Edd nov 2011


yeah faster come... faster deliver. i getting very tired liao. although everyone says i will be even more tired after baby is born. but at least....

2) no more irritating water retention
3) can lie on my tummy, or flat on my back
4) can eat sashimi!

but most importantly.. can hold our babies in our arms!


hello mummies!

for me, i am definitely eating lesser as compared to few weeks ago. weight also quite stagnant now. gynae estimate my total weight gain sld be btw 11-13, which i tink i will hit by the time baby pops :(

i will be talking to my baby after week 36 - which is tomorrow to come out play, dont stay inside liao. more fun out here! i am feeling so heavy and lazy that i hardly wanna do anything now. ideally i hope i can pop by week 38.

unlike u mummies, i am actually waiting for my leg to go water retention, because the chinese sinseh said once there is water retention, means i will pop real soon !!!


I also noticed that I do not Ve hunger pangs anymore and I Ve regain my energy level back. I'm able to resume my morning walks although the duration is shorten. My mil told me if one experiences feet retention 3 times, it means she is ready to pop any time. Talking about sashimi makes me drool. I told my husband I wanna eat lots of sashimi b4 I pop. Mayb I Shld include chili crabs too, Keke.


I also noticed that I do not Ve hunger pangs anymore and I Ve regain my energy level back. I'm able to resume my morning walks although the duration is shorten. My mil told me if one experiences feet retention 3 times, it means she is ready to pop any time. Talking about sashimi makes me drool. I told my husband I wanna eat lots of sashimi b4 I pop. Mayb I Shld include chili crabs too, Keke.
how do u count how many times u have water retention? mine is there everyday, every minute and every second...


we have a lot of sashimi craving mummy here !!!!!! and not that lor, i want my oysters, clams and cockles too !!!!!!!!

ur MIL is right, sometimes it is amazing their old traditional way works .. haha

I also noticed that I do not Ve hunger pangs anymore and I Ve regain my energy level back. I'm able to resume my morning walks although the duration is shorten. My mil told me if one experiences feet retention 3 times, it means she is ready to pop any time. Talking about sashimi makes me drool. I told my husband I wanna eat lots of sashimi b4 I pop. Mayb I Shld include chili crabs too, Keke.


hey didy, I used to eat at least 6 meals a day, but now I am only eating 4 meals. I used to crave for ice cream, donuts, all the sweet stuffs, but now I dun dare already because my urine test did not pass in my previous checkup. Doc says if this Sat's test still did not pass, then I need to repeat the glucose test... gosh which is horrible. So I am trying to be more discipline now haha :)
hey escago,

have you tried eating brown rice ? I failed my glucose test at week 28, after which, gynae suggested meal plans for me and it helped to control the sugar level. Of course, there were days when I eat more freely especially on weekends.. keke..


I also noticed that I do not Ve hunger pangs anymore and I Ve regain my energy level back. I'm able to resume my morning walks although the duration is shorten. My mil told me if one experiences feet retention 3 times, it means she is ready to pop any time. Talking about sashimi makes me drool. I told my husband I wanna eat lots of sashimi b4 I pop. Mayb I Shld include chili crabs too, Keke.
Joo Chiat black pepper crabs too!! i have been craving for crabs, sashimi, laksa, curry, etc.................................................


sherwawa.. we can eat sashimi before we pop? i thought can only eat after we pop?
Yes, we can eat sashimi after we pop. But it is still nt adviseble for mothers who plan to bf. I plan to eat sashimi jus before I get admitted to hospital.


New Member
thanks for your info.
starhope; mine will be the same therapist who is doing my prenatal. I never try her before for postnatal but so far she's good for her prenatal massage.

There is freelance base and some is from the spa itself.So depends on you which one you are comfortable with, you can view the threads here

didy: i dont;t think we will overdose with fruits , if so I overdose ! haha.. coz throughout my pregnancy my cravings is fruits, I always eat 2 share of fruits for 3 meals. Just need to rotate them for different nutrients..


hey escago,

have you tried eating brown rice ? I failed my glucose test at week 28, after which, gynae suggested meal plans for me and it helped to control the sugar level. Of course, there were days when I eat more freely especially on weekends.. keke..
Thanks for your suggestion durianfan. I will try that out :) keeping my fingers cross for this Sat's test.


Just had my checkup this morning, baby weighs 2.85kg at week 36 and has moved further down.
I am only 0.5cm dilated and gynae estimated my delivery wld be in 2 weeks time.
2 weeks seems sooooooo long!


Just had my checkup this morning, baby weighs 2.85kg at week 36 and has moved further down.
I am only 0.5cm dilated and gynae estimated my delivery wld be in 2 weeks time.
2 weeks seems sooooooo long!
So exciting.. Jus 2 more weeks u get to meet Yr precious little one. And u Ve a big bb! My appt is Tmr, wonder how heavy is my bb.


haha isnt? but so far his weight gain is quite steady and according to my gynae estimation.
from week 36 onwards, baby gain will be very slow till he pops already, maybe abt 100gm - 200gm, so till birth will be 3kg roughly.

i am really really talking to my baby everyday to come out soon, i feel so HUGE now. haha

So exciting.. Jus 2 more weeks u get to meet Yr precious little one. And u Ve a big bb! My appt is Tmr, wonder how heavy is my bb.


but most importantly.. can hold our babies in our arms!
i agree with u, can't wait to cuddle her in my arms! My friend gave birth to her baby girl today! So happy for her and at the same time envious.. she can cuddle her liao.. >.< haha...

unlike u mummies, i am actually waiting for my leg to go water retention, because the chinese sinseh said once there is water retention, means i will pop real soon !!!
Really?? I only know my hubby said my compression stocking is getting more and more difficult to wear. so don't know is it I put on weight or because of the water retention..

sherwawa: better don't eat sashimi, coz raw food if *touch wood* not fresh contains bacterial and you got it will cause harm to baby.

" Larry Pickering infectious disease specialist

I would say no. Although the chances of getting a parasitic infection from eating sushi are slim, the consequences are severe enough that you wouldn't want to take the risk.
Parasites live in the meat of raw fish. While sushi chefs are very careful, that doesn't mean they detect every single parasite. And because pregnancy suppresses your immune system, you're much more susceptible to serious illness from any food-borne organism.
A parasitic infection probably couldn't get through the placental barrier, but a parasitic infection could give you liver or gastrointestinal problems that might then affect your baby. Some parasitic infections can lead to anemia or serious malnourishment in the mother or even cause miscarriage.
There's also the risk of eating fish that has a marine toxin in it. Bluefish, mackerel, mahi-mahi, and tuna can carry a histamine toxin that may cause flushing, dizziness, and burning of the mouth and throat.'

still don't know how to count the water retention -.-" just wait for her to pop out bah..

hotmilktea: ya thats why some patang stuff will still try to follow if the things are not very ridiculous.. like what my mom said, all this stuff may not affect you and the baby now but it will in the future..

wah!! 2 weeks thats like soon!! My gynae only tell me baby head down liao.. got to see him next week and see how... hehe..