We are TTC-ing!


I too got a lower temp this morning, I'm on dpo 9. do any of you ladies know how long this dip if its implantation related can last for ? a day an hour ?
btw, which hospital do you plan to go once preggie ?


Active Member
Thanks faithmummy I read that. But I dont know if that light line in opk is a positive. I always read that the surge should give you a line as dark as the control line. That's why I will finish up my last 2 opk strips today and see if any changes.

Oh ya I forgot about implantation dip! Littlej, if your temp goes higher than before (after o-ed and before dip), it could be triphasic. I had a triphasic in my last.... but I didnt have an implantation dip though. It doesnt happen to everyone to begin with.


Active Member
Am just done with dr wu. Think it was a very funny session. We were both laughing along. I went in and told her "dont scold me ok. I bd against your instruction". She looked at my chart and said "oh no I hope your temp doesnt go up tomorrow!". Then I said I also half heart... dont know want to see up or no up. Thing is today my temp dipped (which is a possible sign of pre-o dip). Then she said "hao la hao la. Ting tian you ming. Mama xiang yao ye mei ban fa". Meaning we will just wait for god's will. Mummy wants the baby we also cant stop it. She said many times let the god up there decide this fate already. Hee.

Seeing her in a week's time.


Active Member
Tricky, dip on 9dpo is a good sign. Measurement of bbt is only once a day first thing in morning.... the dip will only show for a day in the chart. If tomorrow your temp goes higher than before, it's even a better sign.


Active Member

Your line looks like this? POAS ~ OPK FAQ See #13..

my positive opk is like this and is consider positive. "darkest part of the line"

funny right how its not as thick as the control line haha


littlehamster - wah...so much things to look out for opk! i might have ovulated based on this reasoning of looking at the 'darkest part of the line'! Does this also mean i shd keep my test strip and compare each day? or keep the urine until next day and test? stress......


Active Member
hee hee - ya a bit upset i cannot drink LRD... cuz it's yummy!! I mean I love chrysanthemum and green tea but those cannot drink so thought I found my "savior" in LRD.

Oh well. Last drink today then.


Active Member
i would take pics.. scared if keep the sticks hubby scold.. hehe but recently lazy to take pic aso.. once i tested i just jot down in my handy iphone app (e.g. faint + or dark + or neg )


New Member
Hi little hamster - I will go and look for stool because I wash clothes squatting down. I don't wash all the clothes all at one go, just few at a time.
I mean is riding bike advisable after O and BD? Even when I didn't ride bike after BD and O also not positive. Hmmm...

Fyi, I nvr went for any check ups. I depend most on my CM monthly basis. Lazy person to take note of temperature. Heh.
What I notice that I always having wetness after BD the next day. So I don't know if its my CM or semen.


Active Member
hehe why will your hubby scold, littlehamster? You know I keep all my used HPT and OPK since months ago till now. Dont know... just like to keep lol. Yes I also take pics of them.

antoy81, for me I wont ride so long I have started BD till I get my AF.


Active Member
wa really ah! I throw away all my used OPK - Hahaha I scared got the 'chao sng' pee smell! And oh no - I never take pix! Darn - My first smiley face and I didn't take a pix!!!

@Dragontail - Do you know what time does Dr Wu close on Wed? I asked her if I can visit her on Sunday before my travels but she said too soon. So I was thinking either I chiong down after I land on Wed or I chiong to Jurong East on Thursday.


Active Member
Haha wont have smell... if you want you sun it for one hour before you keep. lol just joking.

I remember reading someone mentioned till 8pm. Or call to confirm?
6456 0789


Anyone did IUI? We were planning for IUI if we still don't hit jackpot this time round but worried abt the cost. I understand we can't use medisave?
My TCM practitioner told us not to treat this like a chore...just enjoy the process....but one year liao, how to enjoy :we2arghh:


Active Member
Thanks @dragontail! Will give the clinic a ring tomorrow. Hopefully I don't need to go jurong east on Thursday.

I am now mentally prepping myself that I won't succeed this cycle. Hahaha don't want the disappointment.

Btw my colleagues commented that I looked "healthier" with rosier cheeks today. Hahah I wonder if Tcm or lrd had the effect!


Haha I also didn't keep all the opk in case got smell! Or bacteria etc haha.

I did iui before. Cost.... $100+each time I scan....then actual procedure is $500+ if I remember correctly. If you haven't done the hiv test...u also need to do. Usually people don't use medisave for iui coz want to' save' that for ivf if need be coz got limit on how many times u can claim for these procedures.


Active Member
Hi Poohy. Yes Dr Wu is at AMK every Wed & Sun. And at Jurong East at other times. Not sure if it's all the other days or what. Best for you to check.

Shenzhou Chinese Physician Clicnic
Blk 252 Jurong East St 24 #01-123 Singapore 600252
Tel: 65601989


Active Member
Oh wait I just saw the back of namecard - Jurong East on Tues & Thurs (930am - 830pm) & Sat (930am - 5pm).

Darn - She's only at AMK until 5pm on Wed & Sun :(

So I still have to go Jurong on Thursday. @Dragontail - Given my records are at AMK, do you think they can fax over the records when I see her at Jurong?