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  1. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Thanks lots mummies.. At least tis is so encouraging n motivating.. Yup will stay positive and await good news to share too.. Meanwhile, mummies u all take care too.. Thanks once again..
  2. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Hey Mummies, Jus called TMC, they do not take in walk in.. They referred me to Dr TC Chang, I managed to get an appt with him on Thurs 13/06.. Hopefully all goes fine... I just want to get this done with. Please all pray for me!!!
  3. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Hi littlej - How much did he charge u? would u be visiting him again? Can help me ask if he is avail on weekends? the gynaes at TMC are mostly booked till Aug.. Am mos probably planning to do walk in.. Unfortunately.. Haizzz...
  4. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Can i also get ur male gynae detail? jus in case.. tis doc is full with appt... coz yest i tried calling a few gynae in TMC.. all were fully booked till Aug '13... :(
  5. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Great Thanks... Will do the calling asap... You know their replies can literally make u jump down.. Haizz.. Thanks thanks..
  6. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Can i have her details and how are the charges?
  7. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Hi Mummies! Me went for my 21week scan at KKH on last Fri... The result was real bad.. they detect either me or baby might have mild heart prob. but its jus a suspicion. n they cannot confirm till 7th mth.but like tat. the baby is too big.. cannot do anyg.. n they cannot gimme a definite...
  8. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Hello Mummies, Do any of u experience cramps on the butt area n thigh area? I have been having cramps (those type that we usually feel after jogging) since this morning. Feeling abit worried and kiasu about it. *First time mommy* Any advise? Is this normal?
  9. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Dear All, Thank you for your advise. I went to KKH yesterday nite. Doc said it was reflux that i am having. Since baby is growing so its pushing against the intestines which causes reflux. And also she told me to munch something light every 2hrs so that the acidity does not increase. As for...
  10. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Mummies, Now i need all your advise, Am 18+ weeks now... I had a slight fall on 30/04 while walking back home at night. I landed on all fours, but did not hit my tummy. After which there has been no pain/discharge.. Juz left with some bruises on my left knee and right calf. And since...
  11. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Mummies, Do u all have lower back pain? I juz started having it this morning.. Smthg is really wrong with me i think.. Tummy not rite.. Back Pain n all.. Haizz.. I juz hope my baby is fine.. At the rate I am going.. i tink tonight i might visit KKH.. :S :S :S
  12. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Hi Xtinee, Thanks.. No the pain is on n off.. Yest nite it was fine.. Tdy mrng the feeling is there.. I suppose its juz wind.. I hope so too.. .. Hi hopingforamiracle, yeah yeah same feeling as well.. Am now 18weeks and 3days... I had this feeling since monday evening... Really hope me and baby...
  13. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Really? Who are u seeing on Toa Payoh? How are the charges? Yes Please ask.. I feel so confused.. U staying in TPY which lorong? I hope its juz wind too.. But i do not have constipation though.. :S
  14. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    I am seeing in KKH. Hence, my next appt is only on 31 May. If need me i need to go to the 24hr emergency clinic at KKH. Tats y i am asking on the best possible remedies first before gg to KKH. You have any gynae to recommend. I am residing in Toa Payoh..
  15. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Hi June83, Its like air trapped in the tummy kind. The tummy feels queasy and unstable kind. Its slight pain.. Infact since morning the bottom right hand side of my hip bone there was pain.. So I am not sure what it is. Feeling very confused.. Haizzz.. I just hope my baby is fine.. Tis is a...
  16. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Mummies, Do u all have a funny feeling in the tummy. Like pain but no pain and also like its rumbling inside? I have been having this feel since 2pm today. Feels totally weird.. I tried going to the ladies and walking around.. but still the feel is there.. I feel so odd. Am 18+ weeks now...
  17. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Dear Mummies, Do u all feel any movements of the baby yet? My last chk up at KKH was 15/04(15 weeks).. n the next is 31/05 inclusive of the gender and organ scan(21 weeks)... I am now on the 18th week... Since the check ups are too far away.. Abit worried if the baby is fine and on what to...
  18. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Hi Xtinee, I cant take Vitamin C.. Infact it all started when i drank Sunkist orange juice on Friday aftnn. I cant take citrus stuff. I am too weak. I used to have sinus as well. Haizzz... I just hope it doesnt affect baby.. And Baby stays healthy and fine...:embarrassed:
  19. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Thank You MeowMummy and Huiqin83. I visited the gynae 2 weeks back when i was having throat infection. She gave me flu tabs to take. Been taking the tabs over the weekend.. Still not helping.. And afraid to continue as well.. Haizzz.. Its just terrible with runny nose and blocked nose...
  20. P

    EDD Oct 2013

    Hello Mummies, I am 18weeks now. Are any of u having flu symptoms? I have been having bad flu since last friday and its still bad... Any remedies?