young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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New Member
ya.. da ade.. i take fr my cuzz tu la.. dr suzanna.. kak nana i call her.. but her price is a lil too steep but i juz close one eye la.. cos feedbacks fr my antys she's quite good. 500 for 7d package..

i have a few in my hp.. all those i collate r forums.. ranging from 380-390 gitu.. but ade yg mandi baby ade yg tak.. eh.. u kan da bersalin quite a no of times.. takkan no specific one tt u like?

mirda also ade recommend me one.. her package 450 for 7d.. u nak u pm i.. nnt i kasi.. anyways.. u biler due?
hi ...

need to know if dc suzanna is good? I am on my 8 weeks preg and nak tahu her service. what is her age, range?


Well-Known Member
Ana..I'm here..bsk bru alek indonesia..
hahaha..yest went to shop 2 more bju..khakha..!! :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
i nk pegi hougang nanti..u nk jumpe i ke..? coz tonite i'll b at hougang..u juz msg me if u nk jumpe i k..i tunggu..


Well-Known Member
Makcik-s semua so quiet huh. Pergi countdown party ke ?

Anyway, Happy New Year to all dan salam Maal Hijrah. Semoga tahun 2009 akan lebih baik dan lebih berkat untuk kita sekeluarga.
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Well-Known Member
hehe..mane ade pergi gi kat s' kat indonesia..main fireworks..mercun..haha..bez giler nye..nanti klau i ade mase..i'll upload the pix bnyk sgt la..

niwae,wishing ol of u selamat tahun bru..!! semoga dipanjangkan umor,ditambahkan rezeki,diberikan kesihatan & dijauhkan dugaan..! amin..!!


Well-Known Member
Salam maal hijrah...semoga tahun baru ne membawa sinar yg lebih bercahaya 4 all the mummies....

Anw,i pun tak comedown lah..busy in e kitchen helping out mY soN cukur Rambut...


hi ...

need to know if dc suzanna is good? I am on my 8 weeks preg and nak tahu her service. what is her age, range?
hi deardeda,

i guess she's good.. haha.. enflor ade ckp she recognized by many malay mommies..

she also ade la tlg2 advice my dd.. i guess she;s pretty ok.. she in her 30s.. anyway she delivered nora, e girl tt got married wit syawal(krayon..) another one of my cuzz..

no worries, can engage her.. she will give u a peace of mmind on yr preg. ;)


Well-Known Member
Helo mumz....apa khabar? lizz pun senyap aje sejak dah ada dua kenit. Bz perah susu kot.

For me, i dah start 'marathon' up at naps and last to turn in. Terkejar sana sini. Kalau macam gini 5 days in a week, i could lose the spare tyres.....:shyxxx: emmm, bagus jugak.

Bila dah penat, will force hub to sing for me chorus from Jason Mraz song (Lucky)......tangkap lentok sih lagu tu. Soooooooo lurrrrrrve the song!


Well-Known Member
Helo mumz....apa khabar? lizz pun senyap aje sejak dah ada dua kenit. Bz perah susu kot.

For me, i dah start 'marathon' up at naps and last to turn in. Terkejar sana sini. Kalau macam gini 5 days in a week, i could lose the spare tyres.....:shyxxx: emmm, bagus jugak.

Bila dah penat, will force hub to sing for me chorus from Jason Mraz song (Lucky)......tangkap lentok sih lagu tu. Soooooooo lurrrrrrve the

Cewah hubby nyanyi kan seh...romantic sungguh..


hello! Assalamualaikum semua!

after dah sekian lama i frequent this forum, baruuuuu nak stumble upon this thread. hahaha...kental or what??! :shyxxx: tak sangka ader melayu corner kat sini. best nyer! tgk2 dah sampai 24 pages!
anyways, new mommy here. *waves* 24, turning 25 this april.
now tgh 22 weeks, 5 days. Expecting a baby girl in May 09', insyaAllah! :001_302:


Well-Known Member
hello! Assalamualaikum semua!

after dah sekian lama i frequent this forum, baruuuuu nak stumble upon this thread. hahaha...kental or what??! :shyxxx: tak sangka ader melayu corner kat sini. best nyer! tgk2 dah sampai 24 pages!
anyways, new mommy here. *waves* 24, turning 25 this april.
now tgh 22 weeks, 5 days. Expecting a baby girl in May 09', insyaAllah! :001_302:
helo norfen....congrats...
Ur first child?


Well-Known Member
hello! Assalamualaikum semua!

after dah sekian lama i frequent this forum, baruuuuu nak stumble upon this thread. hahaha...kental or what??! :shyxxx: tak sangka ader melayu corner kat sini. best nyer! tgk2 dah sampai 24 pages!
anyways, new mommy here. *waves* 24, turning 25 this april.
now tgh 22 weeks, 5 days. Expecting a baby girl in May 09', insyaAllah! :001_302:

woa...bez nyer tgk org ngandung..jealous rasenye..hehe..terase mcm nk lagi satu..haiz..tpi tkpe la..nanti2 ajek la..hehe...belom tibe masenye la.. :001_302:

congratz on ur baby gal..i pon harap next child i baby gal..hehe..insya'allah..!!


hello! Assalamualaikum semua!

after dah sekian lama i frequent this forum, baruuuuu nak stumble upon this thread. hahaha...kental or what??! :shyxxx: tak sangka ader melayu corner kat sini. best nyer! tgk2 dah sampai 24 pages!
anyways, new mommy here. *waves* 24, turning 25 this april.
now tgh 22 weeks, 5 days. Expecting a baby girl in May 09', insyaAllah! :001_302:
yeap... my first child..
honeymoon baby! hee hee!


woa...bez nyer tgk org ngandung..jealous rasenye..hehe..terase mcm nk lagi satu..haiz..tpi tkpe la..nanti2 ajek la..hehe...belom tibe masenye la.. :001_302:

congratz on ur baby gal..i pon harap next child i baby gal..hehe..insya'allah..!!

wah.. very onz eh u. I tak tau if i can cope with this one. insyaAllah boleh lah.. maklumlah, first baby.. kene banyaaaak blaja..
how many kids do u have right now?


Helo mumz....apa khabar? lizz pun senyap aje sejak dah ada dua kenit. Bz perah susu kot.

For me, i dah start 'marathon' up at naps and last to turn in. Terkejar sana sini. Kalau macam gini 5 days in a week, i could lose the spare tyres.....:shyxxx: emmm, bagus jugak.

Bila dah penat, will force hub to sing for me chorus from Jason Mraz song (Lucky)......tangkap lentok sih lagu tu. Soooooooo lurrrrrrve the song!
hehehe.. tak la busy sgt.. tapi busy hunting rumah baru.. so now finally found one.. tu yg buat sebok.. n also.. biaser la.. anak 2 kecik kat ruma.. terpekik lain, terkejar lain.. haha.. ngah bergiat nak slim balik.. ;P

wah~ anak2 da sch reopen busy huh.. mane nak go sch.. mane nak masak.. mane nak... so on..

i cam happy ah nak wait my si kecik ni besar, by raya tis yr both will be walkin on their own.. maknenyer no hassle.. hehe.. tinggal tahan cab jer..

yeap... my first child..
honeymoon baby! hee hee!
hi norfen, welcome..

honeymoon baby mane? my first kid also honeymoon bb in e island of Kuta, Bali.. hehe.. aft tis, will be a lot of buyin stuffs n shoppin nak rak.. enjoy e process.

so u turnin 25 tis yr? same.. hehe.. mine in june.. cos da plan nak party hard.. 25 mah~ quarter of decade must celebrate.. hehe.. ;P

anak da dua pon masih ingat nak terlonjak2 kat niteclub.. hhehe.. :wong29:

oh ya mommies.. nak mintak tlg sikit.. any renovation contractors to recommend cos nak touch up ruma la.. then nak carik2 da satu keje.. mane tau u all ade yg bagos nak recommend. dont wanna burst my budget too..



hi norfen, welcome..

honeymoon baby mane? my first kid also honeymoon bb in e island of Kuta, Bali.. hehe.. aft tis, will be a lot of buyin stuffs n shoppin nak rak.. enjoy e process.

so u turnin 25 tis yr? same.. hehe.. mine in june.. cos da plan nak party hard.. 25 mah~ quarter of decade must celebrate.. hehe.. ;P

anak da dua pon masih ingat nak terlonjak2 kat niteclub.. hhehe.. :wong29:

hehehe..same-same! We went to Bali for our honeymoon in July 08'..
Seminyak area... pas tu tup-tup, abt 3 wks after our Bali rendezvous, dah start pening2, muntah2 lah.. we memang plan to have one lepas kawin, but didn't expect it to be that soon. :err: takperlah..rezeki...
I'm turning 25 end of april! my EDD is on 5th may. hopefully my baby will make her debut appearance earlier..can celebrate birthday togeder-geder.


Well-Known Member
wah.. very onz eh u. I tak tau if i can cope with this one. insyaAllah boleh lah.. maklumlah, first baby.. kene banyaaaak blaja..
how many kids do u have right now?
hehe..nak kate onz tu tkla sgt..tpi ok la..
bru satu ank..boi..tat's y hoping for a gal nxt yr..penat giler nye kejar kn si kecik nie..tkle gemok aku..haha..!! :tlaugh:

ehk lizz..u dpt umah ktne..? tk blang2 pon da dpt umah..aku maseh tunggu either tiz mnth or the nxt..!! i pon ngah sruvey2 nk crk contractor buat kitchen cabinet ngan grill tingkap.. :err:


hehehe..same-same! We went to Bali for our honeymoon in July 08'..
Seminyak area... pas tu tup-tup, abt 3 wks after our Bali rendezvous, dah start pening2, muntah2 lah.. we memang plan to have one lepas kawin, but didn't expect it to be that soon. :err: takperlah..rezeki...
I'm turning 25 end of april! my EDD is on 5th may. hopefully my baby will make her debut appearance earlier..can celebrate birthday togeder-geder.
wah~ i got married in july 06 n bb came out may 07.

ok, good luck then.. ;)

hehe..nak kate onz tu tkla sgt..tpi ok la..
bru satu ank..boi..tat's y hoping for a gal nxt yr..penat giler nye kejar kn si kecik nie..tkle gemok aku..haha..!! :tlaugh:

ehk lizz..u dpt umah ktne..? tk blang2 pon da dpt umah..aku maseh tunggu either tiz mnth or the nxt..!! i pon ngah sruvey2 nk crk contractor buat kitchen cabinet ngan grill tingkap.. :err:
home dekat ngan mum place.. sbelah vista jer.. but then handover only end of march.. but then will still rent out e place so can collect rental, save for reno.. hehe..

eh lis.. if u nak buat tu jer u go ala carte.. meanin go straight tu contrator.. murah.. less than 5k le dpt..
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