April 09 MTBs!


hi pinkytham

i read its ok for babies not to poo for few days on BM. mine poo once in two to three days now. and when she poos, its eitehr few times a day or only once that day. as long as they are gaining wt and is happy shld be ok


=D thanks ger!

hi pinkytham

i read its ok for babies not to poo for few days on breast milk. mine poo once in two to three days now. and when she poos, its eitehr few times a day or only once that day. as long as they are gaining wt and is happy shld be ok


Active Member
What's your baby weight/height? My gal weigh 5.7kg and 60cm.
The last time my baby had a weight and height check was when she was 2 months' old when we brought her for her jab. She was about 4.5kg and 57cm then.

Just weighed her and she's about 5.7kg. No idea how tall she is now though.

How old is your baby now?


Active Member
Dear Mummies,

Any of you using Pigeon teats? Baby was using Pigeon Peristaltic Nipple size S but I realised that recently, she tends to suck really hard causing the nipple to become flat. She takes a longer time to feed as well.

So I just switched to size M. She doesn't sputter or choke but some milk dribbles out from the side. Feeding time is definitely shorter though.

Any one upgraded to the next stage teat already?


wow sugarcookie

think ya baby will grwo up to be a tally slim gal. mine is 3.5 mtsh , 5.5 kg and think 60-62 cm


The last time my baby had a weight and height check was when she was 2 months' old when we brought her for her jab. She was about 4.5kg and 57cm then.

Just weighed her and she's about 5.7kg. No idea how tall she is now though.

How old is your baby now?
My gal coming 3mths on 10 July.


Active Member
How much are your babies drinking now? Mine is still drinking rather little; usually about 120ml every 3 hours on average...


The last time my baby had a weight and height check was when she was 2 months' old when we brought her for her jab. She was about 4.5kg and 57cm then.

Just weighed her and she's about 5.7kg. No idea how tall she is now though.

How old is your baby now?
how you weigh her ah?


haha i stand on the weighing machine weigh myself first see how many kg
than later carry my princess than minus off so princess weight is the difference. =D

my little princess also skinny drink not much no worries ger...as long they are happy and active can le =D

mine now only 5.4kg =(

how you weigh her ?


Active Member
I do the same thing as Pinkytham! Subtract my own weight from baby+my weight.

BTW, how are our working Mummies?? All of you must be missing baby like crazy.


my baby is the opposite.. the infant teacher told me maybe she is not being fed enough.. only 110-120 ml thats why she sleeps a lot.. have to give her more now.. 150 ml


Active Member
my baby is the opposite.. the infant teacher told me maybe she is not being fed enough.. only 110-120 ml thats why she sleeps a lot.. have to give her more now.. 150 ml
But will your baby take more? My girl drinks about 110-120ml too. I tried giving her more but she would keep turning her head away from the teat or spit the rest all out.


mine same as u than keep forcing she keep crying @_@
poor little thing...

yeah working time super miss her wait for work finish take cab hone bathe, express milk than carry and play with her hee hee

But will your baby take more? My girl drinks about 110-120ml too. I tried giving her more but she would keep turning her head away from the teat or spit the rest all out.


Same... My girl behaves like as if I am feeding her poison at every feeding. I have to carry her in one hand, hold the bottle with the other hand and then walk around the whole house before she is willing to drink. Sigh....

Now my girl stays at my mum's place for weekdays and I bring her home on friday night. Super miss her lor. Everyday after work will fly to mum's place to spend time with her.


=D i luckier than u bought my own flat same blk as my mummy so everyday can bring princess home =D
hee hee

than before go work bring her up
than every morning i pump milk before going to work than she has some milk to drink =D mix with formula milk cus milk decreasing due to work commitment cannot afford to let me go pump =(

Same... My girl behaves like as if I am feeding her poison at every feeding. I have to carry her in one hand, hold the bottle with the other hand and then walk around the whole house before she is willing to drink. Sigh....

Now my girl stays at my mum's place for weekdays and I bring her home on friday night. Super miss her . Everyday after work will fly to mum's place to spend time with her.


hi ladies!

I'm back. U have been busy... how do you make time??

Good to hear everyone seems to be coping well w babies.

I'm doing part-time work (3 days/wk) so I don't miss baby that much. Baby is so fun & cute. She's abt 5.8 kg, not sure of her height. We're going for her 3 mth check-up & developmental assessment this Sat. I'm a bit worried that she may develop fever.

My size - I didn't go for jamu in the end cos no time. Someone was asking - I wear size XL of wacoal crosswalker.
My weight is still stuck ard 53kg. The extra bulk is stored ard butt & thighs.

She's drinking ard 110 ml per 2-3 hrs now cos we reduced feed amt (75 ml/2hr) due to some colic/vomitting issues in Jun. She has regained appetite now :) She wears size M - Pet Pet during day & Mamy Poko during night.

Christine is a smiley baby & loves attn. She is able to use her arms to swipe things now. She also yelps for attention & to be carried. I love her big toothless smile in the morning. Will try to update her pic (if I remember how to upload.)

lovely feeling...
