We are TTC-ing!


Poohy, I had a same situation as you last month. My period has always been between 28 to 31 days. When it doesn't come as it should, I tested and negative, finally missed 7 days. I called up my gynae to ask for advice and he told me to go down for HCG blood test cos sometimes when HCG level too low, home preg test kit wont b able to detect. So there I was, made appt for blood check the next day and that very afternoon, I spotted. I knew I was out. I called the clinic to cancel my appt, the nurse didn't even asked me for a reason, I guess she knew. As suspected, next day my AF came with a vengeance. I was 8 days late. My cycle last mth was 39 days. Nvr had such a long cycle my entire life.

That said, I do wish that you get your BFP this mth! Wait for a few more days then test agaib. My gynae told me before HCG levels need time to build up.


Ya think Saturday will pop by tcm and see. Maybe she headache...one month come too early...another month too late.

Guess also ttime to reduce weight....guess it's affecting me badly.


Woh the prob is ny gynae is in sgh...not sure if they allow me see her like that. Does gp have such test?

Tvh your cycle also very weird and long ....how you manage until 39 days ...


I also don't know how I manage not becoming crazy those few days that I missed haha. But at that point, I think I already know that mth is out again so I just want it to come asap so I can move on...I guess my ovu was delayed that's why my period was so late. I only got a smiley on my opk on cycle day 21. Normally would have been 15 th or 16th day I would get it.

Not sure of gp has such test but I guess even of they do, they need to send for lab test. Then u need to wait for results. I think u would b better off going to your gynae instead, at least it is more direct.

I think i am giving up on bbt like u giving up on opk...
it make me more worried when i see temperature drop

Dpo 8 - 36.12
Dpo 9 - 35.85
Dpo 10 - 36.60 - at this point, i thought i see hope but then........
Dpo 11 - 36.21 - dropped
Dpo 12 - 36.04 - today dpo 12 dropped further... i dun dare to think abt it anymore
You all are so hardworking.. I'm not even doing any BBT or OPK.. Only observing my cm (which is non-existent this month) and relying on the inaccurate app. Faithmummy doing charting is better than not doing anything to track ovulation so don't be too affected by the figures..


Active Member
Hi faithmummy

We are in the same boat. It sux getting disappointed in the morning :(

2dpo to 5dpo - hovering around 36.5
6dpo - 36.3 *uh oh*
7dpo - 36.7 *hopeful*
8dpo - 36.2 *disappointed*


Do u all use the special BBT thermometer or just a regular thermometer? I tried using a regular one to track last mth but my temp stayed high all the way till AF came. So I don't think it is accurate. I gave up on tracking temp aft that becos must pee on stick, must take temp, must chart, must eat supps, must eat tcm med....before I start the day, already got myself so busy.. :(


Active Member
At least BBT gives pre-signs to us (good or bad!). For OPK, I feel it just messes up all my readings.

faithmummy, is your LP typically 13days thereabout (not sure you'll have this info at this point since you're charting for the first cycle)? If so and if your AF is due to come, by 11/12 dpo, yes the temp will just dive and you'll see AF within 2 days from the first dive. At least that's for me. But of course hopefully what happened was you had a bad night sleep and the recent readings are just off your chart!

littlej, maybe you temp at different timing? (i know you dont temp at same time typically ;p). For 8DPO, the dip is too soon for a sign of AF coming. Unless your LP is really short to begin with.


Active Member
TVH, it's advisable to use a special BBT thermometer because it's more sensitive than the conventional ones. Indeed, serious t-c-cing is serious stuff!

I was still having the tiniest hope that I could see a temp shift this morning. Ie that I O-ed. Still dont have. So case closed for this month for me (on hindsight, I can shop till I drop and massage everyday at BKK next week!). And why I think I should O by now and not later is because my last sight of EWCM was 4 days ago. Now I'm drying up. Typically, my temp shift would have happened in 2 days time once i start to dry up.

Without BBT, I wouldnt know that an anovulation would happen. I mean I've always O-ed, ever since I started BBT. And I think I've posted this earlier... my O signs in this cycle were one of the strongest. I goggled and found out having O-signs and even an +ve OPK do not automatically mean you will definitely O. The BBT temp shift is a better tool to confirm you O-ed. So I learnt something new this month.

Now I kinda understand why my gynae said dont try t-c-cing till after my next AF. I believe the MC has caused some hormone imbalance which leads to no ovulation in this cycle for me. Therefore good to wait till AF comes so that the body has been "reset", and can start all over again.

hugzz to you.... i think let's don't think anymore and leave it to nature.
i think as long as we stay positive, we will strike one day !!!


I think it is also good Not to know anything. because the more we know, the more we worried.
So just stay with your CM tracking... i think it will be good enough...


Actually i don't know my LP , i always assume its 14 days
sighz... i think i better don't pin too much hope so that disappointment is lesser


Active Member
Polyclinic urine test is negative. :( they won't let me refer to kkh. Now at GP do a blood test. Weird the polyclinic doc say if my blood test is pos he will refer but they don't have blood test zzz


Active Member
Although I'm a diligent BBT-er, I second that on faithmummy's. Last time no BBT, I felt so free. Now, I can't live without my thermometer. But BBTing is such a way of life for me now I find it hard to kick it off. The only way for me to discard it for good is having a baby!

I know we are all working hard here on t-c-c....but dont let a disappointment ruin our hopes. We know there's a always another window to look forward to. Good luck and hugs.


ya confusing isn't it...having a positive OPK and a temp shift doesn't guarantee that you will definitely O. I have had positive OPKs past few months but i'm not sure if i really O-ed. Next step would be to go for scans to see how the follicles grow according to my gynae...it's $$ again...
But I also read that BBT sometimes when you detect the shift, U might have already O-ed....I don't know what to believe in anymore....
We were thinking of giving up after this cycle because too much money has been spent...why can't we be like animals? They mate once a year but it's always one shot one kill :wong13:


hahaha TVH comment on animals make me giggle ...anyway it also reminds me of the youngsters---dont want baby, yet 1 time only can kena. We try for years also dont have. Something is not right.hahahahahaha.

Jia you everyone! TGIF! Dont think about so much and enjoy the weekend.


Sorry ladies, I'm kinda confused about the bbt chart thing, cause I never attempted to read it, just pass to dr for him to see. Do you mean we can tell if we are pregnant using the chart?

Also wanted to ask something else.. Do your spouses go for the check ups with you or do you go alone? An wondering if I am being too demanding of my husband's time. :/

Plus.. How soon can I do pregnancy test? I never tested before cause.. Never pregnant before. As long as I wait period sure comes. :S Chinese dr asked me to test tomorrow, but mine is due only on next Tuesday. Dunno if i'll be setting myself up for more disappointment if I try to test. Already got used to seeing the red flow arrive.
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hahaha TVH comment on animals make me giggle ...anyway it also reminds me of the youngsters---dont want baby, yet 1 time only can kena. We try for years also dont have. Something is not right.hahahahahaha.

Jia you everyone! TGIF! Dont think about so much and enjoy the weekend.
Yes.. I agree with the comment on animals and youngsters. I always thought humans breed like bunny rabbits. Only now I realize breeding is not so simple. :X