Edd dec 2012


Lovepixie, why don't u tell ur mil that u hope she stays to help look after when baby comes out? Usually when grandma sees their grandchild, they will feel the maternal instinct too... Heehee then u tell her how u feel about it and hope she stays.... Of course, tell her how u are gg to settle allowance for marketing too :)

I am not experienced mummy yet but have tot of buying freezer and ice packs only when I know I have good amt of BM to provide bb. Have already informed my hubby to buy during confinement if I need one to store :) I have bought storage bags and have a cooler bag. Heeehee

Allele, hope u aren't the 15%! =)


Cooler bag is free one from attending some seminar.... Will buy a better one if BM is of good amt too hahah
Storage milkbag, I just buy pigeon one... :)


Hi MamaDT n momopeachgirl

My MIL stays in Sarawak n has 2 other unmarried sons to take care. Every night the son called her cos nobody cook and he is bored. I hope the son go find a gf soon so won't stick to MIL so much.

I already told my hubby to invite his mom to stay. Even prepared a room and new furniture for her but she doesn't seem like to stay or like the new furniture. Also I ask her if she wants to fly back during big Chinese celebrations she is welcome to tell us and we will book her flight tickets and my own mom will come take over babysitting 'shift'. It's just al abt planning ahead or so I feel but in reality it isn't easy. Both mums missed home and their sons. My mum still has to 'take care' of my bro taking O'Levels in 2013.

Actually I thought of finding babysitter n infantcare but with the bad publicity going around. The babysitter takes care of many kids and has her own niece n nephew to care for so I dun think its good to leave a newborn with playful older kids who may want to play with the baby but sometimes accidents may happen or the babysitter too busy cooking and can't be bothered to look over the baby?

Hmm now I know having kids in this century is very different from our parents time because most mums need to work. That's y each kid is precious and many working parents can't afford to have more kids not mainly due to financial but also the whole aspect of quality child care and childhood for the kid.

I want my kid to grow up knowing her grandparents uncles and aunts and interaction n life in a bigger family because I think I can't have as many kids as my parents generation.


Ooh I see... So how old r ur bils, Lovepixie?

I think u ask ur mil to at least take care till u find a good infant care place which is near ur work area so tt at least u can take a look at ur bb during lunch hours.. :) I think ur mil will understand :)

Momopeachgal: does ur mil loves to make herself busy all the time? If so, I think she will take care of both babies leh... But u need to get a maid to assist her with household chores :)
My friend and her sis gave birth this year (3.5mths apart) her mummy is so happy to take care of both babies and insist to take care. Lol very cute... And both babies are well taken care of... :)


Ooh Momopeachgal, like that u have to find a good infant care place le... Find one near ur work place :)
My mil is also tt kind like to go out and Kia Kia (shop shop Jalan Jalan ) one.... Dunno how come she super excited to take care leh... That's y said we will need a stroller... Think she planning to stroll baby to kopitiam and talk with aunties and stuff hahahhaa


Hi MamaDT

BILs are early 30s. =.= I know all sons need their mamas. The youngest one is ok cos he hangs out with friends till late n has a gf. It's only the older one that has no gf to take care of him so my MIL worried. Haih

Hi momopeachgirl.
Ur mil is same like my mom. My mom loves travel. She is a teacher retiring next year so I got more hope on her taking care and maybe hire a part time helper to assist her in household chores? But I die die wanna breastfeed my baby so I can't let baby away from me and mum can't come here long term cos my bro is sitting for important exam. I wonder if pump n ship breast milk like how they ship frozen sushi is a viable choice hahah. Or maybe I should consider flying back every weekend to pump n store milk n see my baby. Ever heard of sending a cow to pump fresh milk? I feel like I'm doing that now hahahaha.

Signing off,


Lol Lovepixie u r so funny! Ur bil 30 already shd know how to get his own food... Haizzzz

If ur mil can't stay, think maybe next choice for u is to b a flying cow every weekend.....


Hi MamaDT

I heard from fb The Breastfeeding Advocates Network group got ppl donate BM hohoho it might be a choice for me if my BM not enough or baby with mum/mil for short term.

How do u mummies feel abt baby taking BM from other mummies?
What abt BM donation/exchange program?


Hmmm I don't feel safe taking BM from other mummies... I haven't read much about what precautions this program has taken to ensure that mummies who donate BM are well and healthy enough to donate BM... Heehee

If my BM is not enough, I am prepared to give bb some fm... While still trying to pump Ebm and try to latch on at times :)
Hi mummies!

Been busy with work these 2 days. :) Tmr is my 37 weeks le! My hubby very worried about me going to work and keep telling me to be prepared mentally. Haha makes me mire anxious. :)

For me I have a confinement nanny while after that I will take care myself with my mother or mil helping me. My mil will take care after my maternity. :) baby's room is ready and all the clothes are in the cabinets already :)

Look forward to see a mother popping! :)


Hi Cherry Blossom

I'm at 38 weeks and can't bear to walk much. The weight is killing my legs. Also pelvic bone hurts especially when getting up at nights to go to toilet. How r u coping in office? Getting lethargic afternoon time?

Hi mummies,
I went n get my weight distribution on my legs scanned and found that I'm leaning towards my heels too much. That's I'd causing my backache . Then the guy who did the scan told me not to let baby use walker cos it may causes high arch in feet. Mostly women who wear high heels hv high arches n it's not good? Just wanna share

Happy counting down everyone. Whee!! I mean moo moo <cow>


Do have a good rest Lovepixie.. Im sure all the pains that u're experiencing now will be worth it after giving birth :)

For me, im experiencing frequent urination and rib pain while sleeping. Im not sure if the rib pain is due to baby's weight pressing on it or what.. It makes me feel uneasy and keep changing my sleeping position so that kind of shift my baby's weight from pressing my ribs. I think baby also didnt had a good sleep as i keep changing my position :p

Again.. Let's count down to welcome our babies!


Hi mummies ,
About the child care after maternity leave , my problem is totally different . My mum and mil would both be happy to come in turns to help out . It is my hubby who has a problem. He doesn't want either of the mums to be living with us long term. One month or so ok, but more than that he is not ok. He feels like it is loss of privacy and too much of their interference in our lives. He would rather leave the baby with maid , or go for infant care or even me leave my job for a few years , than have my or his parents with us long term. What a headache !!! I tried so many times to talk some sense into him, but he is very stubborn !!! Ultimately I give up and have to go by what he says :(
So now looking for infant care, coz i cant bear to think of leaving my child with a maid unmonitored. Sometimes I feel that I am such a selfish mummy, that I am putting my child in infant care rather than taking care of her myself , just for the sake of my financial independence. But my job has given me my security and has been my identity for so long that I cannot imagine my life without the job. So many thoughts , so confusing!!!
My hubby is a great guy , in many ways he is the perfect husband . But in this case he just refuses to budge !!!
Any way , end of rant . I am just taking one day at a time for this issue. :)

On other things, yeah I feel very very heavy as well. But I just hope the baby comes near the EDD of 24th dec. coz there is so much to do
And so little time left .


Do have a good rest Lovepixie.. Im sure all the pains that u're experiencing now will be worth it after giving birth :)

For me, im experiencing frequent urination and rib pain while sleeping. Im not sure if the rib pain is due to baby's weight pressing on it or what.. It makes me feel uneasy and keep changing my sleeping position so that kind of shift my baby's weight from pressing my ribs. I think baby also didnt had a good sleep as i keep changing my position :p

Again.. Let's count down to welcome our babies!
Hi allele,
11 days to go! How's the BH contractions? Last night got one scared the hell out of me.


Hello mummies!
Small update for my checkup today... Total weight remains the same as last week but bb gained abit lah... Heehee so he's 2.5kg at week36. Head down but not fully engaged. She gave me a movement chart to count number of kicks coz I told her recently my bb moves super actively on alternate days then move little at other times.
My gynae says all those pains that we have is normal so if can bear with it just bear with it as it helps to loosen the ligaments haha if too painful can take panadol. Lol

Gonna see bb next week! :) now on weekly basis already :)

Have a great day ahead!!!!
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Mreow Mreow

Hello mummies!
Small update for my checkup today... Total weight remains the same as last week but baby gained abit ... Heehee so he's 2.5kg at week36. Head down but not fully engaged. She gave me a movement chart to count number of kicks coz I told her recently my baby moves super actively on alternate days then move little at other times.
My gynae says all those pains that we have is normal so if can bear with it just bear with it as it helps to loosen the ligaments haha if too painful can take panadol. Lol

Gonna see baby next week! :) now on weekly basis already :)

Have a great day ahead!!!!

Wow, that's great news!!
Good to hear that ur baby is plumping up! :D
How often u taking coco juice now?

Hehe, I wish I can be like u and not gain weight but juz let baby gain! Haha! :)


Mreow Mreow,

I only poured a glass of coco juice a week to drink... Remaining extra coco juice will let my dad or any of family members to drink... Hoho
Will try drinking one whole coco juice this weekend :)

Luckystar, if only ur hubby doesn't mind ur mum or mil to stay with u all for at least half a year...I think tt will b considered quite good coz heard that good infant centre also have to wait for queues.... So u really need to look for one and book in advance... Moreover 2012 is a peak year for babies...... So lotsa good infant child care centres are full house.


hi mummies! quick question i am in my 33 weeks now, how often are u gals visiting your gynae for checkups? my gynae is asking me to visit her 3 weeks later and i was like erm i tot we are supposed to meet fortnightly now? :(

anyways mreow mreow! the last time my hubs and i did it was 1-2 weeks back and after that my vagina felt abit sore and i googled that during the last trimester, we tend to 'lubricate' less often. i asked my gynae if its ok to have intercourse now and she said its fine. so will perhaps try again this weekend! :p