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  1. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    No prob.. :001_302:
  2. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Yup.. I did not set up another 1... U mean u girls prefer a smaller group? I thought big grp share more info.. =x
  3. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Fb nvr notify me u accepted! Just added u in... Sorry to keep u waiting....
  4. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Ladies.. Sorry for the late reply.. If u still need me to add u in.. Pls accept my friend request.. =)
  5. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Lynette, i've added u to my fb.. Need u to approve then can add u into the group.. =)
  6. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    The fb page is set to be private.. So need ppl inside to add u in.. I nvr try adding ppl b4.. If u wan u can pm me your email.. I try to explore how to add u in?
  7. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Yup.. I am in the fb group for Jan 2014 mummies..
  8. L

    WTS: Clearblue Fertility Monitor Test Sticks

    Dear all, Selling a pack of 20 of the above test sticks. Expiry date: 07/2014. Interested pls pm me. Note: Test sticks must be used together with the fertility monitor.
  9. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Hi Lush, just PM-ed u.. =)
  10. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Even when mine is a boy... my gynae still confirms it every time he is able to see... my mum once had a colleague.. who scanned n was told itz a boy... end up.. itz a girl.. the gynae said maybe mistook the toe as the genital.. so until now my hubby still refuses to believe it is 100% accurate...
  11. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    My mil also quite pantang... i cant even watch my hubby assemble this set of drawers he got from ikea...
  12. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Welcome.. =)
  13. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Thanks.. =) I wouldnt say it's very bad.. just the nausea... which can be quite torturing.... i can feel it improving... but itz really very very very gradual.... just very afraid that it would nvr end...
  14. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Congratz on team pink! =)
  15. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    I hope mine goes away by week 19 too... =(
  16. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    I have personally stayed in Mt A for a couple of times in the delivery ward (St Raphael) for hyperemesis. The nurses are very nice... but the clean room auntie got attitude.. lol... the confinement food they served also not bad..
  17. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Oh no... Take care.. drink more water...
  18. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    oh no... u are scaring me... cuz i also got a malaysian CL... she was my SIL's CL... hope she doesn't pull such stunt....
  19. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    Congratz! Agree with babytazz.. having no ms is much much better than have.... trust me.. once u have it.. u would wish u hadnt... =)
  20. L

    EDD Jan 2014

    He was waving his hands in air.. n shaking his head.. doing the action of "dun have".. lol..