and little hamster - breathe breathe breathe!

And I just boiled


Active Member
Just thinking maybe I should stop dabbling in all the herbicinal stuff except to take dr wu meds?? Hmm....


Active Member
Thats why I dislike opk because they dont coincide with my bbt. I mean I count on bbt more... or maybe my temp shift happens not so soon after an O (i read somewhere some women's bbt has a jump DAYS after a positive opk). But then im not very good with opk readings. Later 2pm I opk again and see how.

Littlej, im making my way to dr wu! I did ask her before if I should drink LRD. She says no because her potion is everything .haa. When you said you wanted to make that drinks, I was thinking if I should share what she said to me. But maybe everyone is different and you might need it and I dont. Now that you've heaty already, good to stop that drink. Body over heaty oso no good for t-c-cing.


hahaha littlej- u drink too much ah? i dont boil LRD drink regularly.....maybe once/twice a week only. Haha, since u boiled, deliver to us and we help u to drink!hahaha
*....drink lots of water bah....=)

ohh, i just ordered more OPKs!!!! (see how negative i'm! hahaha). Hey, seems like you all visit TCM regularly! even in 2ww? I got bad attitude, i only go after i failed...and then take med and 'disappear'.....

actually yesterday i replied to you
After first positive OPKS, you will ovulate within 12 - 36 hours...
So you can still BD today... but since you already BD one day before Positive OPKS, its considered safe too


I ever read before that: You will experience a Single Dip in temperature Right before Implantation..... after that Implanatation will start and BBT will elevate.
And don't forget implantation takes place 6 - 12 days past ovulation... today you DPO6 right?
probably implantation starting soon for you
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