We are TTC-ing!


Thanks poohy!

I think we have exhausted all means...we went for all the checks, went for traditional chinese medicine, took supplements, used OPKs and avoided what we should. I think the only thing that I have not done is taking BBT, and I really dont't want to go down that road...peeing on sticks is already very stressful. We went to see a fertility specialist this month and he gave us his own concoction of supplements to take, mine to prepare for ovulation and my hubby's for his swimmers which the nurse said it's equivalent of viagra :shyxxx:.

I really hope this is our month :wong18:


Active Member
Oh then better call to ask if she will be at Jurong in the evening on that day you wanna go down. I remember the last visit, she told me one of sundays (when my hubby was supposed to go with me) she wont be at AMK in the afternoon. Therefore she told me to see her in the morning instead.

Good question. Her patient record system is kinda old fashion. Guess will be best to call tomorrow to check ya.

poochy, I think you wrote about seeing t-c-m throughout t-c-c. For me, I do. I would think her medicine has different properties at different stages during the whole course. And of course she reads your pulse and decides the right concoction according to the individual. The first 1-2 cycles, I feel she is not really looking into making you successful at first cycle. She will "tiao" your body into more pregnant-condusive first. You do have to take her medicine twice a day. She customises her potion according to your different phases in your cycle.


Active Member
Hi tvh - well you may wanna give IUI a shot - what does your gynae think? I did that in oct but wasn't successful. But I heard of many success stories. Well ya Tcc is like prepping for a major exam - bbt, opk, Tcm, gynae visits, cm, bd timed accurately, vitamins and folic acids, what to eat and not to eat.. Then the 2ww is like the waiting for results part. For me - I felt like I covered all of the above for this cycle and it was a lot :) hahah I cannot imagine going through everything next cycle again....

Hi poohy - ya agree with dragontail. In fact dragontail recommended dr wu. I went to see a dr zhao at raffles medical before... But I preferred dr wu.


Actually the gynae said if based on my husband's last SA result, the chance of success for IUI is very low. That's why he asked my hubby to take his supps then go back for another SA test again. My poor hubby jas to now take TCM med twice a day and the doc's supps 3 times a day....I am quite lost becos I do not want to go for IVF becos it is simply too ex...


Active Member
Ok I'm out of OPK and these are how they look like. So faint I wonder if anyone of you can spot the test line.

The darkest of all (at least from what I can see here) is this afternoon at 1ish pm. When I tested at 730pm, the line is almost gone. Do you think that's even a positive? (provided you can derive anything from this small pic!)


thanks littlej! hmmm should i change from Dr Su to Dr Wu then? hmmmmmmm.......
but again, i'm the naughty one. med supposed to take twice a day, i only take once a day.....hahahah. Aiyayaya i really must reflect on myself.

dragontail - which one is the control line? how come got green pattern on the test strip also? sorry ah...first time seeing this OPK.


Active Member
I do think t-c-m needs some form discipline :p How long you've seen Dr Su? Maybe it does take time.... No sight of AF yet i hope!

Oh the green pattern actually separates the control line (right side of the green flowers) and the test line (left side).

My bbt still shows no O. I'm prepared I didnt O this cycle. With bbt, now I know I did have a no-egg-released cycle!


*shy* i lack of disciplined man...hahaha...i've seen Dr Su on-and-off for past 3-4mths. But told my hubby we shd really be discplined enough to drink her med twice a day if this round fails. No AF in sight yet ......i didnt test this morning coz sian to see BFN.

But there was once i went to see Dr Su coz my menses also late very long and negative, then she gave me medicine to let it come......oh gosh i hope i'm not going to have this problem again.

I am still waiting for AF to come and then i can start to measure my bbt.....*fingers still twitching*

the test line quite faint hoh....
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Poohy same same. I ve been drinking Dr Su's medicine only every morning. I remembered her saying if early spotting (my sign of AF arriving) to reduce the dosage to once a day. Been thinking whether to consult Dr Wu too since AMK is nearer for me..


Active Member
Erm I never seen dr Su so I don't know if I would personally prefer her or dr wu.

But hahah for me - I would go for convenience so proximity is important and short waiting time. And of course the "feel" with the physician - whether you are comfortable with her. I haven't been to dr wu on a Sunday though - heard waiting time can be quite long?

This is also my first time seeing Tcm so I don't know if all physician prescribe almost same med or some med more 灵 than others??


I had a dip in temp yesterday and this morning it went up, higher than before the dip. I'm wondering when can I start testing...I'm dpo 10 today


Have u girls experienced haywire cycle after starting TTC-ing? I realised the past couple of mths I have been ovulating v late, on CD21 and then my period was late for 8days....on and off I have this problem. Previously my period was like clockwork, v on the dot. Duno why suddenly haywire.


Active Member
TVH, maybe stress at work? Can be few reasons why the cycle pattern is differently lately.

Now im hoping my Af to come after my trip (end month) so that I can see my cycle regulated again and t-cc again.


Hmm....could be...cycle is a but weird these few mths. Anyway I think my window is opening soon...another round of trying. I ordered 2 boxes of opks online last mth...20 in a box and the first box is finishing soon -__-


Active Member
Tvh don't stress. Even ttc stress aso counted.

Dragon tail maybe ur LH hormones in ur body is high so got faint line. But seems like no surge.

Tricky: I tested at 13dpo. Dragontail's super eye say got faint line on internet cheapies lol. 14dpo on first response sensitive faint line but can see clearer. This morning I test using internet cheapie again I don't see anything!!! But my af past 2 days Liao n bbt temp still high (36.75)

I'm thinking is hcg level rising too slow? :((((( worried haiz. N I get irritated at work today. Hmph :(


Superwomancgy- hahaha i drink once at night only...morning too rush for me! I think i didnt ask enough questions when i see Dr Su...thats why so blur. Maybe try another time with her, this time guai guai follow her instructions!
Both bukit batok and jurong east quite okay for me since i stay in jurong. I always tot dr wu is at AMK only!

TVH - hhaha my cycle is as haywire or worse than you! it can range from 25 days to 39 days cycle....or even skip a month type. It happened after i got married!

littlej - u ask Dr Wu leh...see if their medicine are the same? hahahaha.

Littlehamster- did you try using Clearblue? Dont worry ...better than mine, i turn here and there....the test strip is very 'white'. hahaha....tried to hallucinate a faint line also cannot/dont have!


Active Member
Question - I am 7 dpo, had a temperature surge this morning but had creamy water cm yesterday and today. Does it mean this cycle no chance with the creamy watery cm cuz it is the body expelling all the unfertilized remains?


Active Member
Maybe I still have preggie hormone so the OPK got super faint line. That's why it's possible the body is not being sent the signal to release egg. Our body is just so amazing.

Seems like few of us here are going through some crazy phase of t-c-cing now. Time to go out breath some fresh air. Hope I've some time this Sat morning to climb the Tree Top Walk opposite my place :)

littlej, hard to tell what's going on at this point. Only time will tell. Keep fingers crossed.