We are TTC-ing!


Have u girls experienced haywire cycle after starting TTC-ing? I realised the past couple of mths I have been ovulating v late, on CD21 and then my period was late for 8days....on and off I have this problem. Previously my period was like clockwork, v on the dot. Duno why suddenly haywire.
Yup I have had haywire cycles but mine were shortening rather than lengthening. Mine became haywire during the months after IUIs and recently mine shortened after tcm. Maybe yours lengthened due to stress? Need to take time off to "sayang" urself during this TTC duration.


Thanks poohy!

I think we have exhausted all means...we went for all the checks, went for traditional chinese medicine, took supplements, used OPKs and avoided what we should. I think the only thing that I have not done is taking BBT, and I really dont't want to go down that road...peeing on sticks is already very stressful. We went to see a fertility specialist this month and he gave us his own concoction of supplements to take, mine to prepare for ovulation and my hubby's for his swimmers which the nurse said it's equivalent of viagra :shyxxx:.

I really hope this is our month :wong18:

Good luck! I hope u have a good month too! Ps, BBT not too difficult. I just take it in the morning when I wake up, then key into fertility friend app. Sort of pretend it is like SARs period.. Need to check for fever every morning type of attitude. Actually I use OPK to confirm when I am going to ovulate. The BBT is for TCM.
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I do think t-c-m needs some form discipline :p How long you've seen Dr Su? Maybe it does take time.... No sight of AF yet i hope!

Oh the green pattern actually separates the control line (right side of the green flowers) and the test line (left side).

My bbt still shows no O. I'm prepared I didnt O this cycle. With bbt, now I know I did have a no-egg-released cycle!
Never used such pretty opk test strips before. Can see the faint purple control lines on all of them. But I think this depends on your test kit instructions. I think for some, the test color needs to be same shade or darker than control, while for other opk it doesn't matter as long as can see a line.


Active Member
Littlej: I read the type of cm cannot determine preg ornt. My cm aso like normal cm lor only some days but dry. I still thinking hur maybe not this round le.

Yar preggy alrdy~ these few days stress at work then the side that bb implant on aso feel strain :(


Active Member
Good luck! I hope u have a good month too! Ps, BBT not too difficult. I just take it in the morning when I wake up, then key into fertility friend app. Sort of pretend it is like SARs period.. Need to check for fever every morning type of attitude. Actually I use OPK to confirm when I am going to ovulate. The BBT is for TCM.
Ya bbt not that difficult but I find it stressful sometimes like oh.. Am I going to ovulate... Now it is I want my temp to stay up. If temp goes down I will be disappointed.. .. Ya if not for sinseh request I think I wouldn't wanna do bbt now!!! :)


I'm going to take coconut! Lets see if aF will come after that....Sian about all these waiting and neg test....


btw, what symptoms do all of you with BFP have before you took a preg test?

certain months i feel that this is it, cos i feel nauseous, then cramping only to all end with AF coming..


Active Member
oh poohy - how many days past are you? Maybe you should go see a sinseh / gynae - at least to set your mind at ease?


Active Member
Thanks everyone! Hope the baby dusts spreads to you all too.

This is my hpt on sun(top one) and today (bottom). The line super fade. Hmmmm maybe this brand or batch defective?

I'm not sure gynae yet but may be going public. See how it goes. Polyclinic tmr then kkh



Active Member
TVH, I dont think I'll wait for symptoms.. the moment the AF doesnt come as scheduled, I will test already!

lil'hamster, I think you're just very early in your pregnancy. That's why light. I think my HPT only showed much darker at 5-6weeks.


Hi all today is cd34 already......Sunday I got bad AF cramps and Monday I got diarrhea and I thought it's coming. But after Monday no more cramps! And I don't feel anything now...as if finished AF period....

Negative preg test kit also....so kinda Sian. Want to move on also cannot.....:(